2 research outputs found

    On total vertex irregularity strength of some classes of tadpole chain graphs

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    A total k-labeling f that assigns V boolean OR E into {1,2, ...,k} on graph G is named vertex irregular if wt(f)(u) not equal wt(f)(v) for dissimilar vertices u, v in G with the weights wt(f) (u) = f(u) Sigma(ux is an element of E(G)) f (ux). We call the minimum number k utilized in total labeling f as a total vertex irregularity strength of G, symbolized by tvs(G). In this research, we focus on tadpole chain graphs that are chain graphs which contain tadpole graphs in their blocks. We investigate tvs of some classes of tadpole chain graphs,. i.e., T-r(4,n) and T-r(5,n) with length r. Some formulas are derived as follows: tvs(T-r(4, n)) = inverted right perpendicular(n + 1)r + 3/3inverted left perpendicular and tvs(T-r(5, n)) = inverted right perpendicular(n + 2)r + 3/3inverted left perpendicular.Publisher's Versio

    On total vertex irregularity strength of graphs

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    Martin Bača et al. [2] introduced the problem of determining the total vertex irregularity strengths of graphs. In this paper we discuss how the addition of new edge affect the total vertex irregularity strength