3 research outputs found

    On the design of communication-aware fault-tolerant scheduling algorithms for precedence constrained tasks in grid computing systems with dedicated communication devices

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    10.1016/j.jpdc.2008.11.007Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing693282-294JPDC

    Real-time and dynamic fault-tolerant scheduling for scientific workflows in clouds

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    Cloud computing has become a popular technology for executing scientific workflows. However, with a large number of hosts and virtual machines (VMs) being deployed, the cloud resource failures, such as the permanent failure of hosts (HPF), the transient failure of hosts (HTF), and the transient failure of VMs (VMTF), bring the service reliability problem. Therefore, fault tolerance for time-consuming scientific workflows is highly essential in the cloud. However, existing fault-tolerant (FT) approaches consider only one or two above failure types and easily neglect the others, especially for the HTF. This paper proposes a Real-time and dynamic Fault-tolerant Scheduling (ReadyFS) algorithm for scientific workflow execution in a cloud, which guarantees deadline constraints and improves resource utilization even in the presence of any resource failure. Specifically, we first introduce two FT mechanisms, i.e., the replication with delay execution (RDE) and the checkpointing with delay execution (CDE), to cope with HPF and VMTF, simultaneously. Additionally, the rescheduling (ReSC) is devised to tackle the HTF that affects the resource availability of the entire cloud datacenter. Then, the resource adjustment (RA) strategy, including the resource scaling-up (RS-Up) and the resource scaling-down (RS-Down), is used to adjust resource demands and improve resource utilization dynamically. Finally, the ReadyFS algorithm is presented to schedule real-time scientific workflows by combining all the above FT mechanisms with RA strategy. We conduct the performance evaluation with real-world scientific workflows and compare ReadyFS with five vertical comparison algorithms and three horizontal comparison algorithms. Simulation results confirm that ReadyFS is indeed able to guarantee the fault tolerance of scientific workflow execution and improve cloud resource utilization

    Resource management for extreme scale high performance computing systems in the presence of failures

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    2018 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.High performance computing (HPC) systems, such as data centers and supercomputers, coordinate the execution of large-scale computation of applications over tens or hundreds of thousands of multicore processors. Unfortunately, as the size of HPC systems continues to grow towards exascale complexities, these systems experience an exponential growth in the number of failures occurring in the system. These failures reduce performance and increase energy use, reducing the efficiency and effectiveness of emerging extreme-scale HPC systems. Applications executing in parallel on individual multicore processors also suffer from decreased performance and increased energy use as a result of applications being forced to share resources, in particular, the contention from multiple application threads sharing the last-level cache causes performance degradation. These challenges make it increasingly important to characterize and optimize the performance and behavior of applications that execute in these systems. To address these challenges, in this dissertation we propose a framework for intelligently characterizing and managing extreme-scale HPC system resources. We devise various techniques to mitigate the negative effects of failures and resource contention in HPC systems. In particular, we develop new HPC resource management techniques for intelligently utilizing system resources through the (a) optimal scheduling of applications to HPC nodes and (b) the optimal configuration of fault resilience protocols. These resource management techniques employ information obtained from historical analysis as well as theoretical and machine learning methods for predictions. We use these data to characterize system performance, energy use, and application behavior when operating under the uncertainty of performance degradation from both system failures and resource contention. We investigate how to better characterize and model the negative effects from system failures as well as application co-location on large-scale HPC computing systems. Our analysis of application and system behavior also investigates: the interrelated effects of network usage of applications and fault resilience protocols; checkpoint interval selection and its sensitivity to system parameters for various checkpoint-based fault resilience protocols; and performance comparisons of various promising strategies for fault resilience in exascale-sized systems