11,636 research outputs found

    On the generalized bin packing problem

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    The generalized bin packing problem (GBPP) is a novel packing problem arising in many transportation and logistic settings, characterized by multiple items and bins attributes and the presence of both compulsory and non-compulsory items. In this paper, we study the computational complexity and the approximability of the GBPP. We prove that the GBPP cannot be approximated by any constant, unless P = NP. We also study the particular case of a single bin type and show that when an unlimited number of bins is available, the GBPP can be reduced to the bin packing with rejection (BPR) problem, which is approximable. We also prove that the GBPP satisfies Bellman’s optimality principle and, exploiting this result, we develop a dynamic programming solution approach. Finally, we study the behavior of standard and widespread heuristics such as the first fit, best fit, first fit decreasing, and best fit decreasing.We show that while they successfully approximate previous versions of bin packing problems, they fail to approximate the GBPP

    Generalized Bin Packing Problems

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    Packing problems make up a fundamental topic of combinatorial optimization. Their importance is confirmed both by their wide range of scientific and technological applications they are able to address and by their theoretical implications. In fact, they are exploited in many fields such as computer science and technologies, industrial applications, transportation and logistics, and telecommunications. From a theoretical perspective, packing problems often appear as sub-problems in order to iteratively solve bigger problems. Although packing problems play a fundamental role in all these settings, there is a gap in terms of comprehensive study in the literature. In fact, the joint presence of both compulsory and non-compulsory items has not been considered yet. This particular setting arises in many real-life applications, not yet addressed or only partially addressed by the current state-of-the-art packing problems. Furthermore, little has been done in terms of unified methodologies, and different techniques have been used in order to solve packing problems with different objective functions. In particular, none of these techniques is able to address the presence of compulsory and non-compulsory items at the same time. In order to overcome a noteworthy portion of this gap, we formulated a new packing problem, named the Generalized Bin Packing Problem (GBPP), characterized by both compulsory and non-compulsory items, and multiple item and bin attributes. Packing problems have also been studied within stochastic settings where the items are affected by uncertainty. In these settings, there are fundamentally two kinds of stochasticity concerning the items: 1) stochasticity of the item attributes, where one attribute is affected by uncertainty and modeled as a random variable or 2) stochasticity of the item availability, i.e., the items are not known a priori but they arrive on-line in an unpredictable way to a decision maker. Although packing problems have been studied according to these stochastic variants, the GBPP with uncertainty on the items is still an open problem. Therefore, we have also studied two stochastic variants of the GBPP, named the Stochastic Generalized Bin Packing Problem (S-GBPP) and the On-line Generalized Bin Packing Problem (OGBPP). Our main results concern the development of models and unified methodologies of these new packing problems, making up, as done for the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) with the definition of the so called Rich Vehicle Routing Problems, a new family of advanced packing problems named Generalized Bin Packing Problem

    Mathematical Models and Exact Algorithms for the Colored Bin Packing Problem

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    This paper focuses on exact approaches for the Colored Bin Packing Problem (CBPP), a generalization of the classical one-dimensional Bin Packing Problem in which each item has, in addition to its length, a color, and no two items of the same color can appear consecutively in the same bin. To simplify modeling, we present a characterization of any feasible packing of this problem in a way that does not depend on its ordering. Furthermore, we present four exact algorithms for the CBPP. First, we propose a generalization of Val\'erio de Carvalho's arc flow formulation for the CBPP using a graph with multiple layers, each representing a color. Second, we present an improved arc flow formulation that uses a more compact graph and has the same linear relaxation bound as the first formulation. And finally, we design two exponential set-partition models based on reductions to a generalized vehicle routing problem, which are solved by a branch-cut-and-price algorithm through VRPSolver. To compare the proposed algorithms, a varied benchmark set with 574 instances of the CBPP is presented. Results show that the best model, our improved arc flow formulation, was able to solve over 62% of the proposed instances to optimality, the largest of which with 500 items and 37 colors. While being able to solve fewer instances in total, the set-partition models exceeded their arc flow counterparts in instances with a very small number of colors

    Generalized Assignment of Time-Sensitive Item Groups

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    We study the generalized assignment problem with time-sensitive item groups (chi-AGAP). It has central applications in advertisement placement on the Internet, and in virtual network embedding in Cloud data centers. We are given a set of items, partitioned into n groups, and a set of T identical bins (or, time-slots). Each group 1 0 and a non-negative utility u_{it} when packed into bin t in chi_j. A bin can accommodate at most one item from each group and the total size of the items in a bin cannot exceed its capacity. The goal is to find a feasible packing of a subset of the items in the bins such that the total utility from groups that are completely packed is maximized. Our main result is an Omega(1)-approximation algorithm for chi-AGAP. Our approximation technique relies on a non-trivial rounding of a configuration LP, which can be adapted to other common scenarios of resource allocation in Cloud data centers

    A PTAS for the Multiple Knapsack Problem

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    The Multiple Knapsack problem (MKP) is a natural and well known generalization of the single knapsack problem and is defined as follows. We are given a set of n items and m bins (knapsacks) such that each item i has a profit p(i) and a size s(i), and each bin j has a capacity c(j). The goal is to find a subset of items of maximum profit such that they have a feasible packing in the bins. MKP is a special case of the Generalized Assignment problem (GAP) where the profit and the size of an item can vary based on the specific bin that it is assigned to. GAP is APX-hard and a 2-approximation for it is implicit in the work of Shmoys and Tardos [26], and thus far, this was also the best known approximation for MKP. The main result of this paper is a polynomial time approximation scheme for MKP. Apart from its inherent theoretical interest as a common generalization of the well-studied knapsack and bin packing problems, it appears to be the strongest special case of GAP that is not APX-hard. We substantiate this by showing that slight generalizations of MKP are APX-hard. Thus our results help demarcate the boundary at which instances of GAP become APX-hard. An interesting aspect of our approach is a ptas-preserving reduction from an arbitrary instance of MKP to an instance with O(log n) distinct sizes and profits

    The Generalized Bin Packing Problem

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    In the Generalized Bin Packing Problem a set of items characterized by volume and profit and a set of bins of different types characterized by volume and cost are given. The goal consists in selecting those items and bins which optimize an objective function which combines the cost of the used bins and the profit of the selected items. We propose two methods to tackle the problem: branch-and-price as an exact method and beam search as a heuristics, derived from the branch-and-price. Our branch-and-price method is characterized by a two level branching strategy. At the first level the branching is performed on the number of available bins for each bin type. At the second level it consists on pairs of items which can or cannot be loaded together. Exploiting the branch-and-price skeleton, we then present a variegated beam search heuristics, characterized by different beam sizes. We finally present extensive computational results which show a high accuracy of the exact method and a very good efficiency of the proposed heuristics

    Generalized Assignment via Submodular Optimization with Reserved Capacity

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    We study a variant of the generalized assignment problem (GAP) with group constraints. An instance of (Group GAP) is a set I of items, partitioned into L groups, and a set of m uniform (unit-sized) bins. Each item i in I has a size s_i >0, and a profit p_{i,j} >= 0 if packed in bin j. A group of items is satisfied if all of its items are packed. The goal is to find a feasible packing of a subset of the items in the bins such that the total profit from satisfied groups is maximized. We point to central applications of Group GAP in Video-on-Demand services, mobile Device-to-Device network caching and base station cooperation in 5G networks. Our main result is a 1/6-approximation algorithm for Group GAP instances where the total size of each group is at most m/2. At the heart of our algorithm lies an interesting derivation of a submodular function from the classic LP formulation of GAP, which facilitates the construction of a high profit solution utilizing at most half the total bin capacity, while the other half is reserved for later use. In particular, we give an algorithm for submodular maximization subject to a knapsack constraint, which finds a solution of profit at least 1/3 of the optimum, using at most half the knapsack capacity, under mild restrictions on element sizes. Our novel approach of submodular optimization subject to a knapsack with reserved capacity constraint may find applications in solving other group assignment problems

    AFPTAS results for common variants of bin packing: A new method to handle the small items

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    We consider two well-known natural variants of bin packing, and show that these packing problems admit asymptotic fully polynomial time approximation schemes (AFPTAS). In bin packing problems, a set of one-dimensional items of size at most 1 is to be assigned (packed) to subsets of sum at most 1 (bins). It has been known for a while that the most basic problem admits an AFPTAS. In this paper, we develop methods that allow to extend this result to other variants of bin packing. Specifically, the problems which we study in this paper, for which we design asymptotic fully polynomial time approximation schemes, are the following. The first problem is "Bin packing with cardinality constraints", where a parameter k is given, such that a bin may contain up to k items. The goal is to minimize the number of bins used. The second problem is "Bin packing with rejection", where every item has a rejection penalty associated with it. An item needs to be either packed to a bin or rejected, and the goal is to minimize the number of used bins plus the total rejection penalty of unpacked items. This resolves the complexity of two important variants of the bin packing problem. Our approximation schemes use a novel method for packing the small items. This new method is the core of the improved running times of our schemes over the running times of the previous results, which are only asymptotic polynomial time approximation schemes (APTAS)
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