26,371 research outputs found

    Feedback Vertex Set on Geometric Intersection Graphs

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    In this paper, we present an algorithm for computing a feedback vertex set of a unit disk graph of size k, if it exists, which runs in time 2^O(?k)(n+m), where n and m denote the numbers of vertices and edges, respectively. This improves the 2^O(?klog k) n^O(1)-time algorithm for this problem on unit disk graphs by Fomin et al. [ICALP 2017]. Moreover, our algorithm is optimal assuming the exponential-time hypothesis. Also, our algorithm can be extended to handle geometric intersection graphs of similarly sized fat objects without increasing the running time

    Dynamic programming for graphs on surfaces

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    We provide a framework for the design and analysis of dynamic programming algorithms for surface-embedded graphs on n vertices and branchwidth at most k. Our technique applies to general families of problems where standard dynamic programming runs in 2O(k·log k). Our approach combines tools from topological graph theory and analytic combinatorics.Postprint (updated version

    Local Treewidth of Random and Noisy Graphs with Applications to Stopping Contagion in Networks

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    We study the notion of local treewidth in sparse random graphs: the maximum treewidth over all k-vertex subgraphs of an n-vertex graph. When k is not too large, we give nearly tight bounds for this local treewidth parameter; we also derive nearly tight bounds for the local treewidth of noisy trees, trees where every non-edge is added independently with small probability. We apply our upper bounds on the local treewidth to obtain fixed parameter tractable algorithms (on random graphs and noisy trees) for edge-removal problems centered around containing a contagious process evolving over a network. In these problems, our main parameter of study is k, the number of initially "infected" vertices in the network. For the random graph models we consider and a certain range of parameters the running time of our algorithms on n-vertex graphs is 2^o(k) poly(n), improving upon the 2^?(k) poly(n) performance of the best-known algorithms designed for worst-case instances of these edge deletion problems

    Fast Dynamic Graph Algorithms for Parameterized Problems

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    Fully dynamic graph is a data structure that (1) supports edge insertions and deletions and (2) answers problem specific queries. The time complexity of (1) and (2) are referred to as the update time and the query time respectively. There are many researches on dynamic graphs whose update time and query time are o(G)o(|G|), that is, sublinear in the graph size. However, almost all such researches are for problems in P. In this paper, we investigate dynamic graphs for NP-hard problems exploiting the notion of fixed parameter tractability (FPT). We give dynamic graphs for Vertex Cover and Cluster Vertex Deletion parameterized by the solution size kk. These dynamic graphs achieve almost the best possible update time O(poly(k)logn)O(\mathrm{poly}(k)\log n) and the query time O(f(poly(k),k))O(f(\mathrm{poly}(k),k)), where f(n,k)f(n,k) is the time complexity of any static graph algorithm for the problems. We obtain these results by dynamically maintaining an approximate solution which can be used to construct a small problem kernel. Exploiting the dynamic graph for Cluster Vertex Deletion, as a corollary, we obtain a quasilinear-time (polynomial) kernelization algorithm for Cluster Vertex Deletion. Until now, only quadratic time kernelization algorithms are known for this problem. We also give a dynamic graph for Chromatic Number parameterized by the solution size of Cluster Vertex Deletion, and a dynamic graph for bounded-degree Feedback Vertex Set parameterized by the solution size. Assuming the parameter is a constant, each dynamic graph can be updated in O(logn)O(\log n) time and can compute a solution in O(1)O(1) time. These results are obtained by another approach.Comment: SWAT 2014 to appea

    Maximal partial Latin cubes

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    We prove that each maximal partial Latin cube must have more than 29.289% of its cells filled and show by construction that this is a nearly tight bound. We also prove upper and lower bounds on the number of cells containing a fixed symbol in maximal partial Latin cubes and hypercubes, and we use these bounds to determine for small orders n the numbers k for which there exists a maximal partial Latin cube of order n with exactly k entries. Finally, we prove that maximal partial Latin cubes of order n exist of each size from approximately half-full (n3/2 for even n ≥ 10 and (n3 + n)/2 for odd n ≥21) to completely full, except for when either precisely 1 or 2 cells are empty