48,038 research outputs found

    Approximating the generalized terminal backup problem via half-integral multiflow relaxation

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    We consider a network design problem called the generalized terminal backup problem. Whereas earlier work investigated the edge-connectivity constraints only, we consider both edge- and node-connectivity constraints for this problem. A major contribution of this paper is the development of a strongly polynomial-time 4/3-approximation algorithm for the problem. Specifically, we show that a linear programming relaxation of the problem is half-integral, and that the half-integral optimal solution can be rounded to a 4/3-approximate solution. We also prove that the linear programming relaxation of the problem with the edge-connectivity constraints is equivalent to minimizing the cost of half-integral multiflows that satisfy flow demands given from terminals. This observation presents a strongly polynomial-time algorithm for computing a minimum cost half-integral multiflow under flow demand constraints

    Short Cycles Connectivity

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    Short cycles connectivity is a generalization of ordinary connectivity. Instead by a path (sequence of edges), two vertices have to be connected by a sequence of short cycles, in which two adjacent cycles have at least one common vertex. If all adjacent cycles in the sequence share at least one edge, we talk about edge short cycles connectivity. It is shown that the short cycles connectivity is an equivalence relation on the set of vertices, while the edge short cycles connectivity components determine an equivalence relation on the set of edges. Efficient algorithms for determining equivalence classes are presented. Short cycles connectivity can be extended to directed graphs (cyclic and transitive connectivity). For further generalization we can also consider connectivity by small cliques or other families of graphs

    Accurately modeling the Internet topology

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    Based on measurements of the Internet topology data, we found out that there are two mechanisms which are necessary for the correct modeling of the Internet topology at the Autonomous Systems (AS) level: the Interactive Growth of new nodes and new internal links, and a nonlinear preferential attachment, where the preference probability is described by a positive-feedback mechanism. Based on the above mechanisms, we introduce the Positive-Feedback Preference (PFP) model which accurately reproduces many topological properties of the AS-level Internet, including: degree distribution, rich-club connectivity, the maximum degree, shortest path length, short cycles, disassortative mixing and betweenness centrality. The PFP model is a phenomenological model which provides a novel insight into the evolutionary dynamics of real complex networks.Comment: 20 pages and 17 figure