7 research outputs found

    Spectral Efficiency Evaluation for Selection Combining Diversity Schemes under Worst Case of Fading Scenario

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    The results of spectral efficiencies for optimum rate adaptation with constant power (ORA) and channel inversion with fixed rate (CIFR) schemes over uncorrelated diversity branch with Selection Combining (SC) available so far in literature are applicable only for m?1.This paper derived closed-form expressions for the spectral efficiency of dual-branch SC over uncorrelated Nakagami-0.5(m<1) fading channels. This spectral efficiency is evaluated under ORA and CIFR schemes. Since, the spectral efficiency expression under ORA scheme contains an infinite series, hence bounds on the errors resulting from truncating the infinite series have been derived The corresponding expressions for Nakagami-0.5 fading are called expressions under worst fading condition with severe fading. Finally, numerical results are presented, which are then compared to the spectral efficiency results which have been previously published for ORA and CIFR schemes. It has been observed that by employing SC, spectral efficiency improves under ORA, but does not improve under CIF

    Average Channel Capacity Evaluation for Selection Combining Diversity Schemes over Nakagami-0.5 fading Channels.

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    This paper provides Closed-form expressions for the average channel capacity and probability of outage of dual-branch Selection Combining (SC) over uncorrelated Nakagami-0.5 fading channels. This channel capacity and probability of outage are evaluated under Optimum Power with Rate Adaptation (OPRA) and Truncated channel Inversion with Fixed Rate transmission (TIFR) schemes. Since, the channel capacity and probability of outage expressions contain an infinite series, the series are truncated and bounds on the truncated errors are presented. The corresponding expressions for Nakagami-0.5 fading are called expressions under worst fading condition with severe fading. Finally, numerical results are presented, which are then compared to the channel capacity and probability of outage results for no diversity case, which has been previously published under OPRA and TIFR schemes. It has been observed that OPRA provides improved average channel capacity and probability of outage, as compared to TIFR under worst case of fading

    Theoretical contributions for generalized scenarios of wireless channels

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    Orientador: Michel Daoud YacoubTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Recentemente, três novos modelos probabilísticos de canal, modelos a-u, ?-u e ?-u, foram propostos com o intuito de prover uma análise mais realística do sinal propagante. Por apresentarem um grau de liberdade a mais que os demais já existentes na literatura, um melhor ajuste a medidas de campo verificou-se com a utilização dos mesmos. Esta tese provê uma caracterização estatística para estes modelos de desvanecimento generalizados. Tal caracterização engloba tanto estatísticas de primeira como de segunda ordem. Aproximações simples e precisas para a soma de variáveis e processos aleatórios são propostas. Inúmeras métricas de desempenho em ambientes com e sem diversidade na recepção são investigadas de forma exata e aproximada. Dentre estas, podemos citar: probabilidade de outage, taxa de erro de bit, capacidade de canal, taxa de cruzamento de nível, duração média de desvanecimento, dentre outras. Além disso, mostra-se também qual das distribuições generalizadas melhor aproxima a soma de variáveis e processos Nakagami-m, uma vez que todas incluem Nakagami-m como caso especial. Finalmente, expressões exatas e aproximadas para a taxa de cruzamento de nível de canaisWeibull correlacionados e não idênticos em receptores multirramos são apresentadasAbstract: Recently, three new channel models, a-u, ?-u and ?-u, were proposed with the aim to provide a more realistic analysis of the propagate signal. Due to they have one degree of freedom more than those already existing in the literature, a better adjust to field measurement data was attested with their use. This thesis deals with the statistical characterization of these generalized fading models. Such a characterization includes both first and second order statistics. Simple and precise approximations to the sum of random variables and processes are proposed. Several performance metrics in scenarios with and without diversity are investigated in an exact and approximate manner. Among them, we may cite: outage probability, bit error probability, channel capacity, level crossing rate, average fade duration, such others. Furthermore, it is shown what is the generalized distribution that better approximate the sum of Nakagami-m variates and processes, once that all of them include Nakagami-m as special case. Finally, exact and approximate expressions for the crossing rates of non-identical correlated Weibull channels in multibranch receivers are presented.DoutoradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaDoutor em Engenharia Elétric