5,244 research outputs found

    Understanding Database Reconstruction Attacks on Public Data

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    In 2020 the U.S. Census Bureau will conduct the Constitutionally mandated decennial Census of Population and Housing. Because a census involves collecting large amounts of private data under the promise of confidentiality, traditionally statistics are published only at high levels of aggregation. Published statistical tables are vulnerable to DRAs (database reconstruction attacks), in which the underlying microdata is recovered merely by finding a set of microdata that is consistent with the published statistical tabulations. A DRA can be performed by using the tables to create a set of mathematical constraints and then solving the resulting set of simultaneous equations. This article shows how such an attack can be addressed by adding noise to the published tabulations, so that the reconstruction no longer results in the original data

    Optimization of Enzymatic Logic Gates and Networks for Noise Reduction and Stability

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    Biochemical computing attempts to process information with biomolecules and biological objects. In this work we review our results on analysis and optimization of single biochemical logic gates based on enzymatic reactions, and a network of three gates, for reduction of the "analog" noise buildup. For a single gate, optimization is achieved by analyzing the enzymatic reactions within a framework of kinetic equations. We demonstrate that using co-substrates with much smaller affinities than the primary substrate, a negligible increase in the noise output from the logic gate is obtained as compared to the input noise. A network of enzymatic gates is analyzed by varying selective inputs and fitting standardized few-parameters response functions assumed for each gate. This allows probing of the individual gate quality but primarily yields information on the relative contribution of the gates to noise amplification. The derived information is then used to modify experimental single gate and network systems to operate them in a regime of reduced analog noise amplification.Comment: 7 pages in PD

    Chain Reduction for Binary and Zero-Suppressed Decision Diagrams

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    Chain reduction enables reduced ordered binary decision diagrams (BDDs) and zero-suppressed binary decision diagrams (ZDDs) to each take advantage of the others' ability to symbolically represent Boolean functions in compact form. For any Boolean function, its chain-reduced ZDD (CZDD) representation will be no larger than its ZDD representation, and at most twice the size of its BDD representation. The chain-reduced BDD (CBDD) of a function will be no larger than its BDD representation, and at most three times the size of its CZDD representation. Extensions to the standard algorithms for operating on BDDs and ZDDs enable them to operate on the chain-reduced versions. Experimental evaluations on representative benchmarks for encoding word lists, solving combinatorial problems, and operating on digital circuits indicate that chain reduction can provide significant benefits in terms of both memory and execution time

    Computing with Noise - Phase Transitions in Boolean Formulas

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    Computing circuits composed of noisy logical gates and their ability to represent arbitrary Boolean functions with a given level of error are investigated within a statistical mechanics setting. Bounds on their performance, derived in the information theory literature for specific gates, are straightforwardly retrieved, generalized and identified as the corresponding typical-case phase transitions. This framework paves the way for obtaining new results on error-rates, function-depth and sensitivity, and their dependence on the gate-type and noise model used.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Programmable models of growth and mutation of cancer-cell populations

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    In this paper we propose a systematic approach to construct mathematical models describing populations of cancer-cells at different stages of disease development. The methodology we propose is based on stochastic Concurrent Constraint Programming, a flexible stochastic modelling language. The methodology is tested on (and partially motivated by) the study of prostate cancer. In particular, we prove how our method is suitable to systematically reconstruct different mathematical models of prostate cancer growth - together with interactions with different kinds of hormone therapy - at different levels of refinement.Comment: In Proceedings CompMod 2011, arXiv:1109.104

    Time-delayed models of gene regulatory networks

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    We discuss different mathematical models of gene regulatory networks as relevant to the onset and development of cancer. After discussion of alternativemodelling approaches, we use a paradigmatic two-gene network to focus on the role played by time delays in the dynamics of gene regulatory networks. We contrast the dynamics of the reduced model arising in the limit of fast mRNA dynamics with that of the full model. The review concludes with the discussion of some open problems

    A Framework for High-Accuracy Privacy-Preserving Mining

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    To preserve client privacy in the data mining process, a variety of techniques based on random perturbation of data records have been proposed recently. In this paper, we present a generalized matrix-theoretic model of random perturbation, which facilitates a systematic approach to the design of perturbation mechanisms for privacy-preserving mining. Specifically, we demonstrate that (a) the prior techniques differ only in their settings for the model parameters, and (b) through appropriate choice of parameter settings, we can derive new perturbation techniques that provide highly accurate mining results even under strict privacy guarantees. We also propose a novel perturbation mechanism wherein the model parameters are themselves characterized as random variables, and demonstrate that this feature provides significant improvements in privacy at a very marginal cost in accuracy. While our model is valid for random-perturbation-based privacy-preserving mining in general, we specifically evaluate its utility here with regard to frequent-itemset mining on a variety of real datasets. The experimental results indicate that our mechanisms incur substantially lower identity and support errors as compared to the prior techniques