15 research outputs found

    Connected graphs cospectral with a Friendship graph

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    Let nn be any positive integer, the friendship graph FnF_n consist of nn edge-disjoint triangles that all of them meeting in one vertex. A graph GG is called cospectral with a graph HH if their adjacency matrices have the same eigenvalues. Recently in [http://arxiv.org/pdf/1310.6529v1.pdf] it is proved that if GG is any graph cospectral with FnF_n (n≠16)(n\neq 16), then G≅FnG\cong F_n. In this note, we give a proof of special case of the latter: Any connected graph cospectral with FnF_n is isomorphic to FnF_n. Our proof is independent of ones given in [http://arxiv.org/pdf/1310.6529v1.pdf] and the proofs are based on our recent results given in [Trans. Com., 2 no. 4 (2013) 37-52.] Using an upper bound for the largest eigenvalue of a connected graph given in [J. Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 81 (2001) 177-183.].Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    On the second largest eigenvalue of the signless Laplacian

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    Let GG be a graph of order n,n, and let q1(G)≥...≥qn(G)q_{1}(G) \geq ...\geq q_{n}(G) be the eigenvalues of the QQ-matrix of GG, also known as the signless Laplacian of G.G. In this paper we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the equality qk(G)=n−2,q_{k}(G) =n-2, where 1<k≤n.1<k\leq n. In particular, this result solves an open problem raised by Wang, Belardo, Huang and Borovicanin. We also show that [ q_{2}(G) \geq\delta(G)] and determine that equality holds if and only if GG is one of the following graphs: a star, a complete regular multipartite graph, the graph K1,3,3,K_{1,3,3}, or a complete multipartite graph of the type K1,...,1,2,...,2K_{1,...,1,2,...,2}.Comment: This version fills a gap in one proof, noticed by Rundan Xin

    Graphs cospectral with multicone graphs KW 5 L(P)

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    E. R. van Dam and W. H. Haemers [15] conjectured that almost all graphs are determined by their spectra. Nevertheless, the set of graphs which are known to be determined by their spectra is small. Hence, discovering infinite classes of graphs that are determined by their spectra can be an interesting problem. The aim of this paper is to characterize new classes of multicone graphs that are determined by their spectrum. A multicone graph is defined to be the join of a clique and a regular graph. It is proved that any graph cospectral with multicone graph Kw 5 L(P) is determined by its adjacency spectrum as well as its Laplacian spectrum, where Kw and L(P) denote a complete graph on w vertices and the line graph of the Petersen graph, respectively. Finally, three problems for further researches are proposed.Publisher's Versio