1 research outputs found

    Intelligent system for traffic management based on the application of fuzzy logic

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    Saobraćaj je nesumnjivo jedna od najstarijih oblasti razvoja ljudskog društva. Pored toga što je saobraćaj jedna od najstarijih oblasti, on je i jedna od tehnoloških oblasti koje se ubrzano razvijaju. Posledice razvojne ekspanzije saobraćaja su porast broja saobraćjnih sredstava, saobraćajnih puteva, gustine saobraćajnog protoka i td. Saobraćaj je privredna grana u kojoj je većina procesa stohastičke prirode...Traffic is undoubtedly one of the oldest areas of human society development. In addition to that, traffic is one of the technological areas that are developing rapidly. The consequences of the expansion of traffic areas increase in the number of traffic means, traffic routes, traffic flows and so on. Traffic is an economic branch in which almost all processes are stochastic in nature. Man was trying to regulate the behavior of all traffic participants by introducing written or unwritten rules of conduct, and later laws, in order to edit and tame his natural and unpredictable nature..