5 research outputs found

    Beyond Ohba's Conjecture: A bound on the choice number of kk-chromatic graphs with nn vertices

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    Let ch(G)\text{ch}(G) denote the choice number of a graph GG (also called "list chromatic number" or "choosability" of GG). Noel, Reed, and Wu proved the conjecture of Ohba that ch(G)=χ(G)\text{ch}(G)=\chi(G) when V(G)2χ(G)+1|V(G)|\le 2\chi(G)+1. We extend this to a general upper bound: ch(G)max{χ(G),(V(G)+χ(G)1)/3}\text{ch}(G)\le \max\{\chi(G),\lceil({|V(G)|+\chi(G)-1})/{3}\rceil\}. Our result is sharp for V(G)3χ(G)|V(G)|\le 3\chi(G) using Ohba's examples, and it improves the best-known upper bound for ch(K4,,4)\text{ch}(K_{4,\dots,4}).Comment: 14 page

    On Choosability and Paintability of Graphs

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    abstract: Let G=(V,E)G=(V,E) be a graph. A \emph{list assignment} LL for GG is a function from VV to subsets of the natural numbers. An LL-\emph{coloring} is a function ff with domain VV such that f(v)L(v)f(v)\in L(v) for all vertices vVv\in V and f(x)f(y)f(x)\ne f(y) whenever xyExy\in E. If L(v)=t|L(v)|=t for all vVv\in V then LL is a tt-\emph{list assignment}. The graph GG is tt-choosable if for every tt-list assignment LL there is an LL-coloring. The least tt such that GG is tt-choosable is called the list chromatic number of GG, and is denoted by ch(G)\ch(G). The complete multipartite graph with kk parts, each of size ss is denoted by KskK_{s*k}. Erd\H{o}s et al. suggested the problem of determining \ensuremath{\ch(K_{s*k})}, and showed that ch(K2k)=k\ch(K_{2*k})=k. Alon gave bounds of the form Θ(klogs)\Theta(k\log s). Kierstead proved the exact bound ch(K3k)=4k13\ch(K_{3*k})=\lceil\frac{4k-1}{3}\rceil. Here it is proved that ch(K4k)=3k12\ch(K_{4*k})=\lceil\frac{3k-1}{2}\rceil. An online version of the list coloring problem was introduced independently by Schauz and Zhu. It can be formulated as a game between two players, Alice and Bob. Alice designs lists of colors for all vertices, but does not tell Bob, and is allowed to change her mind about unrevealed colors as the game progresses. On her ii-th turn Alice reveals all vertices with ii in their list. On his ii-th turn Bob decides, irrevocably, which (independent set) of these vertices to color with ii. For a function ll from VV to the natural numbers, Bob wins the ll-\emph{game} if eventually he colors every vertex vv before vv has had l(v)+1l(v)+1 colors of its list revealed by Alice; otherwise Alice wins. The graph GG is ll-\emph{online choosable} or \emph{ll-paintable} if Bob has a strategy to win the ll-game. If l(v)=tl(v)=t for all vVv\in V and GG is ll-paintable, then GG is t-paintable. The \emph{online list chromatic number }of GG is the least tt such that GG is tt-paintable, and is denoted by \ensuremath{\ch^{\mathrm{OL}}(G)}. Evidently, chOL(G)ch(G)\ch^{\mathrm{OL}}(G)\geq\ch(G). Zhu conjectured that the gap chOL(G)ch(G)\ch^{\mathrm{OL}}(G)-\ch(G) can be arbitrarily large. However there are only a few known examples with this gap equal to one, and none with larger gap. This conjecture is explored in this thesis. One of the obstacles is that there are not many graphs whose exact list coloring number is known. This is one of the motivations for establishing new cases of Erd\H{o}s' problem. Here new examples of graphs with gap one are found, and related technical results are developed as tools for attacking Zhu's conjecture. The square G2G^{2} of a graph GG is formed by adding edges between all vertices at distance 22. It was conjectured that every graph GG satisfies χ(G2)=ch(G2)\chi(G^{2})=\ch(G^{2}). This was recently disproved for specially constructed graphs. Here it is shown that a graph arising naturally in the theory of cellular networks is also a counterexample.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Mathematics 201

    Ohba’s conjecture and beyond for generalized colorings

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    Let GG be a graph. Ohba's conjecture states that if V(G)2χ(G)+1|V(G)|\leq 2\chi(G) +1, then χ(G)=χL(G)\chi(G)=\chi^L(G). Noel, West, Wu and Zhu extended this result and proved that for any graph, χL(G)max{χ(G),(V(G)+χ(G)1)/3}\chi^L(G)\leq\max\{\chi(G),\left\lceil(|V(G)+\chi(G)-1)/3\right\rceil\}. Ohba, Kierstead and Noel proved that this bound is sharp for the ordinary chromatic number. In this work we prove that both results hold for generalized colorings as well, and find examples that prove the sharpness of the second one for the acyclic and star chromatic numbers