10 research outputs found

    Laplacian spectral characterization of some double starlike trees

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    A tree is called double starlike if it has exactly two vertices of degree greater than two. Let H(p,n,q)H(p,n,q) denote the double starlike tree obtained by attaching pp pendant vertices to one pendant vertex of the path PnP_n and qq pendant vertices to the other pendant vertex of PnP_n. In this paper, we prove that H(p,n,q)H(p,n,q) is determined by its Laplacian spectrum

    Laplacian spectral characterization of roses

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    A rose graph is a graph consisting of cycles that all meet in one vertex. We show that except for two specific examples, these rose graphs are determined by the Laplacian spectrum, thus proving a conjecture posed by Lui and Huang [F.J. Liu and Q.X. Huang, Laplacian spectral characterization of 3-rose graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 439 (2013), 2914--2920]. We also show that if two rose graphs have a so-called universal Laplacian matrix with the same spectrum, then they must be isomorphic. In memory of Horst Sachs (1927-2016), we show the specific case of the latter result for the adjacency matrix by using Sachs' theorem and a new result on the number of matchings in the disjoint union of paths

    Spectral characterizations of propeller graphs

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    A propeller graph is obtained from an \infty-graph by attaching a path to the vertex of degree four, where an \infty-graph consists of two cycles with precisely one common vertex. In this paper, we prove that all propeller graphs are determined by their Laplacian spectra as well as their signless Laplacian spectra

    Laplacian spectral characterization of some graph products

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    This paper studies the Laplacian spectral characterization of some graph products. We consider a class of connected graphs: G=G:EGVG+1\mathscr{G}={G : |EG|\leq|VG|+1}, and characterize all graphs GGG\in\mathscr{G} such that the products G×KmG\times K_m are LL-DS graphs. The main result of this paper states that, if GGG\in\mathscr{G}, except for C6C_{6} and Θ3,2,5\Theta_{3,2,5}, is LL-DS graph, so is the product G×KmG\times K_{m}. In addition, the LL-cospectral graphs with C6×KmC_{6}\times K_{m} and Θ3,2,5×Km\Theta_{3,2,5}\times K_{m} have been found.Comment: 19 pages, we showed that several types of graph product are determined by their Laplacian spectr

    Graphs determined by their generalized characteristic polynomials

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    AbstractFor a given graph G with (0,1)-adjacency matrix AG, the generalized characteristic polynomial of G is defined to be ϕG=ϕG(λ,t)=det(λI-(AG-tDG)), where I is the identity matrix and DG is the diagonal degree matrix of G. In this paper, we are mainly concerned with the problem of characterizing a given graph G by its generalized characteristic polynomial ϕG. We show that graphs with the same generalized characteristic polynomials have the same degree sequence, based on which, a unified approach is proposed to show that some families of graphs are characterized by ϕG. We also provide a method for constructing graphs with the same generalized characteristic polynomial, by using GM-switching

    Graphs whose second largest signless Laplacian eigenvalue does not exceed 2+sqrt(2)

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    For a graph G, let the signless Laplacian matrix Q(G) defined as Q(G)=D(G)+A(G), where A(G) and D(G) are, respectively, the adjacency matrix and the degree matrix of G. The Q-eigenvalues of G are the eigenvalues of Q(G). In this paper, we characterize the connected graphs whose second largest Q-eigenvalue κ2 does not exceed 2+2, obtain all the minimal forbidden subgraphs with respect to this property, and discover a large family of such graphs that are determined by their Q-spectrum. The connected graphs G such that κ2(G)=2+sqrt(2) are also detecte

    On the Spectral Characterizations of Graphs

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    Several matrices can be associated to a graph, such as the adjacency matrix or the Laplacian matrix. The spectrum of these matrices gives some informations about the structure of the graph and the question “Which graphs are determined by their spectrum?” is still a difficult problem in spectral graph theory. Let Up2q \mathcal{U}_p^{2q} be the set of graphs obtained from Cp C_p by attaching two pendant edges to each of q(qp) q (q \le p) vertices on Cp C_p , whereas Vp2q \mathcal{V}_p^{2q} the subset of Up2q \mathcal{U}_p^{2q} with odd pp and its qq vertices of degree 4 being nonadjacent to each other. In this paper, we show that each graph in Up2q \mathcal{U}_p^{2q} , pp even and its qq vertices of degree 4 being consecutive, is determined by its Laplacian spectrum. As well we show that if GG is a graph without isolated vertices and adjacency cospectral with the graph in Vpp1={H} \mathcal{V}_p^{p−1} = \{ H \} , then GH G \cong H

    On the Spectral Characterizations of Graphs

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    Several matrices can be associated to a graph, such as the adjacency matrix or the Laplacian matrix. The spectrum of these matrices gives some informations about the structure of the graph and the question “Which graphs are determined by their spectrum?” is still a difficult problem in spectral graph theory. Let p2qUp2q{\cal U}_p^{2q} be the set of graphs obtained from Cp by attaching two pendant edges to each of q (q ⩽ p) vertices on Cp, whereas p2qVp2q{\cal V}_p^{2q} the subset of p2qUp2q{\cal U}_p^{2q} with odd p and its q vertices of degree 4 being nonadjacent to each other. In this paper, we show that each graph in p2qUp2q{\cal U}_p^{2q} , p even and its q vertices of degree 4 being consecutive, is determined by its Laplacian spectrum. As well we show that if G is a graph without isolated vertices and adjacency cospectral with the graph in pp−1={H}Vpp1={H}{\cal V}_p^{p - 1} = \{ H\} , then G ≅ H

    On the spectral characterizations of graphs

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