180 research outputs found

    Outage and Local Throughput and Capacity of Random Wireless Networks

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    Outage probabilities and single-hop throughput are two important performance metrics that have been evaluated for certain specific types of wireless networks. However, there is a lack of comprehensive results for larger classes of networks, and there is no systematic approach that permits the convenient comparison of the performance of networks with different geometries and levels of randomness. The uncertainty cube is introduced to categorize the uncertainty present in a network. The three axes of the cube represent the three main potential sources of uncertainty in interference-limited networks: the node distribution, the channel gains (fading), and the channel access (set of transmitting nodes). For the performance analysis, a new parameter, the so-called {\em spatial contention}, is defined. It measures the slope of the outage probability in an ALOHA network as a function of the transmit probability pp at p=0p=0. Outage is defined as the event that the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) is below a certain threshold in a given time slot. It is shown that the spatial contention is sufficient to characterize outage and throughput in large classes of wireless networks, corresponding to different positions on the uncertainty cube. Existing results are placed in this framework, and new ones are derived. Further, interpreting the outage probability as the SIR distribution, the ergodic capacity of unit-distance links is determined and compared to the throughput achievable for fixed (yet optimized) transmission rates.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to IEEE Trans. Wireles

    A Unifying Framework for Local Throughput in Wireless Networks

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    With the increased competition for the electromagnetic spectrum, it is important to characterize the impact of interference in the performance of a wireless network, which is traditionally measured by its throughput. This paper presents a unifying framework for characterizing the local throughput in wireless networks. We first analyze the throughput of a probe link from a connectivity perspective, in which a packet is successfully received if it does not collide with other packets from nodes within its reach (called the audible interferers). We then characterize the throughput from a signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) perspective, in which a packet is successfully received if the SINR exceeds some threshold, considering the interference from all emitting nodes in the network. Our main contribution is to generalize and unify various results scattered throughout the literature. In particular, the proposed framework encompasses arbitrary wireless propagation effects (e.g, Nakagami-m fading, Rician fading, or log-normal shadowing), as well as arbitrary traffic patterns (e.g., slotted-synchronous, slotted-asynchronous, or exponential-interarrivals traffic), allowing us to draw more general conclusions about network performance than previously available in the literature.Comment: Submitted for journal publicatio

    A Comprehensive Analysis of 5G Heterogeneous Cellular Systems operating over κ\kappa-μ\mu Shadowed Fading Channels

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    Emerging cellular technologies such as those proposed for use in 5G communications will accommodate a wide range of usage scenarios with diverse link requirements. This will include the necessity to operate over a versatile set of wireless channels ranging from indoor to outdoor, from line-of-sight (LOS) to non-LOS, and from circularly symmetric scattering to environments which promote the clustering of scattered multipath waves. Unfortunately, many of the conventional fading models adopted in the literature to develop network models lack the flexibility to account for such disparate signal propagation mechanisms. To bridge the gap between theory and practical channels, we consider κ\kappa-μ\mu shadowed fading, which contains as special cases, the majority of the linear fading models proposed in the open literature, including Rayleigh, Rician, Nakagami-m, Nakagami-q, One-sided Gaussian, κ\kappa-μ\mu, η\eta-μ\mu, and Rician shadowed to name but a few. In particular, we apply an orthogonal expansion to represent the κ\kappa-μ\mu shadowed fading distribution as a simplified series expression. Then using the series expressions with stochastic geometry, we propose an analytic framework to evaluate the average of an arbitrary function of the SINR over κ\kappa-μ\mu shadowed fading channels. Using the proposed method, we evaluate the spectral efficiency, moments of the SINR, bit error probability and outage probability of a KK-tier HetNet with KK classes of BSs, differing in terms of the transmit power, BS density, shadowing characteristics and small-scale fading. Building upon these results, we provide important new insights into the network performance of these emerging wireless applications while considering a diverse range of fading conditions and link qualities

    High-SIR Transmission Capacity of Wireless Networks with General Fading and Node Distribution

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    In many wireless systems, interference is the main performance-limiting factor, and is primarily dictated by the locations of concurrent transmitters. In many earlier works, the locations of the transmitters is often modeled as a Poisson point process for analytical tractability. While analytically convenient, the PPP only accurately models networks whose nodes are placed independently and use ALOHA as the channel access protocol, which preserves the independence. Correlations between transmitter locations in non-Poisson networks, which model intelligent access protocols, makes the outage analysis extremely difficult. In this paper, we take an alternative approach and focus on an asymptotic regime where the density of interferers η\eta goes to 0. We prove for general node distributions and fading statistics that the success probability \p \sim 1-\gamma \eta^{\kappa} for η→0\eta \rightarrow 0, and provide values of γ\gamma and κ\kappa for a number of important special cases. We show that κ\kappa is lower bounded by 1 and upper bounded by a value that depends on the path loss exponent and the fading. This new analytical framework is then used to characterize the transmission capacity of a very general class of networks, defined as the maximum spatial density of active links given an outage constraint.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. Info Theory special issu

    Exact analysis of the outage probability in multiple-user mobile radio

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    A novel equivalent definition of modified Bessel functions for performance analysis of multi-hop wireless communication systems

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    A statistical model is derived for the equivalent signal-to-noise ratio of the Source-to-Relay-to-Destination (S-R-D) link for Amplify-and-Forward (AF) relaying systems that are subject to block Rayleigh-fading. The probability density function and the cumulated density function of the S-R-D link SNR involve modified Bessel functions of the second kind. Using fractional-calculus mathematics, a novel approach is introduced to rewrite those Bessel functions (and the statistical model of the S-R-D link SNR) in series form using simple elementary functions. Moreover, a statistical characterization of the total receive-SNR at the destination, corresponding to the S-R-D and the S-D link SNR, is provided for a more general relaying scenario in which the destination receives signals from both the relay and the source and processes them using maximum ratio combining (MRC). Using the novel statistical model for the total receive SNR at the destination, accurate and simple analytical expressions for the outage probability, the bit error probability, and the ergodic capacity are obtained. The analytical results presented in this paper provide a theoretical framework to analyze the performance of the AF cooperative systems with an MRC receiver
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