528 research outputs found

    Two Timescale Convergent Q-learning for Sleep--Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this paper, we consider an intrusion detection application for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). We study the problem of scheduling the sleep times of the individual sensors to maximize the network lifetime while keeping the tracking error to a minimum. We formulate this problem as a partially-observable Markov decision process (POMDP) with continuous state-action spaces, in a manner similar to (Fuemmeler and Veeravalli [2008]). However, unlike their formulation, we consider infinite horizon discounted and average cost objectives as performance criteria. For each criterion, we propose a convergent on-policy Q-learning algorithm that operates on two timescales, while employing function approximation to handle the curse of dimensionality associated with the underlying POMDP. Our proposed algorithm incorporates a policy gradient update using a one-simulation simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) estimate on the faster timescale, while the Q-value parameter (arising from a linear function approximation for the Q-values) is updated in an on-policy temporal difference (TD) algorithm-like fashion on the slower timescale. The feature selection scheme employed in each of our algorithms manages the energy and tracking components in a manner that assists the search for the optimal sleep-scheduling policy. For the sake of comparison, in both discounted and average settings, we also develop a function approximation analogue of the Q-learning algorithm. This algorithm, unlike the two-timescale variant, does not possess theoretical convergence guarantees. Finally, we also adapt our algorithms to include a stochastic iterative estimation scheme for the intruder's mobility model. Our simulation results on a 2-dimensional network setting suggest that our algorithms result in better tracking accuracy at the cost of only a few additional sensors, in comparison to a recent prior work

    Examining average and discounted reward optimality criteria in reinforcement learning

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    In reinforcement learning (RL), the goal is to obtain an optimal policy, for which the optimality criterion is fundamentally important. Two major optimality criteria are average and discounted rewards, where the later is typically considered as an approximation to the former. While the discounted reward is more popular, it is problematic to apply in environments that have no natural notion of discounting. This motivates us to revisit a) the progression of optimality criteria in dynamic programming, b) justification for and complication of an artificial discount factor, and c) benefits of directly maximizing the average reward. Our contributions include a thorough examination of the relationship between average and discounted rewards, as well as a discussion of their pros and cons in RL. We emphasize that average-reward RL methods possess the ingredient and mechanism for developing the general discounting-free optimality criterion (Veinott, 1969) in RL.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 10-page main conten

    An optimality system for finite average Markov decision chains under risk-aversion

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    summary:This work concerns controlled Markov chains with finite state space and compact action sets. The decision maker is risk-averse with constant risk-sensitivity, and the performance of a control policy is measured by the long-run average cost criterion. Under standard continuity-compactness conditions, it is shown that the (possibly non-constant) optimal value function is characterized by a system of optimality equations which allows to obtain an optimal stationary policy. Also, it is shown that the optimal superior and inferior limit average cost functions coincide

    Markov Decision Processes with Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of autonomous and resource-limited devices. The devices cooperate to monitor one or more physical phenomena within an area of interest. WSNs operate as stochastic systems because of randomness in the monitored environments. For long service time and low maintenance cost, WSNs require adaptive and robust methods to address data exchange, topology formulation, resource and power optimization, sensing coverage and object detection, and security challenges. In these problems, sensor nodes are to make optimized decisions from a set of accessible strategies to achieve design goals. This survey reviews numerous applications of the Markov decision process (MDP) framework, a powerful decision-making tool to develop adaptive algorithms and protocols for WSNs. Furthermore, various solution methods are discussed and compared to serve as a guide for using MDPs in WSNs

    Modular reinforcement learning : a case study in a robot domain

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    The behaviour of reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms is best understood in completely observable, finite state- and action-space, discrete-time controlled Markov-chains. Robot-learning domains, on the other hand, are inherently infinite both in time and space, and moreover they are only partially observable. In this article we suggest a systematic design method whose motivation comes from the desire to transform the task-to-be-solved into a finite-state, discrete-time, "approximately" Markovian task, which is completely observable, too. The key idea is to break up the problem into subtasks and design controllers for each of the subtasks. Then operating conditions are attached to the controllers (together the controllers and their operating conditions which are called modules) and possible additional features are designed to facilitate observability. A new discrete time-counter is introduced at the "module-level" that clicks only when a change in the value of one of the features is observed. The approach was tried out on a real-life robot. Several RL algorithms were compared and it was found that a model-based approach worked best. The learnt switching strategy performed equally well as a handcrafted version. Moreover, the learnt strategy seemed to exploit certain properties of the environment which could not have been seen in advance, which predicted the promising possibility that a learnt controller might overperform a handcrafted switching strategy in the future

    Stochastic Tools for Network Security: Anonymity Protocol Analysis and Network Intrusion Detection

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    With the rapid development of Internet and the sharp increase of network crime, network security has become very important and received a lot of attention. In this dissertation, we model security issues as stochastic systems. This allows us to find weaknesses in existing security systems and propose new solutions. Exploring the vulnerabilities of existing security tools can prevent cyber-attacks from taking advantages of the system weaknesses. We consider The Onion Router (Tor), which is one of the most popular anonymity systems in use today, and show how to detect a protocol tunnelled through Tor. A hidden Markov model (HMM) is used to represent the protocol. Hidden Markov models are statistical models of sequential data like network traffic, and are an effective tool for pattern analysis. New, flexible and adaptive security schemes are needed to cope with emerging security threats. We propose a hybrid network security scheme including intrusion detection systems (IDSs) and honeypots scattered throughout the network. This combines the advantages of two security technologies. A honeypot is an activity-based network security system, which could be the logical supplement of the passive detection policies used by IDSs. This integration forces us to balance security performance versus cost by scheduling device activities for the proposed system. By formulating the scheduling problem as a decentralized partially observable Markov decision process (DEC-POMDP), decisions are made in a distributed manner at each device without requiring centralized control. When using a HMM, it is important to ensure that it accurately represents both the data used to train the model and the underlying process. Current methods assume that observations used to construct a HMM completely represent the underlying process. It is often the case that the training data size is not large enough to adequately capture all statistical dependencies in the system. It is therefore important to know the statistical significance level that the constructed model represents the underlying process, not only the training set. We present a method to determine if the observation data and constructed model fully express the underlying process with a given level of statistical significance. We apply this approach to detecting the existence of protocols tunnelled through Tor. While HMMs are a powerful tool for representing patterns allowing for uncertainties, they cannot be used for system control. The partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) is a useful choice for controlling stochastic systems. As a combination of two Markov models, POMDPs combine the strength of HMM (capturing dynamics that depend on unobserved states) and that of Markov decision process (MDP) (taking the decision aspect into account). Decision making under uncertainty is used in many parts of business and science. We use here for security tools. We propose three approximation methods for discrete-time infinite-horizon POMDPs. One of the main contributions of our work is high-quality approximation solution for finite-space POMDPs with the average cost criterion, and their extension to DEC-POMDPs. The solution of the first algorithm is built out of the observable portion when the underlying MDP operates optimally. The other two methods presented here can be classified as the policy-based approximation schemes, in which we formulate the POMDP planning as a quadratically constrained linear program (QCLP), which defines an optimal controller of a desired size. This representation allows a wide range of powerful nonlinear programming (NLP) algorithms to be used to solve POMDPs. Simulation results for a set of benchmark problems illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. We show how this tool could be used to design a network security framework

    Markov Decision Processes with Risk-Sensitive Criteria: An Overview

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    The paper provides an overview of the theory and applications of risk-sensitive Markov decision processes. The term 'risk-sensitive' refers here to the use of the Optimized Certainty Equivalent as a means to measure expectation and risk. This comprises the well-known entropic risk measure and Conditional Value-at-Risk. We restrict our considerations to stationary problems with an infinite time horizon. Conditions are given under which optimal policies exist and solution procedures are explained. We present both the theory when the Optimized Certainty Equivalent is applied recursively as well as the case where it is applied to the cumulated reward. Discounted as well as non-discounted models are reviewe

    Convergence of Finite Memory Q-Learning for POMDPs and Near Optimality of Learned Policies under Filter Stability

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    In this paper, for POMDPs, we provide the convergence of a Q learning algorithm for control policies using a finite history of past observations and control actions, and, consequentially, we establish near optimality of such limit Q functions under explicit filter stability conditions. We present explicit error bounds relating the approximation error to the length of the finite history window. We establish the convergence of such Q-learning iterations under mild ergodicity assumptions on the state process during the exploration phase. We further show that the limit fixed point equation gives an optimal solution for an approximate belief-MDP. We then provide bounds on the performance of the policy obtained using the limit Q values compared to the performance of the optimal policy for the POMDP, where we also present explicit conditions using recent results on filter stability in controlled POMDPs. While there exist many experimental results, (i) the rigorous asymptotic convergence (to an approximate MDP value function) for such finite-memory Q-learning algorithms, and (ii) the near optimality with an explicit rate of convergence (in the memory size) are results that are new to the literature, to our knowledge.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2010.0745