8 research outputs found

    On the membership of invertible diagonal and scalar matrices

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    AbstractIn this paper, we consider decidability questions that are related to the membership problem in matrix semigroups. In particular, we consider the membership of a given invertible diagonal matrix in a matrix semigroup and then a scalar matrix, which has a separate geometric interpretation. Both problems have been open for any dimensions and are shown to be undecidable in dimension 4 with integral matrices by a reduction of the Post Correspondence Problem (PCP). Although the idea of PCP reduction is standard for such problems, we suggest a new coding technique to cover the case of diagonal matrices

    On the membership of invertible diagonal and scalar matrices

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    In this paper, we consider decidability questions that are related to the membership problem in matrix semigroups. In particular, we consider the membership of a given invertible diagonal matrix in a matrix semigroup and then a scalar matrix, which has a separate geometric interpretation. Both problems have been open for any dimensions and are shown to be undecidable in dimension 4 with integral matrices by a reduction of the Post Correspondence Problem (PCP). Although the idea of PCP reduction is standard for such problems, we suggest a new coding technique to cover the case of diagonal matrices

    The Identity Correspondence Problem and its Applications

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    In this paper we study several closely related fundamental problems for words and matrices. First, we introduce the Identity Correspondence Problem (ICP): whether a finite set of pairs of words (over a group alphabet) can generate an identity pair by a sequence of concatenations. We prove that ICP is undecidable by a reduction of Post's Correspondence Problem via several new encoding techniques. In the second part of the paper we use ICP to answer a long standing open problem concerning matrix semigroups: "Is it decidable for a finitely generated semigroup S of square integral matrices whether or not the identity matrix belongs to S?". We show that the problem is undecidable starting from dimension four even when the number of matrices in the generator is 48. From this fact, we can immediately derive that the fundamental problem of whether a finite set of matrices generates a group is also undecidable. We also answer several question for matrices over different number fields. Apart from the application to matrix problems, we believe that the Identity Correspondence Problem will also be useful in identifying new areas of undecidable problems in abstract algebra, computational questions in logic and combinatorics on words.Comment: We have made some proofs clearer and fixed an important typo from the published journal version of this article, see footnote 3 on page 1

    Matrix equations and Hilbert's tenth problem

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    We show a reduction of Hilbert's tenth problem to the solvability of the matrix equation Xi1 1 Xi2 2 Xik k = Z over non-commuting integral matrices, where Z is the zero matrix, thus proving that the solvability of the equation is undecidable. This is in contrast to the case whereby the matrix semigroup is commutative in which the solvability of the same equation was shown to be decidable in general. The restricted problem where k = 2 for commutative matrices is known as the \A-B-C Problem" and we show that this problem is decidable even for a pair of non-commutative matrices over an algebraic number field

    On the undecidability of the identity correspondence problem and its applications for word and matrix semigroups

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    In this paper we study several closely related fundamental problems for words and matrices. First, we introduce the Identity Correspondence Problem (ICP): whether a nite set of pairs of words (over a group alphabet) can generate an identity pair by a sequence of concatenations. We prove that ICP is undecidable by a reduction of Post's Correspondence Problem via several new encoding techniques. In the second part of the paper we use ICP to answer a long standing open problem concerning matrix semigroups: \Is it decidable for a nitely generated semigroup S of integral square matrices whether or not the identity matrix belongs to S?". We show that the problem is undecidable starting from dimension four even when the number of matrices in the generator is 48. From this fact, we can immediately derive that the fundamental problem of whether a nite set of matrices generates a group is also undecidable. We also answer several questions for matrices over di erent number elds. Apart from the application to matrix problems, we believe that the Identity Correspondence Problem will also be useful in identifying new areas of undecidable problems in abstract algebra, computational questions in logic and combinatorics on words

    Reachability problems in quaternion matrix and rotation semigroups

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    We examine computational problems on quaternion matrix and rotation semigroups. It is shown that in the ultimate case of quaternion matrices, in which multiplication is still associative, most of the decision problems for matrix semigroups are undecidable in dimension two. The geometric interpretation of matrix problems over quaternions is presented in terms of rotation problems for the 2- and 3-sphere. In particular, we show that the reachability of the rotation problem is undecidable on the 3-sphere and other rotation problems can be formulated as matrix problems over complex and hypercomplex numbers

    Computational problems in matrix semigroups

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    This thesis deals with computational problems that are defined on matrix semigroups, which playa pivotal role in Mathematics and Computer Science in such areas as control theory, dynamical systems, hybrid systems, computational geometry and both classical and quantum computing to name but a few. Properties that researchers wish to study in such fields often turn out to be questions regarding the structure of the underlying matrix semigroup and thus the study of computational problems on such algebraic structures in linear algebra is of intrinsic importance. Many natural problems concerning matrix semigroups can be proven to be intractable or indeed even unsolvable in a formal mathematical sense. Thus, related problems concerning physical, chemical and biological systems modelled by such structures have properties which are not amenable to algorithmic procedures to determine their values. With such recalcitrant problems we often find that there exists a tight border between decidability and undecidability dependent upon particular parameters of the system. Examining this border allows us to determine which properties we can hope to derive algorithmically and those problems which will forever be out of our reach, regardless of any future advances in computational speed. There are a plethora of open problems in the field related to dynamical systems, control theory and number theory which we detail throughout this thesis. We examine undecidability in matrix semigroups for a variety of different problems such as membership and vector reachability problems, semigroup intersection emptiness testing and freeness, all of which are well known from the literature. We also formulate and survey decidability questions for several new problems such as vector ambiguity, recurrent matrix problems, the presence of any diagonal matrix and quaternion matrix semigroups, all of which we feel give a broader perspective to the underlying structure of matrix semigroups