134 research outputs found

    Coordination in multiagent systems and Laplacian spectra of digraphs

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    Constructing and studying distributed control systems requires the analysis of the Laplacian spectra and the forest structure of directed graphs. In this paper, we present some basic results of this analysis partially obtained by the present authors. We also discuss the application of these results to decentralized control and touch upon some problems of spectral graph theory.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, 40 references. To appear in Automation and Remote Control, Vol.70, No.3, 200

    The NIEP

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    The nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem (NIEP) asks which lists of nn complex numbers (counting multiplicity) occur as the eigenvalues of some nn-by-nn entry-wise nonnegative matrix. The NIEP has a long history and is a known hard (perhaps the hardest in matrix analysis?) and sought after problem. Thus, there are many subproblems and relevant results in a variety of directions. We survey most work on the problem and its several variants, with an emphasis on recent results, and include 130 references. The survey is divided into: a) the single eigenvalue problems; b) necessary conditions; c) low dimensional results; d) sufficient conditions; e) appending 0's to achieve realizability; f) the graph NIEP's; g) Perron similarities; and h) the relevance of Jordan structure

    Sign patterns that require eventual exponential nonnegativity

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    The matrix exponential function can be used to solve systems of linear differential equations. For certain applications, it is of interest whether or not the matrix exponential function of a given matrix becomes and remains entrywise nonnegative after some time. Such matrices are called eventually exponentially nonnegative. Often the exact numerical entries in the matrix are not known (for example due to uncertainty in experimental measurements), but the qualitative information is usually known. In this dissertation we discuss what structure on the signs of the entries of a matrix guarantees that the matrix is eventually exponentially nonnegative

    Generating functions of non-backtracking walks on weighted digraphs: radius of convergence and Ihara's theorem

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    It is known that the generating function associated with the enumeration of non-backtracking walks on finite graphs is a rational matrix-valued function of the parameter; such function is also closely related to graph-theoretical results such as Ihara's theorem and the zeta function on graphs. In [P. Grindrod, D. J. Higham, V. Noferini, The deformed graph Laplacian and its application to network centrality analysis, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 39(1), 310--341, 2018], the radius of convergence of the generating function was studied for simple (i.e., undirected, unweighted and with no loops) graphs, and shown to depend on the number of cycles in the graph. In this paper, we use technologies from the theory of polynomial and rational matrices to greatly extend these results by studying the radius of convergence of the corresponding generating function for general, possibly directed and/or weighted, graphs. We give an analogous characterization of the radius of convergence for directed unweighted graphs, showing that it depends on the number of cycles in the undirectization of the graph. For weighted graphs, we provide for the first time an exact formula for the radius of convergence, improving a previous result that exhibited a lower bound. Finally, we consider also backtracking-downweighted walks on unweighted digraphs, and we prove a version of Ihara's theorem in that case
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