7,730 research outputs found

    Towards Unbiased BFS Sampling

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    Breadth First Search (BFS) is a widely used approach for sampling large unknown Internet topologies. Its main advantage over random walks and other exploration techniques is that a BFS sample is a plausible graph on its own, and therefore we can study its topological characteristics. However, it has been empirically observed that incomplete BFS is biased toward high-degree nodes, which may strongly affect the measurements. In this paper, we first analytically quantify the degree bias of BFS sampling. In particular, we calculate the node degree distribution expected to be observed by BFS as a function of the fraction f of covered nodes, in a random graph RG(pk) with an arbitrary degree distribution pk. We also show that, for RG(pk), all commonly used graph traversal techniques (BFS, DFS, Forest Fire, Snowball Sampling, RDS) suffer from exactly the same bias. Next, based on our theoretical analysis, we propose a practical BFS-bias correction procedure. It takes as input a collected BFS sample together with its fraction f. Even though RG(pk) does not capture many graph properties common in real-life graphs (such as assortativity), our RG(pk)-based correction technique performs well on a broad range of Internet topologies and on two large BFS samples of Facebook and Orkut networks. Finally, we consider and evaluate a family of alternative correction procedures, and demonstrate that, although they are unbiased for an arbitrary topology, their large variance makes them far less effective than the RG(pk)-based technique.Comment: BFS, RDS, graph traversal, sampling bias correctio

    Bounding the Bias of Tree-Like Sampling in IP Topologies

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    It is widely believed that the Internet's AS-graph degree distribution obeys a power-law form. Most of the evidence showing the power-law distribution is based on BGP data. However, it was recently argued that since BGP collects data in a tree-like fashion, it only produces a sample of the degree distribution, and this sample may be biased. This argument was backed by simulation data and mathematical analysis, which demonstrated that under certain conditions a tree sampling procedure can produce an artificail power-law in the degree distribution. Thus, although the observed degree distribution of the AS-graph follows a power-law, this phenomenon may be an artifact of the sampling process. In this work we provide some evidence to the contrary. We show, by analysis and simulation, that when the underlying graph degree distribution obeys a power-law with an exponent larger than 2, a tree-like sampling process produces a negligible bias in the sampled degree distribution. Furthermore, recent data collected from the DIMES project, which is not based on BGP sampling, indicates that the underlying AS-graph indeed obeys a power-law degree distribution with an exponent larger than 2. By combining this empirical data with our analysis, we conclude that the bias in the degree distribution calculated from BGP data is negligible.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Crawling Facebook for Social Network Analysis Purposes

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    We describe our work in the collection and analysis of massive data describing the connections between participants to online social networks. Alternative approaches to social network data collection are defined and evaluated in practice, against the popular Facebook Web site. Thanks to our ad-hoc, privacy-compliant crawlers, two large samples, comprising millions of connections, have been collected; the data is anonymous and organized as an undirected graph. We describe a set of tools that we developed to analyze specific properties of such social-network graphs, i.e., among others, degree distribution, centrality measures, scaling laws and distribution of friendship.\u

    Sampling properties of directed networks

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    For many real-world networks only a small "sampled" version of the original network may be investigated; those results are then used to draw conclusions about the actual system. Variants of breadth-first search (BFS) sampling, which are based on epidemic processes, are widely used. Although it is well established that BFS sampling fails, in most cases, to capture the IN-component(s) of directed networks, a description of the effects of BFS sampling on other topological properties are all but absent from the literature. To systematically study the effects of sampling biases on directed networks, we compare BFS sampling to random sampling on complete large-scale directed networks. We present new results and a thorough analysis of the topological properties of seven different complete directed networks (prior to sampling), including three versions of Wikipedia, three different sources of sampled World Wide Web data, and an Internet-based social network. We detail the differences that sampling method and coverage can make to the structural properties of sampled versions of these seven networks. Most notably, we find that sampling method and coverage affect both the bow-tie structure, as well as the number and structure of strongly connected components in sampled networks. In addition, at low sampling coverage (i.e. less than 40%), the values of average degree, variance of out-degree, degree auto-correlation, and link reciprocity are overestimated by 30% or more in BFS-sampled networks, and only attain values within 10% of the corresponding values in the complete networks when sampling coverage is in excess of 65%. These results may cause us to rethink what we know about the structure, function, and evolution of real-world directed networks.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Spin-polarized Quantum Transport in Mesoscopic Conductors: Computational Concepts and Physical Phenomena

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    Mesoscopic conductors are electronic systems of sizes in between nano- and micrometers, and often of reduced dimensionality. In the phase-coherent regime at low temperatures, the conductance of these devices is governed by quantum interference effects, such as the Aharonov-Bohm effect and conductance fluctuations as prominent examples. While first measurements of quantum charge transport date back to the 1980s, spin phenomena in mesoscopic transport have moved only recently into the focus of attention, as one branch of the field of spintronics. The interplay between quantum coherence with confinement-, disorder- or interaction-effects gives rise to a variety of unexpected spin phenomena in mesoscopic conductors and allows moreover to control and engineer the spin of the charge carriers: spin interference is often the basis for spin-valves, -filters, -switches or -pumps. Their underlying mechanisms may gain relevance on the way to possible future semiconductor-based spin devices. A quantitative theoretical understanding of spin-dependent mesoscopic transport calls for developing efficient and flexible numerical algorithms, including matrix-reordering techniques within Green function approaches, which we will explain, review and employ.Comment: To appear in the Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Scienc

    Network Sampling: From Static to Streaming Graphs

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    Network sampling is integral to the analysis of social, information, and biological networks. Since many real-world networks are massive in size, continuously evolving, and/or distributed in nature, the network structure is often sampled in order to facilitate study. For these reasons, a more thorough and complete understanding of network sampling is critical to support the field of network science. In this paper, we outline a framework for the general problem of network sampling, by highlighting the different objectives, population and units of interest, and classes of network sampling methods. In addition, we propose a spectrum of computational models for network sampling methods, ranging from the traditionally studied model based on the assumption of a static domain to a more challenging model that is appropriate for streaming domains. We design a family of sampling methods based on the concept of graph induction that generalize across the full spectrum of computational models (from static to streaming) while efficiently preserving many of the topological properties of the input graphs. Furthermore, we demonstrate how traditional static sampling algorithms can be modified for graph streams for each of the three main classes of sampling methods: node, edge, and topology-based sampling. Our experimental results indicate that our proposed family of sampling methods more accurately preserves the underlying properties of the graph for both static and streaming graphs. Finally, we study the impact of network sampling algorithms on the parameter estimation and performance evaluation of relational classification algorithms

    On sampling social networking services

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    This article aims at summarizing the existing methods for sampling social networking services and proposing a faster confidence interval for related sampling methods. It also includes comparisons of common network sampling techniques
