5,299 research outputs found

    The Size-Ramsey Number of 3-uniform Tight Paths

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    Given a hypergraph H, the size-Ramsey number ˆr2(H) is the smallest integer m such that there exists a hypergraph G with m edges with the property that in any colouring of the edges of G with two colours there is a monochromatic copy of H. We prove that the size-Ramsey number of the 3-uniform tight path on n vertices Pn(3) is linear in n, i.e., ˆr2(Pn(3)) = O(n). This answers a question by Dudek, La Fleur, Mubayi, and Rödl for 3-uniform hypergraphs [On the size-Ramsey number of hypergraphs, J. Graph Theory 86 (2016), 417–434], who proved ˆr2(Pn(3)) = O(n3/2 log3/2 n)

    The size-Ramsey Number of 3-uniform tight paths

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    Given a hypergraph H, the size-Ramsey number ˆr2(H) is the smallest integer m such that there exists a hypergraph G with m edges with the property that in any colouring of the edges of G with two colours there is a monochromatic copy of H. We prove that the size-Ramsey number of the 3-uniform tight path on n vertices Pn(3) is linear in n, i.e., ˆr2(Pn(3)) = O(n). This answers a question by Dudek, La Fleur, Mubayi, and Rödl for 3-uniform hypergraphs [On the size-Ramsey number of hypergraphs, J. Graph Theory 86 (2016), 417–434], who proved ˆr2(Pn(3)) = O(n3/2 log3/2 n)

    The upper bound of the spectral radius for the hypergraphs without Berge-graphs

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    The spectral analogue of the Tur\'{a}n type problem for hypergraphs is to determine the maximum spectral radius for the hypergraphs of order nn that do not contain a given hypergraph. For the hypergraphs among the set of the connected linear 33-uniform hypergraphs on nn vertices without the Berge-ClC_l, we present two upper bounds for their spectral radius and α\alpha-spectral radius, which are related to nn,ll and α\alpha, where ClC_l is a cycle of length ll with l⩾5l\geqslant 5, n⩾3n\geqslant 3 and 0⩽α<10 \leqslant \alpha<1. Let BsB_s be an ss-book with s⩾2s\geqslant2 and Ks,tK_{s,t} be a complete bipartite graph with two parts of size ss and tt, respectively, where s,t⩾1s,t \geqslant 1. For the hypergraphs among the set of the connected linear kk-uniform hypergraphs on nn vertices without the Berge-{Bs,K2,t}\{B_s, K_{2,t}\}, we derive two upper bounds for their spectral radius and α\alpha-spectral radius, which depend on nn, kk, ss, and α\alpha, where nn,k⩾3k\geqslant 3,s⩾2s\geqslant 2,1⩽t⩽12(6k2−15k+10)(s−1)+11\leqslant t\leqslant \frac{1}{2}(6k^2-15k+10)(s-1)+1, and 0⩽α<10\leqslant \alpha <1.Comment: 16 page

    Dense peelable random uniform hypergraphs

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    We describe a new family of k-uniform hypergraphs with independent random edges. The hypergraphs have a high probability of being peelable, i.e. to admit no sub-hypergraph of minimum degree 2, even when the edge density (number of edges over vertices) is close to 1. In our construction, the vertex set is partitioned into linearly arranged segments and each edge is incident to random vertices of k consecutive segments. Quite surprisingly, the linear geometry allows our graphs to be peeled "from the outside in". The density thresholds f_k for peelability of our hypergraphs (f_3 ~ 0.918, f_4 ~ 0.977, f_5 ~ 0.992, ...) are well beyond the corresponding thresholds (c_3 ~ 0.818, c_4 ~ 0.772, c_5 ~ 0.702, ...) of standard k-uniform random hypergraphs. To get a grip on f_k, we analyse an idealised peeling process on the random weak limit of our hypergraph family. The process can be described in terms of an operator on [0,1]^Z and f_k can be linked to thresholds relating to the operator. These thresholds are then tractable with numerical methods. Random hypergraphs underlie the construction of various data structures based on hashing, for instance invertible Bloom filters, perfect hash functions, retrieval data structures, error correcting codes and cuckoo hash tables, where inputs are mapped to edges using hash functions. Frequently, the data structures rely on peelability of the hypergraph or peelability allows for simple linear time algorithms. Memory efficiency is closely tied to edge density while worst and average case query times are tied to maximum and average edge size. To demonstrate the usefulness of our construction, we used our 3-uniform hypergraphs as a drop-in replacement for the standard 3-uniform hypergraphs in a retrieval data structure by Botelho et al. [Fabiano Cupertino Botelho et al., 2013]. This reduces memory usage from 1.23m bits to 1.12m bits (m being the input size) with almost no change in running time. Using k > 3 attains, at small sacrifices in running time, further improvements to memory usage

    Coloring Algorithms for Graphs and Hypergraphs with Forbidden Substructures

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    This thesis mainly focus on complexity results of the generalized version of the rr-Coloring Problem, the rr-Pre-Coloring Extension Problem and the List rr-Coloring Problem restricted to hypergraphs and ordered graphs with forbidden substructures. In the context of forbidding non-induced substructure in hypergraphs, we obtain complete complexity dichotomies of the rr-Coloring Problem and the rr-Pre-Coloring Extension Problem in hypergraphs with bounded edge size and bounded matching number, as well as the rr-Pre-Coloring Extension Problem in hypergraphs with uniform edge size and bounded matching number. We also get partial complexity result of the rr-Coloring Problem in hypergraphs with uniform edge size and bounded matching number. Additionally, we study the Maximum Stable Set Problem and the Maximum Weight Stable Set Problem in hypergraphs. We obtain complexity dichotomies of these problems in hypergraphs with uniform edge size and bounded matching number. We then give a polynomial-time algorithm of the 2-Coloring Problem restricted to the class of 3-uniform hypergraphs excluding a fixed one-edge induced subhypergraph. We also consider linear hypergraphs and show that 3-Coloring in linear 3-uniform hypergraphs with either bounded matching size or bounded induced matching size is NP-hard if the bound is a large enough constant. This thesis also contains a near-dichotomy of complexity results for ordered graphs. We prove that the List-3-Coloring Problem in ordered graphs with a forbidden induced ordered subgraph is polynomial-time solvable if the ordered subgraph contains only one edge, or it is isomorphic to some fixed ordered 3-vertex path plus isolated vertices. On the other hand, it is NP-hard if the ordered subgraph contains at least three edges, or contains a vertex of degree two and does not satisfy the polynomial-time case mentioned before, or contains two non-adjacent edges with a specific ordering. The complexity result when forbidding a few ordered subgraphs with exactly two edges is still unknown

    Linear trees in uniform hypergraphs

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    Given a tree T on v vertices and an integer k exceeding one. One can define the k-expansion T^k as a k-uniform linear hypergraph by enlarging each edge with a new, distinct set of (k-2) vertices. Then T^k has v+ (v-1)(k-2) vertices. The aim of this paper is to show that using the delta-system method one can easily determine asymptotically the size of the largest T^k-free n-vertex hypergraph, i.e., the Turan number of T^k.Comment: Slightly revised, 14 pages, originally presented on Eurocomb 201

    Spectral Properties of Oriented Hypergraphs

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    An oriented hypergraph is a hypergraph where each vertex-edge incidence is given a label of +1+1 or −1-1. The adjacency and Laplacian eigenvalues of an oriented hypergraph are studied. Eigenvalue bounds for both the adjacency and Laplacian matrices of an oriented hypergraph which depend on structural parameters of the oriented hypergraph are found. An oriented hypergraph and its incidence dual are shown to have the same nonzero Laplacian eigenvalues. A family of oriented hypergraphs with uniformally labeled incidences is also studied. This family provides a hypergraphic generalization of the signless Laplacian of a graph and also suggests a natural way to define the adjacency and Laplacian matrices of a hypergraph. Some results presented generalize both graph and signed graph results to a hypergraphic setting.Comment: For the published version of the article see http://repository.uwyo.edu/ela/vol27/iss1/24
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