12,079 research outputs found

    Embedding Metrics into Ultrametrics and Graphs into Spanning Trees with Constant Average Distortion

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    This paper addresses the basic question of how well can a tree approximate distances of a metric space or a graph. Given a graph, the problem of constructing a spanning tree in a graph which strongly preserves distances in the graph is a fundamental problem in network design. We present scaling distortion embeddings where the distortion scales as a function of ϵ\epsilon, with the guarantee that for each ϵ\epsilon the distortion of a fraction 1ϵ1-\epsilon of all pairs is bounded accordingly. Such a bound implies, in particular, that the \emph{average distortion} and q\ell_q-distortions are small. Specifically, our embeddings have \emph{constant} average distortion and O(logn)O(\sqrt{\log n}) 2\ell_2-distortion. This follows from the following results: we prove that any metric space embeds into an ultrametric with scaling distortion O(1/ϵ)O(\sqrt{1/\epsilon}). For the graph setting we prove that any weighted graph contains a spanning tree with scaling distortion O(1/ϵ)O(\sqrt{1/\epsilon}). These bounds are tight even for embedding in arbitrary trees. For probabilistic embedding into spanning trees we prove a scaling distortion of O~(log2(1/ϵ))\tilde{O}(\log^2 (1/\epsilon)), which implies \emph{constant} q\ell_q-distortion for every fixed q<q<\infty.Comment: Extended abstrat apears in SODA 200

    Remarks on Category-Based Routing in Social Networks

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    It is well known that individuals can route messages on short paths through social networks, given only simple information about the target and using only local knowledge about the topology. Sociologists conjecture that people find routes greedily by passing the message to an acquaintance that has more in common with the target than themselves, e.g. if a dentist in Saarbr\"ucken wants to send a message to a specific lawyer in Munich, he may forward it to someone who is a lawyer and/or lives in Munich. Modelling this setting, Eppstein et al. introduced the notion of category-based routing. The goal is to assign a set of categories to each node of a graph such that greedy routing is possible. By proving bounds on the number of categories a node has to be in we can argue about the plausibility of the underlying sociological model. In this paper we substantially improve the upper bounds introduced by Eppstein et al. and prove new lower bounds.Comment: 21 page

    Parameterized complexity of the MINCCA problem on graphs of bounded decomposability

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    In an edge-colored graph, the cost incurred at a vertex on a path when two incident edges with different colors are traversed is called reload or changeover cost. The "Minimum Changeover Cost Arborescence" (MINCCA) problem consists in finding an arborescence with a given root vertex such that the total changeover cost of the internal vertices is minimized. It has been recently proved by G\"oz\"upek et al. [TCS 2016] that the problem is FPT when parameterized by the treewidth and the maximum degree of the input graph. In this article we present the following results for the MINCCA problem: - the problem is W[1]-hard parameterized by the treedepth of the input graph, even on graphs of average degree at most 8. In particular, it is W[1]-hard parameterized by the treewidth of the input graph, which answers the main open problem of G\"oz\"upek et al. [TCS 2016]; - it is W[1]-hard on multigraphs parameterized by the tree-cutwidth of the input multigraph; - it is FPT parameterized by the star tree-cutwidth of the input graph, which is a slightly restricted version of tree-cutwidth. This result strictly generalizes the FPT result given in G\"oz\"upek et al. [TCS 2016]; - it remains NP-hard on planar graphs even when restricted to instances with at most 6 colors and 0/1 symmetric costs, or when restricted to instances with at most 8 colors, maximum degree bounded by 4, and 0/1 symmetric costs.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure