6 research outputs found

    Impacto de campanhas storytelling nas redes sociais no comportamento dos consumidores millennials

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    O storytelling tornou-se um conceito muito abordado nos últimos tempos, visto que a tecnologia democratizou o poder de partilhar histórias com o mundo. As redes sociais são uma forma simples de as marcas conseguirem comunicar com os seus consumidores e obterem o máximo de retorno possível, quando adequadamente monitorizadas e utilizadas como ferramentas para facilitar a comunicação, seja entre consumidores ou empresas. As campanhas storytelling, quando divulgadas nas redes sociais, são uma ótima ferramenta para a criação de histórias autênticas, pois movem emocionalmente o millennial de forma positiva. Neste domínio, o presente trabalho de investigação estabelece diversos fatores de interesse a contemplar na criação de uma campanha storytelling bemsucedida, que tenha como público-alvo os millennials utilizadores de redes sociais. O estudo qualitativo foi elaborado com base numa pesquisa utilizando grupos de discussão, em Maio de 2018. Participaram 40 millennials, de ambos os géneros, divididos em 8 grupos e com idades compreendidas entre os 19 e os 37 anos, utilizadores de redes sociais. Os resultados apresentados contribuem para uma maior compreensão do contributo de campanhas storytelling partilhadas nas redes sociais, no comportamento do consumidor millennial, no que diz respeito à experiência que este tem com a marca, interação nas redes sociais, confiança e fidelização.Storytelling has become a much used and generalized concept in the last years since the technology has put in the hands of the people the power of sharing stories with the world. Social networking sites are a simple way for brands to communicate with their consumers, and in return, obtain the maximum rewards from their communication strategy, be it between consumers or companies. Storytelling campaigns, when shared in social networks are a great tool for the creation of authentic stories, moving in a positive way the emotional state of the millennial. In this subject, the investigation work developed establishes several key factors to consider when creating a successful storytelling campaign, that has as its target audience the millennials that use social networking sites. The qualitative study has been elaborated using the focus group technic in May 2018. The participants were 40 millennials, of both sexes, divided into 8 groups with ages between 19 and 37 years old, users of social networking sites. The presented results contribute to a bigger understanding of the contribute of storytelling campaigns shared in social networks in the behavior of the millennial consumer, in accordance to the experience that the viewer has with the brand, how he interacts in a social network environment and how his confidence and customer loyalty are affected.Mestrado em Marketin

    Efecto de las las redes sociales sobre la innovación y el desempeño empresarial en el sector hotelero español

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    [EN] The advent of the Web 2.0 and the explosion of social networks, due to widespread use, especially young people, are changing the way companies compete. The information and communication technologies have led to sources of opportunity for the business sector, the interactivity that can be achieved on the website of the company, improves the level of identification itself, the relationship with customers and knowledge of the opinions on satisfaction of products and/or services received, causing more responsive to the expectations of the customers/users with improvements or innovations in products/services. On the other hand, viral marketing is a result of the dissemination of comments and opinions made by actual or potential users about something specific such as a product or service within the field of online social networks, the active participation of the companies on the web can avoid or reduce negative trends. Thus, the explosive growth of online social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, MySpace, LinkedIn and almost constant connectivity through mobile devices can be an opportunity or threat to any company or institution. That was the motivation to investigate a recent field data, providing empirical support to the claim if the online social networks can effectively contribute to improving the performance of the company by capacity in distinctive competencies in innovation as a contribution to the knowledge of technological advances. To this end, it has been revised the theoretical basis of administrative management and innovation regarding online social networks, has been found that literature is still limited, since social network analysis primarily engages in relationships and behaviors among components a network. For example, Luo and Zhong (2015) specifically in the field of tourism, claim most of the research it has been published since 2008 mainly emphasize the motives and behaviors of users, we believe that the analysis in the work there is a contribution to the knowledge of online social networks. Moreover, in 2013, Spain with a negative growth rate of 1.3% reported the sixth year of economic crisis caused by a recession for the decline in GDP since the second half of 2008. However, the strength of tourism sector has mitigated the effects of the crisis, according Bank of Spain recent economic data Spain's trade balance registered a deficit of 1.1 million euros in May 2014, compared with a surplus of 0.5 million euros in May 2013, within it, the balance of travel and tourism and in May 2014, recorded a surplus of 3.2 million, higher than the same month of 2013 it was 3.1 MM. According the Tourism Institute of Spain in 2013, record figures were achieved, which they accounted for 45.505 million euros in revenue and 33.256 euros in surplus. The first half of 2014, tourists generated revenue of 26.345 million euros, with a year increase of 7.8%, continuing these trends the figures for 2013 will be exceeded. This was the motivation for that in the framework of empirical research of the theoretical model, has been chosen to the tourism sector and within it the sector of hotels in Spain, applying the use of structural equations, it has been verified the goodness of setting measurement indicators and model validation, so assumptions have been proven. According to WTO, tourism in emerging countries is growing fast, at the expense of traditional European locations, hotels representing 1 in 3 jobs in tourism should quickly improve their offers and information with innovations based on social networking that appeal international tourists to continue propping up the Spanish economy.[ES] El advenimiento de la web 2.0 y la explosión de las redes sociales por el uso masivo especialmente de la juventud están cambiando la forma de competir de las empresas. Las tecnologías de información y comunicación han originado fuentes de oportunidad para el sector empresarial, la interactividad que se puede lograr en las páginas web de la empresa, mejoran el nivel de identificación de la misma, la relación con los clientes y el conocimiento de las opiniones sobre la satisfacción de los productos y/o servicios recibidos, originando mejores respuestas a las expectativas de los clientes/usuarios con mejoras o innovaciones en los productos/servicios. Por otro lado, el marketing viral es un resultado de la difusión de comentarios y opiniones efectuados por usuarios reales o potenciales sobre algo en específico ejemplo un producto o servicio dentro el ámbito de las redes sociales online, la participación activa de las empresas en la web puede evitar o disminuir tendencias negativas. Así, el crecimiento explosivo de las redes sociales online como Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, MySpace, LinkedIn y la conectividad casi constante mediante dispositivos móviles puede ser una oportunidad o amenaza para toda empresa o institución. Esa fue la motivación para investigar en un campo de data reciente, proporcionando un sustento empírico a la afirmación de si las redes sociales online pueden contribuir efectivamente a mejorar el desempeño de la empresa mediante la capacidad en competencias distintivas en innovación como un aporte al conocimiento de los avances tecnológicos. Para ello, se ha revisado la base teórica de gestión administrativa e innovación, respecto a las redes sociales online se ha encontrado que la literatura es aún escasa, dado que el análisis de redes sociales se enfrasca primordialmente en las relaciones y comportamientos entre los componentes de una red. Así, por ejemplo Luo y Zhong (2015) específicamente en el campo del turismo, afirman que la mayoría de las investigaciones que han sido publicadas desde 2008 enfatizan principalmente los motivos y conductas de los usuarios, consideramos que por lo analizado en el trabajo existe una contribución al conocimiento de las redes sociales online. Por otra parte, el año 2013 España con una tasa negativa de crecimiento del 1.3% reportó el sexto año de crisis económica originada por una recesión por el decrecimiento del PIB desde el último semestre de 2008. Sin embargo, la fortaleza del sector de turismo ha paliado los efectos de la crisis, según últimos datos económicos del Banco de España a mayo de 2014 la balanza comercial de España registró un déficit de 1,1 MM de euros frente a un superávit de 0,5 MM en mayo de 2013, dentro de ella, la balanza de turismo y viajes contabilizó en mayo de 2014 un superávit de 3,2 MM, superior al del mismo mes de 2013 que fue de 3,1 MM. Según el Instituto Turístico de España en 2013, se alcanzaron cifras record que supusieron 45.505 millones de euros en ingresos y 33.256 de euros de superávit. En el primer semestre de 2014, los turistas generaron ingresos por 26.345 millones de euros, con un avance interanual del 7.8%, de continuar estas tendencias se superarán las cifras del 2013. Esta fue la motivación para que en la investigación empírica del modelo teórico se haya escogido al sector del turismo y dentro de él al sector de hoteles en España, aplicando el uso de las ecuaciones estructurales se ha verificado la bondad de ajuste de los indicadores de medición y la validación del modelo, por lo que las hipótesis han sido comprobadas. Según la OMT, el turismo en los países emergentes está creciendo mucho, a costa de los lugares tradicionales de Europa, la hostelería que representa 1 de cada 3 empleos en turismo debe rápidamente mejorar sus ofertas e información con innovaciones basadas en redes sociales que atraigan a los t[CA] L'adveniment de la web 2.0 i l'explosió de les xarxes socials per l'ús massiu especialment de la joventut estan canviant la forma de competir de les empreses. Les tecnologies d'informació i comunicació han originat fonts d'oportunitat per al sector empresarial, la interactivitat que es pot aconseguir en les pàgines web de l'empresa, milloren el nivell d'identificació de la mateixa, la relació amb els clients i el coneixement de les opinions sobre la satisfacció dels productes y/o servicis rebuts," originant millors respostes a les expectatives dels clientes/usuarios amb millores o innovacions en els productos/servicios. D'altra banda, el màrqueting viral és un resultat de la difusió de comentaris i opniones efectuats per usuaris reals o potencials sobre quelcom en específic exemple un producte o servici dins l'àmbit de les xarxes socials online, la participació activa de les empreses en la web pot evitar o disminuir tendències negatives. Així, el creixement explosiu de les xarxes socials online com Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, MySpace, LinkedIn i la connectivitat quasi constant per mitjà de dispositius mòbils pot ser una oportunitat o amenaça per a tota empresa o institució. Eixa va ser la motivació per a investigar en un camp de data recent, proporcionant un sstento empíricop a l'afoirmación de si les xarxes socials online poden contribuir efectivament a mjorar l'exercici de l'empresa per mitjà de la capacitat en competències distintives en innovació com una aportació al coneixement dels avanços tecnològics. Per a això, s'ha revisat la base teòrica de gestió administrativa i innovació, respecte a les xarxes socials s'ha trobat que la literatura és encara escassa, atés que l'anàlisi de xarxes socials es capfica primordialment en les relacions i comportaments entre els components d'una xarxa. Així per exemple Luo i Zhong (2015) específicament en el camp del turisme, afirmen que la majoria de les investigacions que han sigut publicades des de 2008 emfatitzen principalment els motius i conductes dels usuaris, onsiderem que per allò que s'ha analitzat en el treball hi ha una contribució al coneixement de les xarxes socials online. D'altra banda, l'any 2013 Espanya amb una taxa de creixement negativa del 1.3% va reportar el sext any de crisi econòmica originada per una recessió pel decreixement del PIB des de l'últim semestre de 2008. No obstant això, la fortalesa del sector de turisme ha pal·liat els efectes de la crisi, segons les últimes dades econòmiques del Banc d'Espanya a maig de 2014 la balança comercial d'Espanya va registrar un dèficit de 1,1 MM d'euros, enfront d'un superàvit de 0,5 MM al maig de 2013, dins d'ella, la balança de turisme i viatges va comptabilitzar al maig de 2014 un superàvit dre 3,2 MM d'euros, superior al del mateix mes de 2013 que va ser de 3,1 MM. Segons l'Institut Turístic d'Espanya en 2013, es van aconseguir xifres rècord que van suposar 45.505 milions d'euros en ingressos i 32.256 d'euros de superàvit. En el primer semestre de 2014, els turistes van generar ingressos per 26.345 milions d'euros, amb un avanç interanual del 7.8%, de continuar estes tendències se superaran les xifres del 2013. Esta va ser la motivació perquè en la investigació empírica del model teòric s'haja triat al sector de turisme i dins d'ell al sector d'hotels a Espanya, aplicant l'ús de les equacions estructurals s'ha verificat la bondat d'ajust dels indicadors de mesurament i la validació del model, per la qual cosa les hipòtesis han sigut comprovades. Según la Organització Mundial del Turismo, el turisme en els països emergents està creixent molt, a costa dels llocs tradicionals d'Europa, l'hostaleria que representa 1 de cada 3 ocupacions en turisme deu ràpidament millorar les seues ofertes i informació amb innovacions basades en xarxes socials que atraguen als turistes internacionals per a continuar apuntalant l'economia espanyola.Guzmán Sanjinés, GE. (2016). Efecto de las las redes sociales sobre la innovación y el desempeño empresarial en el sector hotelero español [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61468TESI

    Identification of Influentials in virtual social network: an agent-based simulation model of social influence processes

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    Die zunehmende Virtualisierung von gesellschaftlichen Sozialstrukturen durch den Social Media Bereich und insbesondere durch die virtuellen sozialen Netzwerke stellt die Marketingforschung vor neue Herausforderungen. Aufgrund der technologischen Entwicklung des Web 2.0 entstehen für Konsumenten schnelle und einfache Kommunikations- und Interaktionsmöglichkeiten zum Erfahrungsaustausch über die Produkte und Dienstleistungen eines Unternehmens. Innerhalb eines virtuellen sozialen Netzwerkes existieren Influentials, die aufgrund ihrer kommunikativen Verhaltensweisen und der netzwerkstrukturellen Einbettung eine einzigartige soziale Beeinflussungsfähigkeit aufweisen. Für das Marketing der Unternehmen stellen das Verständnis über die sozialen Beeinflussungsprozesse und die Identifikation der Influentials die zentralen Erfolgsfaktoren dar, um die Konsumenteninteraktion im Sinne der Unternehmenszielsetzung zu beeinflussen. Bisherige Analyse- bzw. Identifikationsmethoden für diese Influentials vernachlässigen jedoch die bedeutsame interpersonelle Perspektive. Die netzwerkstrukturelle Einbettung der Konsumenten bzw. Individuen sowie deren Kommunikations- und Interaktionsprozesse untereinander führen zu einem dynamischen, nichtlinearen und komplexen Sozialsystem. Bei der Untersuchung dieser Dynamiken stoßen traditionelle Analysemethoden der Marketingforschung an ihre Grenzen. Deshalb entwickelt der Verfasser ein agentenbasiertes Simulationsmodell, um das individuelle Konsumentenhalten als komplexes und dynamisches System abzubilden. Die Simulationsergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Influentials weder über eine strukturell besonders bedeutsame Position innerhalb des Netzwerkes verfügen, noch eine erhöhte soziale Aktivität aufweisen. Die bisher verwendeten Verfahren der strukturellen sozialen Netzwerkanalyse und der sozialen Aktivitätsanalyse sind deshalb nur eingeschränkt zur Identifikation von Influentials geeignet. Aus einer interpersonellen Analyseperspektive zeigt sich, dass die Influentials eine besonders hohe wahrgenommene Glaubwürdigkeit aufweisen und das soziale Umfeld dieser Individuen durch eine hohe Empfänglichkeit für soziale Beeinflussungen gekennzeichnet ist. Die agentenbasierte Simulation erweitert somit das Verständnis über das sozial beeinflusste Konsumentenverhalten und liefert damit wertvolle Hinweise für die praxisnahe Identifikation von Influentials in einem virtuellen sozialen Netzwerk.Virtual social networking sites have become more and more popular over the last few years, attract millions of users worldwide and are growing exponentially. The increasing amount of virtually connected consumers leads to a social-driven information exchange about products, brands or services. Within virtual social networks, influentials can be considered as key users with high influence capabilities, unique communication patterns and important structural network positions. For marketers an understanding of social influence is key to benefit from consumer-to-consumer interaction and to address potential new customers by utilizing these influentials. So far, virtual social network analysis neglects interpersonal factors of influence as well as an individual consumer decision making perspective. The analysis of individual interaction and the lack of empirical data from virtual social networks require a research method, which models individual consumer behaviors as a complex and adaptive system. Therefore, the author develops an agent-based simulation model to explore and to investigate social influence processes by integrating perceived social activity, perceived structural positions and interpersonal relationship characteristics with an individual decision making perspective. Simulation results indicate that important members in virtual social networks are inadequately identified either through structural network or activity analysis respectively. Hence, these methods are less appropriate to identify influentials within a virtual social network. The interpersonal analysis of the social influence processes shows that influentials are characterized by a high perceived credibility. Moreover, the social contacts of the influentials are highly susceptible for social influences. The agent-based simulation model provides a deeper understanding of social influence processes in virtual social networks and serves marketers as a superior opportunity for identifying socially influential network members

    Scanning the Science-Society Horizon

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    Science communication approaches have evolved over time gradually placing more importance on understanding the context of the communication and audience. The increase in people participating in social media on the Internet offers a new resource for monitoring what people are discussing. People self publish their views on social media, which provides a rich source of every day, every person thinking. This introduces the possibility of using passive monitoring of this public discussion to find information useful to science communicators, to allow them to better target their communications about different topics. This research study is focussed on understanding what open source intelligence, in the form of public tweets on Twitter, reveals about the contexts in which the word 'science' is used by the English speaking public. By conducting a series of studies based on simpler questions, I gradually build up a view of who is contributing on Twitter, how often, and what topics are being discussed that include the keyword 'science'. An open source a data gathering tool for Twitter data was developed and used to collect a dataset from Twitter with the keyword 'science' during 2011. After collection was completed, data was prepared for analysis by removing unwanted tweets. The size of the dataset (12.2 million tweets by 3.6 million users (authors)) required the use of mainly quantitative approaches, even though this only represents a very small proportion, about 0.02%, of the total tweets per day on Twitter Fourier analysis was used to create a model of the underlying temporal pattern of tweets per day and revealed a weekly pattern. The number of users per day followed a similar pattern, and most of these users did not use the word 'science' often on Twitter. An investigation of types of tweets suggests that people using the word 'science' were engaged in more sharing of both links, and other peoples tweets, than is usual on Twitter. Consideration of word frequency and bigrams in the text of the tweets found that while word frequencies were not particularly effective when trying to understand such a large dataset, bigrams were able to give insight into the contexts in which 'science' is being used in up to 19.19% of the tweets. The final study used Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modelling to identify the contexts in which 'science' was being used and gave a much richer view of the whole corpus than the bigram analysis. Although the thesis has focused on the single keyword 'science' the techniques developed should be applicable to other keywords and so be able to provide science communicators with a near real time source of information about what issues the public is concerned about, what they are saying about those issues and how that is changing over time

    On the diffusion of messages in on-line social networks

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    In this paper we investigate the message diffusion process in on-line social networks (OSNs) with the aim to understand how and why some messages become viral. We model peculiarities of messaging in OSNs, in particular, information aging and competing message streams. We present a mean-field analysis that gives an approximation to the diffusion dynamics in the limit of large N (the number of participants in an OSN). This approach allows us to precisely define the outbreak of a message and derive conditions for it. Our main results are threshold theorems, which imply that a message becomes viral if a certain threshold is crossed. The results show that owing to competing message streams, a message is required to cross a higher threshold in order to become viral. This, we believe, may be one of the reasons for the low incidence of viral messages in these networks. We provide simulation and numerical results to support our analyses. We also investigate the role of various factors which come into play and derive some insights for launching successful information campaigns on OSNs. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved