1,812 research outputs found

    A Simple Discrete System with Chaotic Behavior

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    We discuss the behavior of a particular discrete system, viz. Post's system of tag with alphabet {0,1}\{0,1\}, deletion number d=3d=3, and rules: 0→000\rightarrow 00, 1→11011\rightarrow 1101. As initial strings we consider all strings of length less than or equal to 15 as well as all 'worst case' inputs of the form (100)m(100)^m with 1≀m≀1281\leq m \leq 128

    The Orbifolds of Permutation-Type as Physical String Systems at Multiples of c=26c=26 III. The Spectra of c^=52\hat{c}=52 Strings

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    In the second paper of this series, I obtained the twisted BRST systems and extended physical-state conditions of all twisted open and closed c^=52\hat{c} = 52 strings. In this paper, I supplement the extended physical-state conditions with the explicit form of the extended (twisted) Virasoro generators of all c^=52\hat{c} = 52 strings, which allows us to discuss the physical spectra of these systems. Surprisingly, all the c^=52\hat{c}=52 spectra admit an equivalent description in terms of generically-unconventional Virasoro generators at c=26c=26. This description strongly supports our prior conjecture that the c^=52\hat{c}=52 strings are free of negative-norm states, and moreover shows that the spectra of some of the simpler cases are equivalent to those of ordinary untwisted open and closed c=26c=26 strings.Comment: 23 page

    Cellular automaton supercolliders

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    Gliders in one-dimensional cellular automata are compact groups of non-quiescent and non-ether patterns (ether represents a periodic background) translating along automaton lattice. They are cellular-automaton analogous of localizations or quasi-local collective excitations travelling in a spatially extended non-linear medium. They can be considered as binary strings or symbols travelling along a one-dimensional ring, interacting with each other and changing their states, or symbolic values, as a result of interactions. We analyse what types of interaction occur between gliders travelling on a cellular automaton `cyclotron' and build a catalog of the most common reactions. We demonstrate that collisions between gliders emulate the basic types of interaction that occur between localizations in non-linear media: fusion, elastic collision, and soliton-like collision. Computational outcomes of a swarm of gliders circling on a one-dimensional torus are analysed via implementation of cyclic tag systems

    Linear Compressed Pattern Matching for Polynomial Rewriting (Extended Abstract)

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    This paper is an extended abstract of an analysis of term rewriting where the terms in the rewrite rules as well as the term to be rewritten are compressed by a singleton tree grammar (STG). This form of compression is more general than node sharing or representing terms as dags since also partial trees (contexts) can be shared in the compression. In the first part efficient but complex algorithms for detecting applicability of a rewrite rule under STG-compression are constructed and analyzed. The second part applies these results to term rewriting sequences. The main result for submatching is that finding a redex of a left-linear rule can be performed in polynomial time under STG-compression. The main implications for rewriting and (single-position or parallel) rewriting steps are: (i) under STG-compression, n rewriting steps can be performed in nondeterministic polynomial time. (ii) under STG-compression and for left-linear rewrite rules a sequence of n rewriting steps can be performed in polynomial time, and (iii) for compressed rewrite rules where the left hand sides are either DAG-compressed or ground and STG-compressed, and an STG-compressed target term, n rewriting steps can be performed in polynomial time.Comment: In Proceedings TERMGRAPH 2013, arXiv:1302.599

    Can We Recover the Cover?

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    Data analysis typically involves error recovery and detection of regularities as two different key tasks. In this paper we show that there are data types for which these two tasks can be powerfully combined. A common notion of regularity in strings is that of a cover. Data describing measures of a natural coverable phenomenon may be corrupted by errors caused by the measurement process, or by the inexact features of the phenomenon itself. Due to this reason, different variants of approximate covers have been introduced, some of which are NP-hard to compute. In this paper we assume that the Hamming distance metric measures the amount of corruption experienced, and study the problem of recovering the correct cover from data corrupted by mismatch errors, formally defined as the cover recovery problem (CRP). We show that for the Hamming distance metric, coverability is a powerful property allowing detecting the original cover and correcting the data, under suitable conditions. We also study a relaxation of another problem, which is called the approximate cover problem (ACP). Since the ACP is proved to be NP-hard [Amir,Levy,Lubin,Porat, CPM 2017], we study a relaxation, which we call the candidate-relaxation of the ACP, and show it has a polynomial time complexity. As a result, we get that the ACP also has a polynomial time complexity in many practical situations. An important application of our ACP relaxation study is also a polynomial time algorithm for the cover recovery problem (CRP)

    String Covering: A Survey

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    The study of strings is an important combinatorial field that precedes the digital computer. Strings can be very long, trillions of letters, so it is important to find compact representations. Here we first survey various forms of one potential compaction methodology, the cover of a given string x, initially proposed in a simple form in 1990, but increasingly of interest as more sophisticated variants have been discovered. We then consider covering by a seed; that is, a cover of a superstring of x. We conclude with many proposals for research directions that could make significant contributions to string processing in future

    A decomposition method for global evaluation of Shannon entropy and local estimations of algorithmic complexity

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    We investigate the properties of a Block Decomposition Method (BDM), which extends the power of a Coding Theorem Method (CTM) that approximates local estimations of algorithmic complexity based on Solomonoff–Levin’s theory of algorithmic probability providing a closer connection to algorithmic complexity than previous attempts based on statistical regularities such as popular lossless compression schemes. The strategy behind BDM is to find small computer programs that produce the components of a larger, decomposed object. The set of short computer programs can then be artfully arranged in sequence so as to produce the original object. We show that the method provides efficient estimations of algorithmic complexity but that it performs like Shannon entropy when it loses accuracy. We estimate errors and study the behaviour of BDM for different boundary conditions, all of which are compared and assessed in detail. The measure may be adapted for use with more multi-dimensional objects than strings, objects such as arrays and tensors. To test the measure we demonstrate the power of CTM on low algorithmic-randomness objects that are assigned maximal entropy (e.g., π) but whose numerical approximations are closer to the theoretical low algorithmic-randomness expectation. We also test the measure on larger objects including dual, isomorphic and cospectral graphs for which we know that algorithmic randomness is low. We also release implementations of the methods in most major programming languages—Wolfram Language (Mathematica), Matlab, R, Perl, Python, Pascal, C++, and Haskell—and an online algorithmic complexity calculator.Swedish Research Council (VetenskapsrĂ„det

    Genetic Algorithms in Time-Dependent Environments

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    The influence of time-dependent fitnesses on the infinite population dynamics of simple genetic algorithms (without crossover) is analyzed. Based on general arguments, a schematic phase diagram is constructed that allows one to characterize the asymptotic states in dependence on the mutation rate and the time scale of changes. Furthermore, the notion of regular changes is raised for which the population can be shown to converge towards a generalized quasispecies. Based on this, error thresholds and an optimal mutation rate are approximately calculated for a generational genetic algorithm with a moving needle-in-the-haystack landscape. The so found phase diagram is fully consistent with our general considerations.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures, submitted to the 2nd EvoNet Summerschoo

    A decomposition method for global evaluation of Shannon entropy and local estimations of algorithmic complexity

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    We investigate the properties of a Block Decomposition Method (BDM), which extends the power of a Coding Theorem Method (CTM) that approximates local estimations of algorithmic complexity based on Solomonoff–Levin’s theory of algorithmic probability providing a closer connection to algorithmic complexity than previous attempts based on statistical regularities such as popular lossless compression schemes. The strategy behind BDM is to find small computer programs that produce the components of a larger, decomposed object. The set of short computer programs can then be artfully arranged in sequence so as to produce the original object. We show that the method provides efficient estimations of algorithmic complexity but that it performs like Shannon entropy when it loses accuracy. We estimate errors and study the behaviour of BDM for different boundary conditions, all of which are compared and assessed in detail. The measure may be adapted for use with more multi-dimensional objects than strings, objects such as arrays and tensors. To test the measure we demonstrate the power of CTM on low algorithmic-randomness objects that are assigned maximal entropy (e.g., π) but whose numerical approximations are closer to the theoretical low algorithmic-randomness expectation. We also test the measure on larger objects including dual, isomorphic and cospectral graphs for which we know that algorithmic randomness is low. We also release implementations of the methods in most major programming languages—Wolfram Language (Mathematica), Matlab, R, Perl, Python, Pascal, C++, and Haskell—and an online algorithmic complexity calculator.Swedish Research Council (VetenskapsrĂ„det
