6 research outputs found

    Line-constrained camera location estimation in multi-image stereomatching

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    Stereomatching is an effective way of acquiring dense depth information from a scene when active measurements are not possible. So-called lightfield methods take a snapshot from many camera locations along a defined trajectory (usually uniformly linear or on a regular grid—we will assume a linear trajectory) and use this information to compute accurate depth estimates. However, they require the locations for each of the snapshots to be known: the disparity of an object between images is related to both the distance of the camera to the object and the distance between the camera positions for both images. Existing solutions use sparse feature matching for camera location estimation. In this paper, we propose a novel method that uses dense correspondences to do the same, leveraging an existing depth estimation framework to also yield the camera locations along the line. We illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique for camera location estimation both visually for the rectification of epipolar plane images and quantitatively with its effect on the resulting depth estimation. Our proposed approach yields a valid alternative for sparse techniques, while still being executed in a reasonable time on a graphics card due to its highly parallelizable nature

    Analisi variazionale del problema della minima resistenza indotta di un'ala di apertura finita

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    Nel presente elaborato è affrontato il problema della minima resistenza indotta per un'ala piana di apertura finita. E' illustrata una riformulazione del problema isoperimetrico all'interno di un contesto matematico più rigoroso. E' inoltre proposta per la prima volta, una formulazione duale di questo problema variazionale. E' infine implementata una metodologia, basata sul metodo diretto, per ottenere soluzioni approssimate con coefficiente di Oswald molto vicino ad uno