1,361 research outputs found

    Modular Self-Reconfigurable Robot Systems

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    The field of modular self-reconfigurable robotic systems addresses the design, fabrication, motion planning, and control of autonomous kinematic machines with variable morphology. Modular self-reconfigurable systems have the promise of making significant technological advances to the field of robotics in general. Their promise of high versatility, high value, and high robustness may lead to a radical change in automation. Currently, a number of researchers have been addressing many of the challenges. While some progress has been made, it is clear that many challenges still exist. By illustrating several of the outstanding issues as grand challenges that have been collaboratively written by a large number of researchers in this field, this article has shown several of the key directions for the future of this growing fiel

    A new meta-module for efficient reconfiguration of hinged-units modular robots

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    We present a robust and compact meta-module for edge-hinged modular robot units such as M-TRAN, SuperBot, SMORES, UBot, PolyBot and CKBot, as well as for central-point-hinged ones such as Molecubes and Roombots. Thanks to the rotational degrees of freedom of these units, the novel meta-module is able to expand and contract, as to double/halve its length in each dimension. Moreover, for a large class of edge-hinged robots the proposed meta-module also performs the scrunch/relax and transfer operations required by any tunneling-based reconfiguration strategy, such as those designed for Crystalline and Telecube robots. These results make it possible to apply efficient geometric reconfiguration algorithms to this type of robots. We prove the size of this new meta-module to be optimal. Its robustness and performance substantially improve over previous results.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Universal Reconfiguration of Facet-Connected Modular Robots by Pivots: The O(1) Musketeers

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    We present the first universal reconfiguration algorithm for transforming a modular robot between any two facet-connected square-grid configurations using pivot moves. More precisely, we show that five extra "helper" modules ("musketeers") suffice to reconfigure the remaining n modules between any two given configurations. Our algorithm uses O(n^2) pivot moves, which is worst-case optimal. Previous reconfiguration algorithms either require less restrictive "sliding" moves, do not preserve facet-connectivity, or for the setting we consider, could only handle a small subset of configurations defined by a local forbidden pattern. Configurations with the forbidden pattern do have disconnected reconfiguration graphs (discrete configuration spaces), and indeed we show that they can have an exponential number of connected components. But forbidding the local pattern throughout the configuration is far from necessary, as we show that just a constant number of added modules (placed to be freely reconfigurable) suffice for universal reconfigurability. We also classify three different models of natural pivot moves that preserve facet-connectivity, and show separations between these models

    Heterogeneous Self-Reconfiguring Robotics: Ph.D. Thesis Proposal

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    Self-reconfiguring robots are modular systems that can change shape, or reconfigure, to match structure to task. They comprise many small, discrete, often identical modules that connect together and that are minimally actuated. Global shape transformation is achieved by composing local motions. Systems with a single module type, known as homogeneous systems, gain fault tolerance, robustness and low production cost from module interchangeability. However, we are interested in heterogeneous systems, which include multiple types of modules such as those with sensors, batteries or wheels. We believe that heterogeneous systems offer the same benefits as homogeneous systems with the added ability to match not only structure to task, but also capability to task. Although significant results have been achieved in understanding homogeneous systems, research in heterogeneous systems is challenging as key algorithmic issues remain unexplored. We propose in this thesis to investigate questions in four main areas: 1) how to classify heterogeneous systems, 2) how to develop efficient heterogeneous reconfiguration algorithms with desired characteristics, 3) how to characterize the complexity of key algorithmic problems, and 4) how to apply these heterogeneous algorithms to perform useful new tasks in simulation and in the physical world. Our goal is to develop an algorithmic basis for heterogeneous systems. This has theoretical significance in that it addresses a major open problem in the field, and practical significance in providing self-reconfiguring robots with increased capabilities

    Reconfiguration of 3D Crystalline Robots Using O(log n) Parallel Moves

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    We consider the theoretical model of Crystalline robots, which have been introduced and prototyped by the robotics community. These robots consist of independently manipulable unit-square atoms that can extend/contract arms on each side and attach/detach from neighbors. These operations suffice to reconfigure between any two given (connected) shapes. The worst-case number of sequential moves required to transform one connected configuration to another is known to be Theta(n). However, in principle, atoms can all move simultaneously. We develop a parallel algorithm for reconfiguration that runs in only O(log n) parallel steps, although the total number of operations increases slightly to Theta(nlogn). The result is the first (theoretically) almost-instantaneous universally reconfigurable robot built from simple units.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Autonomous Task-Based Evolutionary Design of Modular Robots

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    In an attempt to solve the problem of finding a set of multiple unique modular robotic designs that can be constructed using a given repertoire of modules to perform a specific task, a novel synthesis framework is introduced based on design optimization concepts and evolutionary algorithms to search for the optimal design. Designing modular robotic systems faces two main challenges: the lack of basic rules of thumb and design bias introduced by human designers. The space of possible designs cannot be easily grasped by human designers especially for new tasks or tasks that are not fully understood by designers. Therefore, evolutionary computation is employed to design modular robots autonomously. Evolutionary algorithms can efficiently handle problems with discrete search spaces and solutions of variable sizes as these algorithms offer feasible robustness to local minima in the search space; and they can be parallelized easily to reducing system runtime. Moreover, they do not have to make assumptions about the solution form. This dissertation proposes a novel autonomous system for task-based modular robotic design based on evolutionary algorithms to search for the optimal design. The introduced system offers a flexible synthesis algorithm that can accommodate to different task-based design needs and can be applied to different modular shapes to produce homogenous modular robots. The proposed system uses a new representation for modular robotic assembly configuration based on graph theory and Assembly Incidence Matrix (AIM), in order to enable efficient and extendible task-based design of modular robots that can take input modules of different geometries and Degrees Of Freedom (DOFs). Robotic simulation is a powerful tool for saving time and money when designing robots as it provides an accurate method of assessing robotic adequacy to accomplish a specific task. Furthermore, it is difficult to predict robotic performance without simulation. Thus, simulation is used in this research to evaluate the robotic designs by measuring the fitness of the evolved robots, while incorporating the environmental features and robotic hardware constraints. Results are illustrated for a number of benchmark problems. The results presented a significant advance in robotic design automation state of the art

    3D reconfiguration using graph grammars for modular robotics

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    The objective of this thesis is to develop a method for the reconfiguration of three-dimensional modular robots. A modular robot is composed of simple individual building blocks or modules. Each of these modules needs to be controlled and actuated individually in order to make the robot perform useful tasks. The presented method allows us to reconfigure arbitrary initial configurations of modules into any pre-specified target configuration by using graph grammar rules that rely on local information only. Local in a sense that each module needs just information from neighboring modules in order to decide its next reconfiguration step. The advantage of this approach is that the modules do not need global knowledge about the whole configuration. We propose a two stage reconfiguration process composed of a centralized planning stage and a decentralized, rule-based reconfiguration stage. In the first stage, paths are planned for each module and then rewritten into a ruleset, also called a graph grammar. Global knowledge about the configuration is available to the planner. In stage two, these rules are applied in a decentralized fashion by each node individually and with local knowledge only. Each module can check the ruleset for applicable rules in parallel. This approach has been implemented in Matlab and currently, we are able to generate rulesets for arbitrary homogeneous input configurations.MSCommittee Chair: Magnus Egerstedt; Committee Member: Jeff Shamma; Committee Member: Patricio Antonio Vel
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