51,208 research outputs found

    Optimality Principles and Motion Planning of Human-Like Reaching Movements

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    The paper deals with modeling of human-like reaching movements. Several issues are under study. First, we consider a model of unconstrained reaching movements that corresponds to the minimization of control effort. It is shown that this model can be represented by the wellknown Beta function. The representation can be used for the construction of fractional order models and also for modeling of asymmetric velocity proï¬les. Next, we address the formation of boundary conditions in a natural way. From the mathematical point of view, the structure of the optimal solution is deï¬ned not only by the form of the optimality criterion but also by the boundary conditions of the optimization task. The natural boundary conditions, deï¬ned in this part of the paper, can also be used in modeling asymmetric velocity proï¬les. Finally, addressing the modeling of reaching movements with bounded control actions, we consider the minimum time formulation of the optimization problem and (for the n-th order integrator) ï¬nd its analytical solution

    A Computational Approach for Human-like Motion Generation in Upper Limb Exoskeletons Supporting Scapulohumeral Rhythms

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    This paper proposes a computational approach for generation of reference path for upper-limb exoskeletons considering the scapulohumeral rhythms of the shoulder. The proposed method can be used in upper-limb exoskeletons with 3 Degrees of Freedom (DoF) in shoulder and 1 DoF in elbow, which are capable of supporting shoulder girdle. The developed computational method is based on Central Nervous System (CNS) governing rules. Existing computational reference generation methods are based on the assumption of fixed shoulder center during motions. This assumption can be considered valid for reaching movements with limited range of motion (RoM). However, most upper limb motions such as Activities of Daily Living (ADL) include large scale inward and outward reaching motions, during which the center of shoulder joint moves significantly. The proposed method generates the reference motion based on a simple model of human arm and a transformation can be used to map the developed motion for other exoskeleton with different kinematics. Comparison of the model outputs with experimental results of healthy subjects performing ADL, show that the proposed model is able to reproduce human-like motions.Comment: In 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Wearable & Rehabilitation Robotics (WeRob2017

    Task-demands can immediately reverse the effects of sensory-driven saliency in complex visual stimuli

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    In natural vision both stimulus features and task-demands affect an observer's attention. However, the relationship between sensory-driven (“bottom-up”) and task-dependent (“top-down”) factors remains controversial: Can task-demands counteract strong sensory signals fully, quickly, and irrespective of bottom-up features? To measure attention under naturalistic conditions, we recorded eye-movements in human observers, while they viewed photographs of outdoor scenes. In the first experiment, smooth modulations of contrast biased the stimuli's sensory-driven saliency towards one side. In free-viewing, observers' eye-positions were immediately biased toward the high-contrast, i.e., high-saliency, side. However, this sensory-driven bias disappeared entirely when observers searched for a bull's-eye target embedded with equal probability to either side of the stimulus. When the target always occurred in the low-contrast side, observers' eye-positions were immediately biased towards this low-saliency side, i.e., the sensory-driven bias reversed. Hence, task-demands do not only override sensory-driven saliency but also actively countermand it. In a second experiment, a 5-Hz flicker replaced the contrast gradient. Whereas the bias was less persistent in free viewing, the overriding and reversal took longer to deploy. Hence, insufficient sensory-driven saliency cannot account for the bias reversal. In a third experiment, subjects searched for a spot of locally increased contrast (“oddity”) instead of the bull's-eye (“template”). In contrast to the other conditions, a slight sensory-driven free-viewing bias prevails in this condition. In a fourth experiment, we demonstrate that at known locations template targets are detected faster than oddity targets, suggesting that the former induce a stronger top-down drive when used as search targets. Taken together, task-demands can override sensory-driven saliency in complex visual stimuli almost immediately, and the extent of overriding depends on the search target and the overridden feature, but not on the latter's free-viewing saliency

    How simple rules determine pedestrian behavior and crowd disasters

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    With the increasing size and frequency of mass events, the study of crowd disasters and the simulation of pedestrian flows have become important research areas. Yet, even successful modeling approaches such as those inspired by Newtonian force models are still not fully consistent with empirical observations and are sometimes hard to calibrate. Here, a novel cognitive science approach is proposed, which is based on behavioral heuristics. We suggest that, guided by visual information, namely the distance of obstructions in candidate lines of sight, pedestrians apply two simple cognitive procedures to adapt their walking speeds and directions. While simpler than previous approaches, this model predicts individual trajectories and collective patterns of motion in good quantitative agreement with a large variety of empirical and experimental data. This includes the emergence of self-organization phenomena, such as the spontaneous formation of unidirectional lanes or stop-and-go waves. Moreover, the combination of pedestrian heuristics with body collisions generates crowd turbulence at extreme densities-a phenomenon that has been observed during recent crowd disasters. By proposing an integrated treatment of simultaneous interactions between multiple individuals, our approach overcomes limitations of current physics-inspired pair interaction models. Understanding crowd dynamics through cognitive heuristics is therefore not only crucial for a better preparation of safe mass events. It also clears the way for a more realistic modeling of collective social behaviors, in particular of human crowds and biological swarms. Furthermore, our behavioral heuristics may serve to improve the navigation of autonomous robots.Comment: Article accepted for publication in PNA

    Dynamics of Current, Charge and Mass

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    Electricity plays a special role in our lives and life. Equations of electron dynamics are nearly exact and apply from nuclear particles to stars. These Maxwell equations include a special term the displacement current (of vacuum). Displacement current allows electrical signals to propagate through space. Displacement current guarantees that current is exactly conserved from inside atoms to between stars, as long as current is defined as Maxwell did, as the entire source of the curl of the magnetic field. We show how the Bohm formulation of quantum mechanics allows easy definition of current. We show how conservation of current can be derived without mention of the polarization or dielectric properties of matter. Matter does not behave the way physicists of the 1800's thought it does with a single dielectric constant, a real positive number independent of everything. Charge moves in enormously complicated ways that cannot be described in that way, when studied on time scales important today for electronic technology and molecular biology. Life occurs in ionic solutions in which charge moves in response to forces not mentioned or described in the Maxwell equations, like convection and diffusion. Classical derivations of conservation of current involve classical treatments of dielectrics and polarization in nearly every textbook. Because real dielectrics do not behave in a classical way, classical derivations of conservation of current are often distrusted or even ignored. We show that current is conserved exactly in any material no matter how complex the dielectric, polarization or conduction currents are. We believe models, simulations, and computations should conserve current on all scales, as accurately as possible, because physics conserves current that way. We believe models will be much more successful if they conserve current at every level of resolution, the way physics does.Comment: Version 4 slight reformattin

    The Complementary Brain: From Brain Dynamics To Conscious Experiences

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    How do our brains so effectively achieve adaptive behavior in a changing world? Evidence is reviewed that brains are organized into parallel processing streams with complementary properties. Hierarchical interactions within each stream and parallel interactions between streams create coherent behavioral representations that overcome the complementary deficiencies of each stream and support unitary conscious experiences. This perspective suggests how brain design reflects the organization of the physical world with which brains interact, and suggests an alternative to the computer metaphor suggesting that brains are organized into independent modules. Examples from perception, learning, cognition, and action are described, and theoretical concepts and mechanisms by which complementarity is accomplished are summarized.Defense Advanced Research Projects and the Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409); National Science Foundation (ITI-97-20333); Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0657
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