8,148 research outputs found

    Analysis of judgmental adjustments in the presence of promotions

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    Sales forecasting is increasingly complex due to many factors, such as product life cycles that have become shorter, more competitive markets and aggressive marketing. Often, forecasts are produced using a Forecasting Support System that integrates univariate statistical forecasts with judgment from experts in the organization. Managers add information to the forecast, like future promotions, potentially improving accuracy. Despite the importance of judgment and promotions, the literature devoted to study their relationship on forecasting performance is scarce. We analyze managerial adjustments accuracy under periods of promotions, based on weekly data from a manufacturing company. Intervention analysis is used to establish whether judgmental adjustments can be replaced by multivariate statistical models when responding to promotional information. We show that judgmental adjustments can enhance baseline forecasts during promotions, but not systematically. Transfer function models based on past promotions information achieved lower overall forecasting errors. Finally, a hybrid model illustrates the fact that human experts still added value to the transfer function models

    Forecasting Player Behavioral Data and Simulating in-Game Events

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    Understanding player behavior is fundamental in game data science. Video games evolve as players interact with the game, so being able to foresee player experience would help to ensure a successful game development. In particular, game developers need to evaluate beforehand the impact of in-game events. Simulation optimization of these events is crucial to increase player engagement and maximize monetization. We present an experimental analysis of several methods to forecast game-related variables, with two main aims: to obtain accurate predictions of in-app purchases and playtime in an operational production environment, and to perform simulations of in-game events in order to maximize sales and playtime. Our ultimate purpose is to take a step towards the data-driven development of games. The results suggest that, even though the performance of traditional approaches such as ARIMA is still better, the outcomes of state-of-the-art techniques like deep learning are promising. Deep learning comes up as a well-suited general model that could be used to forecast a variety of time series with different dynamic behaviors

    Persistence models and marketing strategy.

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    Marketing; Persistence; Models; Model; Strategy;

    Persistence Modeling for Assessing Marketing Strategy Performance

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    The question of long-run market response lies at the heart of any marketing strategy that tries to create a sustainable competitive advantage for the firm or brand. A key challenge, however, is that only short-run results of marketing actions are readily observable. Persistence modeling addresses the problem of long-run market-response quantification by combining into one measure of “net long-run impact†the chain reaction of consumer response, firm feedback and competitor response that emerges following the initial marketing action. In this paper, we (i) summarize recent marketing-strategic insights that have been accumulated through various persistence modeling applications, (ii) provide an introduction to some of the most frequently used persistence modeling techniques, and (iii) identify some other strategic research questions where persistence modeling may prove to be particularly valuable.long-run effectiveness;marketing strategy;time-series analysis

    Long-run marketing inferences from scanner data.

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    Good marketing decisions require managers' understanding of the nature of the market-response function relating performance measures such as sales and market share to variations in the marketing mix (product, price, distribution and communications efforts). Our paper focuses on the dynamic aspect of market-response functions, i.e. how current marketing actions affect current and future market response. While conventional econometrics has been the dominant methodology in empirical market-response analyses, time-series analysis offers unique opportunities for pushing the frontier in dynamic research. This paper examines the contributions an d the future outlook of time-series analysis in market-response modeling. We conclude first, that time series analysis has made a relatively limited overall contribution to the discipline, and investigate reasons why that has been the case. However, major advances in data (transactions-based databases and in modeling technology (long-term time-series modeling) create new opportunities for time-series techniques in marketing, in particular for the study of long-run marketing effectiveness. We discuss four major aspects of long -term time-series modeling, relate them to substantive marketing problems, and describe some early applications. Combining the new data with the new methods, we then present original empirical results on the long-term behavior of brand sales and category sales for four consumer products. We discuss the implications of our findings for future research in market response. Our observations lead us to identify three areas where additional research could enhance the diffusion of the identified time-series concepts in marketing.Data; Marketing;

    Classification of Empirical Work on Sales Promotion: A Synthesis for Managerial Decision Making

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    Sales Promotion activities have gained strategic focus as markets are getting complex and competitive. Key managerial concerns in this area are budget allocation across elements of promotions as well as trade vis. consumer promotion, how to design individual sales promotion techniques and a calendar in face of competitive promotions, how to manage them and evaluate the short-term and long-term impact of the same. The objective of this paper is to present, through Meta-analysis, an overview of recent contributions appearing in scholastic journals relevant to the field of Sales Promotion, to classify them into different classificatory framework, report key findings, highlight the managerial implications and raise issues. The database used is the EBSCO host available on VSLLAN (Library)- Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad). The selection procedure consisted of peer-reviewed scholarly contributions for recent five year period. Out of more than 700 articles 64 article were selected which were analyzed for classifying them into • Perspective addressed: Manufacturer, retailer or consumer. • Market [country where the research was undertaken] • Type of promotion activity addressed - coupon, contest, price cut etc. • Management function addressed: planning, implementation, control [evaluation] • It was found that majority of the articles addressed manufacturers perspectives ; almost all studies were done in developed countries ; coupon as a consumer promotion tool was widely researched; and more than half of the articles were addressing planning related issues. Finally attempt has been made to synthesize managerial implications of the studies under broad topic areas for guidelines for managers.

    Time-Series Models in Marketing

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    Marketing data appear in a variety of forms. An often-seen form is time-series data, like sales per month, prices over the last few years, market shares per week. Time-series data can be summarized in time-series models. In this chapter we review a few of these, focusing in particular on domains that have received considerable attention in the marketing literature. These are (1) the use of persistence modelling and (2) the use of state space models.Marketing;Persistence;State Space;Time Series

    Reference-based transitions in short-run price elasticity

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    Marketing literature has long recognized that price response need not be monotonic and symmetric, but has yet to provide generalizable market-level insights on reference price type, asymmetric thresholds and sign and magnitude of elasticity transitions. In this paper, we introduce smooth transition models to study reference-based price response across 25 fast moving consumer good categories. Our application to 100 brands shows that 77% demonstrate reference-based price response, of which 36% reflects historical reference prices, 31% reflects competitive reference prices, and 33% reflects both types of reference prices. This reference-based price response shows asymmetry for gains versus losses on three levels: the threshold size, the sign and the magnitude of the elasticity difference. For historical reference prices, the threshold size is larger for gains (20%) than for losses (12%) and the assimilation/contrast effects for gains (-0.41) are smaller than the saturation effects for losses (0.81). For competitive reference prices, the threshold size is smaller for gains (3%) than for losses (16%), and the saturation effects are larger for gains (0.33) than for losses (0.15). These results are moderated by both brand and category characteristics that affect reference price accessibility and diagnosticity. Historical reference prices more often play a role for national brands, for planned purchases and in inexpensive categories with low price volatility and high purchase frequency. When price discounting, high-share brands face larger latitudes of acceptance. When raising prices, saturation effects set in later for brands with high price volatility and for categories with high price spread and for planned purchases. As for competitive reference prices, saturation effects set in later for expensive brands with high price volatility and in categories with lower price volatility, higher price spread and higher concentration. Sales, revenue and margin implications are illustrated for price changes typically observed in consumer markets.asymmetric price thresholds;competitive versus historical reference prices;empirical generalizations;kinked demand curve;saturation versus assimilation/contrast effects;smooth-transition regression models

    Demand forecasting with high dimensional data: The case of SKU retail sales forecasting with intra- and inter-category promotional information

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    In marketing analytics applications in OR, the modeler often faces the problem of selecting key variables from a large number of possibilities. For example, SKU level retail store sales are affected by inter and intra category effects which potentially need to be considered when deciding on promotional strategy and producing operational forecasts. But no research has yet put this well accepted concept into forecasting practice: an obvious obstacle is the ultra-high dimensionality of the variable space. This paper develops a four steps methodological framework to overcome the problem. It is illustrated by investigating the value of both intra- and inter-category SKU level promotional information in improving forecast accuracy. The method consists of the identification of potentially influential categories, the building of the explanatory variable space, variable selection and model estimation by a multistage LASSO regression, and the use of a rolling scheme to generate forecasts. The success of this new method for dealing with high dimensionality is demonstrated by improvements in forecasting accuracy compared to alternative methods of simplifying the variable space. The empirical results show that models integrating more information perform significantly better than the baseline model when using the proposed methodology framework. In general, we can improve the forecasting accuracy by 12.6 percent over the model using only the SKU's own predictors. But of the improvements achieved, 95 percent of it comes from the intra-category information, and only 5 percent from the inter-category information. The substantive marketing results also have implications for promotional category management

    Forecasting with multivariate temporal aggregation:the case of promotional modelling

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    Demand forecasting is central to decision making and operations in organisations. As the volume of forecasts increases, for example due to an increased product customisation that leads to more SKUs being traded, or a reduction in the length of the forecasting cycle, there is a pressing need for reliable automated forecasting. Conventionally, companies rely on a statistical baseline forecast that captures only past demand patterns, which is subsequently adjusted by human experts to incorporate additional information such as promotions. Although there is evidence that such process adds value to forecasting, it is questionable how much it can scale up, due to the human element. Instead, in the literature it has been proposed to enhance the baseline forecasts with external well-structured information, such as the promotional plan of the company, and let experts focus on the less structured information, thus reducing their workload and allowing them to focus where they can add most value. This change in forecasting support systems requires reliable multivariate forecasting models that can be automated, accurate and robust. This paper proposes an extension of the recently proposed Muliple Aggregation Prediction Algorithm (MAPA), which uses temporal aggregation to improve upon the established exponential smoothing family of methods. MAPA is attractive as it has been found to increase both the accuracy and robustness of exponential smoothing. The extended multivariate MAPA is evaluated against established benchmarks in modelling a number of heavily promoted products and is found to perform well in terms of forecast bias and accuracy. Furthermore, we demonstrate that modelling time series using multiple temporal aggregation levels makes the final forecast robust to model misspecification