752 research outputs found

    A pseudo-differential calculus on non-standard symplectic space; spectral and regularity results in modulation spaces

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    The usual Weyl calculus is intimately associated with the choice of the standard symplectic structure on RnRn\mathbb{R}^{n}\oplus\mathbb{R}^{n}. In this paper we will show that the replacement of this structure by an arbitrary symplectic structure leads to a pseudo-differential calculus of operators acting on functions or distributions defined, not on Rn\mathbb{R}^{n} but rather on RnRn\mathbb{R}^{n}\oplus\mathbb{R}^{n}. These operators are intertwined with the standard Weyl pseudo-differential operators using an infinite family of partial isometries of L2(Rn)L2(R2n)L^{2}(\mathbb{R}^{n})\longrightarrow L^{2}(\mathbb{R}^{2n}) \ indexed by S(Rn)\mathcal{S}(\mathbb{R}^{n}). This allows us obtain spectral and regularity results for our operators using Shubin's symbol classes and Feichtinger's modulation spaces.Comment: 32 pages, latex file, published versio

    Zitterbewegung and semiclassical observables for the Dirac equation

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    In a semiclassical context we investigate the Zitterbewegung of relativistic particles with spin 1/2 moving in external fields. It is shown that the analogue of Zitterbewegung for general observables can be removed to arbitrary order in \hbar by projecting to dynamically almost invariant subspaces of the quantum mechanical Hilbert space which are associated with particles and anti-particles. This not only allows to identify observables with a semiclassical meaning, but also to recover combined classical dynamics for the translational and spin degrees of freedom. Finally, we discuss properties of eigenspinors of a Dirac-Hamiltonian when these are projected to the almost invariant subspaces, including the phenomenon of quantum ergodicity

    A semiclassical Egorov theorem and quantum ergodicity for matrix valued operators

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    We study the semiclassical time evolution of observables given by matrix valued pseudodifferential operators and construct a decomposition of the Hilbert space L^2(\rz^d)\otimes\kz^n into a finite number of almost invariant subspaces. For a certain class of observables, that is preserved by the time evolution, we prove an Egorov theorem. We then associate with each almost invariant subspace of L^2(\rz^d)\otimes\kz^n a classical system on a product phase space \TRd\times\cO, where \cO is a compact symplectic manifold on which the classical counterpart of the matrix degrees of freedom is represented. For the projections of eigenvectors of the quantum Hamiltonian to the almost invariant subspaces we finally prove quantum ergodicity to hold, if the associated classical systems are ergodic

    Ergodic properties of a generic non-integrable quantum many-body system in thermodynamic limit

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    We study a generic but simple non-integrable quantum {\em many-body} system of {\em locally} interacting particles, namely a kicked tVt-V model of spinless fermions on 1-dim lattice (equivalent to a kicked Heisenberg XX-Z chain of 1/2 spins). Statistical properties of dynamics (quantum ergodicity and quantum mixing) and the nature of quantum transport in {\em thermodynamic limit} are considered as the kick parameters (which control the degree of non-integrability) are varied. We find and demonstrate {\em ballistic} transport and non-ergodic, non-mixing dynamics (implying infinite conductivity at all temperatures) in the {\em integrable} regime of zero or very small kick parameters, and more generally and important, also in {\em non-integrable} regime of {\em intermediate} values of kicked parameters, whereas only for sufficiently large kick parameters we recover quantum ergodicity and mixing implying normal (diffusive) transport. We propose an order parameter (charge stiffness DD) which controls the phase transition from non-mixing/non-ergodic dynamics (ordered phase, D>0D>0) to mixing/ergodic dynamics (disordered phase, D=0) in the thermodynamic limit. Furthermore, we find {\em exponential decay of time-correlation function} in the regime of mixing dynamics. The results are obtained consistently within three different numerical and analytical approaches: (i) time evolution of a finite system and direct computation of time correlation functions, (ii) full diagonalization of finite systems and statistical analysis of stationary data, and (iii) algebraic construction of quantum invariants of motion of an infinite system, in particular the time averaged observables.Comment: 18 pages in REVTeX with 14 eps figures included, Submitted to Physical Review

    Sum-of-Squares Certificates for Maxima of Random Tensors on the Sphere

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    For an nn-variate order-dd tensor AA, define Amax:=supx2=1A,xd A_{\max} := \sup_{\| x \|_2 = 1} \langle A , x^{\otimes d} \rangle to be the maximum value taken by the tensor on the unit sphere. It is known that for a random tensor with i.i.d ±1\pm 1 entries, AmaxndlogdA_{\max} \lesssim \sqrt{n\cdot d\cdot\log d} w.h.p. We study the problem of efficiently certifying upper bounds on AmaxA_{\max} via the natural relaxation from the Sum of Squares (SoS) hierarchy. Our results include: - When AA is a random order-qq tensor, we prove that qq levels of SoS certifies an upper bound BB on AmaxA_{\max} that satisfies B      Amax(nq1o(1))q/41/2w.h.p. B ~~~~\leq~~ A_{\max} \cdot \biggl(\frac{n}{q^{\,1-o(1)}}\biggr)^{q/4-1/2} \quad \text{w.h.p.} Our upper bound improves a result of Montanari and Richard (NIPS 2014) when qq is large. - We show the above bound is the best possible up to lower order terms, namely the optimum of the level-qq SoS relaxation is at least Amax(nq1+o(1))q/41/2 . A_{\max} \cdot \biggl(\frac{n}{q^{\,1+o(1)}}\biggr)^{q/4-1/2} \ . - When AA is a random order-dd tensor, we prove that qq levels of SoS certifies an upper bound BB on AmaxA_{\max} that satisfies B    Amax(O~(n)q)d/41/2w.h.p. B ~~\leq ~~ A_{\max} \cdot \biggl(\frac{\widetilde{O}(n)}{q}\biggr)^{d/4 - 1/2} \quad \text{w.h.p.} For growing qq, this improves upon the bound certified by constant levels of SoS. This answers in part, a question posed by Hopkins, Shi, and Steurer (COLT 2015), who established the tight characterization for constant levels of SoS