5 research outputs found

    On the classical Maki-Thompson rumour model in continuous time

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    In this paper, the Maki-Thompson model is slightly refined in continuous time, and a new general solution is obtained for each dynamics of spreading of a rumour. It is derived an equation for the size of a stochastic rumour process in terms of transitions. We give new lower and upper bounds for the proportion of total ignorants who never learned a rumour and the proportion of total stiflers who either forget the rumour or cease to spread the rumour when the rumour process stops, under general initial conditions. Simulation results are presented for the analytical solutions. The model and these numerical results are capable to explain the behaviour of the dynamics of any other dynamical system having interactions similar to the ones in the stochastic rumour process and requiring numerical interpretations to understand the real phenomena better. The numerical process in the differential equations of the model is investigated by using error-estimates. The estimated error is calculated by the Runge-Kutta method and found either negligible or zero for a relatively small size of the population. This pioneering paper introduces a new mathematical method into Operations research, motivated by various areas of scientific, social and daily life, it presents numerical computations, discusses structural frontiers and invites the interested readers to future research

    A influência do rumor no bem-estar dos colaboradores das organizações

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    Orientação: João Pedro da Cruz Fernandes ThomazO presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo investigar o rumor nas organizações e avaliar o seu impacto no bem-estar afetivo dos trabalhadores. Adicionalmente, analisam-se outras variáveis de cariz sociodemográfico dos participantes, nomeadamente as motivações dos trabalhadores para a participação em rumores, as suas atitudes face aos rumores, a prevalência de rumores nas organizações e as suas principais origens. Para consecução destes objetivos foi elaborado um instrumento de inquirição por questionário para a avaliação dos rumores nas organizações (Questionário RBEAT). O estudo foi realizado com uma amostra de trabalhadores de pequenas organizações portuguesas, constituída por participantes de ambos os sexos, independentemente das suas habilitações literárias, da idade, da função e do cargo ocupado na empresa ou do tempo de serviço. Com este estudo empírico, obteve-se como resultado principal um melhor entendimento dos rumores no seio organizacional, tendo-se concluído que os rumores organizacionais influenciam o bem-estar dos trabalhadores, em particular ao nível das dimensões aborrecimento-entusiasmo e cansaço-vigor. Verificou-se a existência de uma associação com significado estatístico entre a origem dos rumores e a motivação dos trabalhadores para neles participarem, e também na correlação entre o impacto dos rumores nos trabalhadores e os anos de serviço destes nas organizações.This study aims to investigate organizational rumors and evaluate their impact on the emotional well-being of workers. Additionally, we analyze other sociodemographic variables of participants, including workers’ motivations for participating in rumors, their attitudes towards rumors, the prevalence of rumors in organizations, and their main sources. To achieve these goals a inquiry instrument by questionnaire for the evaluation of rumors in organizations (Questionnaire RBEAT) was designed. The study was conducted with a sample of Portuguese workers from small organizations, composed of participants of both sexes, regardless of their educational background, age, function and position held in the company or service time. With this empirical study, we obtained mainly a better understanding of rumors within organizations and we hope to find results that allow a better understanding of organizational rumors. It was concluded that organizational rumors influence the workers’ well-being, particularly at the level of annoyance-enthusiasm and fatigue-force dimensions. Verifying the existence of an association with statistical significance between the source of the rumors and the motivation of workers to take part, and also the correlation between the impact of rumors on workers and the years of service of workers in organizations

    How Rumors are Associated with Retail Investors’ Investment Decision Making

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    Retail investors’ decision-making process can become complex, causing them to rely on rumors to make investment decisions. However, research on rumors and retail investment decision-making in Malaysia is still lacking. This study aims to explore rumors from a social reality perspective, the source that facilitates rumors, and the association between rumors and retail investors’ investment decision-making. Bursa Malaysia was selected as the target exchange for this study to understand how the process of retail investors’ decision-making when it is associated with rumors. In the data collection process, this study embarked on a qualitative inquiry approach using Gioia methodology. A semi-structured interviews with 29 respondents was conducted using purposive sampling for the fieldwork. Data-structure analysis reveals four aggregate dimensions of how rumors are associated with retail investors’ investment decision-making, namely anticipated outcome, subjective probability, external factors, and fundamental principles. This study shows that rumor matters at the level of sociological influence, the mechanism of rumor spread, and the psychological perspective. These dimensions are associated with rumors and the investment decisions of retail investors. This study contributes to a better understanding of behavioral finance in retail investors' decision-making and its implications for the National Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program from a societal impact perspective. This study could also be a starting point for Bursa Malaysia and the Securities Commission Malaysia to investigate the actual existence of rumors, effective strategies to manage them, and their impact on the stock market and retail investors' investment decision making