6 research outputs found

    Maximal curves and Tate-Shafarevich results for quartic and sextic twists

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    We study elliptic surfaces corresponding to an equation of the specific type y2=x3+f(t)x, defined over the finite field Fq for a prime power q≡3mod4. It is shown that if s4=f(t) defines a curve that is maximal over Fq2 then the rank of the group of sections defined over Fq on the elliptic surface is determined in terms of elementary properties of the rational function f(t). Similar results are shown for elliptic surfaces given by y2=x3+g(t) using prime powers q≡5mod6 and curves s6=g(t). Finally, for each of the forms used here, existence of curves with the property that they are maximal over Fq2 is discussed, as well as various examples.</p

    On the spectrum of genera of quotients of the Hermitian curve

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    We investigate the genera of quotient curves Hq/G\mathcal H_q/G of the Fq2\mathbb F_{q^2}-maximal Hermitian curve Hq\mathcal H_q, where GG is contained in the maximal subgroup Mq≤Aut(Hq)\mathcal M_q\leq{\rm Aut}(\mathcal H_q) fixing a pole-polar pair (P,ℓ)(P,\ell) with respect to the unitary polarity associated with Hq\mathcal H_q. To this aim, a geometric and group-theoretical description of Mq\mathcal M_q is given. The genera of some other quotients Hq/G\mathcal H_q/G with G≰MqG\not\leq\mathcal M_q are also computed. Thus we obtain new values in the spectrum of genera of Fq2\mathbb F_{q^2}-maximal curves. A plane model for Hq/G\mathcal H_q/G is obtained when GG is cyclic of order p⋅dp\cdot d, with dd a divisor of q+1q+1

    New examples of maximal curves with low genus

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    We investigate the Jacobian decomposition of some algebraic curves over finite fields with genus 44, 55 and 1010. As a corollary, explicit equations for curves that are either maximal or minimal over the finite field with p2p^2 elements are obtained for infinitely many pp's. Lists of small pp's for which maximality holds are provided. In some cases we describe the automorphism group of the curve

    On the spectrum for the genera of maximal curves over small fields

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