1,013 research outputs found

    Fundamental polytopes of metric trees via parallel connections of matroids

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    We tackle the problem of a combinatorial classification of finite metric spaces via their fundamental polytopes, as suggested by Vershik in 2010. In this paper we consider a hyperplane arrangement associated to every split pseudometric and, for tree-like metrics, we study the combinatorics of its underlying matroid. We give explicit formulas for the face numbers of fundamental polytopes and Lipschitz polytopes of all tree-like metrics, and we characterize the metric trees for which the fundamental polytope is simplicial.Comment: 20 pages, 2 Figures, 1 Table. Exposition improved, references and new results (last section) adde

    Affine Symmetries of Orbit Polytopes

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    An orbit polytope is the convex hull of an orbit under a finite group G≀GL⁥(d,R)G \leq \operatorname{GL}(d,\mathbb{R}). We develop a general theory of possible affine symmetry groups of orbit polytopes. For every group, we define an open and dense set of generic points such that the orbit polytopes of generic points have conjugated affine symmetry groups. We prove that the symmetry group of a generic orbit polytope is again GG if GG is itself the affine symmetry group of some orbit polytope, or if GG is absolutely irreducible. On the other hand, we describe some general cases where the affine symmetry group grows. We apply our theory to representation polytopes (the convex hull of a finite matrix group) and show that their affine symmetries can be computed effectively from a certain character. We use this to construct counterexamples to a conjecture of Baumeister et~al.\ on permutation polytopes [Advances in Math. 222 (2009), 431--452, Conjecture~5.4].Comment: v2: Referee comments implemented, last section updated. Numbering of results changed only in Sections 9 and 10. v3: Some typos corrected. Final version as published. 36 pages, 5 figures (TikZ

    Ehrhart clutters: Regularity and Max-Flow Min-Cut

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    If C is a clutter with n vertices and q edges whose clutter matrix has column vectors V={v1,...,vq}, we call C an Ehrhart clutter if {(v1,1),...,(vq,1)} is a Hilbert basis. Letting A(P) be the Ehrhart ring of P=conv(V), we are able to show that if A is the clutter matrix of a uniform, unmixed MFMC clutter C, then C is an Ehrhart clutter and in this case we provide sharp bounds on the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of A(P). Motivated by the Conforti-Cornuejols conjecture on packing problems, we conjecture that if C is both ideal and the clique clutter of a perfect graph, then C has the MFMC property. We prove this conjecture for Meyniel graphs, by showing that the clique clutters of Meyniel graphs are Ehrhart clutters. In much the same spirit, we provide a simple proof of our conjecture when C is a uniform clique clutter of a perfect graph. We close with a generalization of Ehrhart clutters as it relates to total dual integrality.Comment: Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, to appea

    Positive configuration space

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    We define and study the totally nonnegative part of the Chow quotient of the Grassmannian, or more simply the nonnegative configuration space. This space has a natural stratification by positive Chow cells, and we show that nonnegative configuration space is homeomorphic to a polytope as a stratified space. We establish bijections between positive Chow cells and the following sets: (a) regular subdivisions of the hypersimplex into positroid polytopes, (b) the set of cones in the positive tropical Grassmannian, and (c) the set of cones in the positive Dressian. Our work is motivated by connections to super Yang-Mills scattering amplitudes, which will be discussed in a sequel.Comment: 46 pages; citations adde

    Tropical cycles and Chow polytopes

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    The Chow polytope of an algebraic cycle in a torus depends only on its tropicalisation. Generalising this, we associate a Chow polytope to any abstract tropical variety in a tropicalised toric variety. Several significant polyhedra associated to tropical varieties are special cases of our Chow polytope. The Chow polytope of a tropical variety XX is given by a simple combinatorial construction: its normal subdivision is the Minkowski sum of XX and a reflected skeleton of the fan of the ambient toric variety.Comment: 22 pp, 3 figs. Added discussion of arbitrary ambient toric varieties; several improvements suggested by Eric Katz; some rearrangemen

    Generalized Permutohedra from Probabilistic Graphical Models

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    A graphical model encodes conditional independence relations via the Markov properties. For an undirected graph these conditional independence relations can be represented by a simple polytope known as the graph associahedron, which can be constructed as a Minkowski sum of standard simplices. There is an analogous polytope for conditional independence relations coming from a regular Gaussian model, and it can be defined using multiinformation or relative entropy. For directed acyclic graphical models and also for mixed graphical models containing undirected, directed and bidirected edges, we give a construction of this polytope, up to equivalence of normal fans, as a Minkowski sum of matroid polytopes. Finally, we apply this geometric insight to construct a new ordering-based search algorithm for causal inference via directed acyclic graphical models.Comment: Appendix B is expanded. Final version to appear in SIAM J. Discrete Mat

    Average case polyhedral complexity of the maximum stable set problem

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    We study the minimum number of constraints needed to formulate random instances of the maximum stable set problem via linear programs (LPs), in two distinct models. In the uniform model, the constraints of the LP are not allowed to depend on the input graph, which should be encoded solely in the objective function. There we prove a 2Ω(n/log⁥n)2^{\Omega(n/ \log n)} lower bound with probability at least 1−2−2n1 - 2^{-2^n} for every LP that is exact for a randomly selected set of instances; each graph on at most n vertices being selected independently with probability p≄2−(n/42)+np \geq 2^{-\binom{n/4}{2}+n}. In the non-uniform model, the constraints of the LP may depend on the input graph, but we allow weights on the vertices. The input graph is sampled according to the G(n, p) model. There we obtain upper and lower bounds holding with high probability for various ranges of p. We obtain a super-polynomial lower bound all the way from p=Ω(log⁥6+Δ/n)p = \Omega(\log^{6+\varepsilon} / n) to p=o(1/log⁥n)p = o (1 / \log n). Our upper bound is close to this as there is only an essentially quadratic gap in the exponent, which currently also exists in the worst-case model. Finally, we state a conjecture that would close this gap, both in the average-case and worst-case models
