30 research outputs found

    The micropolar Navier-Stokes equations: A priori error analysis

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    The unsteady Micropolar Navier-Stokes Equations (MNSE) are a system of parabolic partial differential equations coupling linear velocity and pressure with angular velocity: material particles have both translational and rotational degrees of freedom. We propose and analyze a first order semi-implicit fully-discrete scheme for the MNSE, which decouples the computation of the linear and angular velocities, is unconditionally stable and delivers optimal convergence rates under assumptions analogous to those used for the Navier-Stokes equations. With the help of our scheme we explore some qualitative properties of the MNSE related to ferrofluid manipulation and pumping. Finally, we propose a second order scheme and show that it is almost unconditionally stable

    Error estimates for an operator-splitting method for incompressible flows

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    In this paper we provide an error analysis of a fractional-step method for the numerical solution of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. Under mild regularity assumptions on the continuous solution, we obtain first order error estimates in the time step size, both for the intermediate and the end-of-step velocities of the method; we also give some error estimates for the pressure solution

    Convergence analysis of the FEM approximation of the first order projection method for incompressible flows with and without the inf-sup condition

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    In this paper we obtain convergence results for the fully discrete projection method for the numerical approximation of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations using a finite element approximation for the space discretization. We consider two situations. In the first one, the analysis relies on the satisfaction of the inf-sup condition for the velocity-pressure finite element spaces. After that, we study a fully discrete fractional step method using a Poisson equation for the pressure. In this case the velocity-pressure interpolations do not need to accomplish the inf-sup condition and in fact we consider the case in which equal velocity-pressure interpolation is used. Optimal convergence results in time and space have been obtained in both cases

    Error analysis of projection methods for non inf-sup stable mixed finite elements: The transient Stokes problem

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    A modified Chorin–Teman (Euler non-incremental) projection method and a modified Euler incremental projection method for non inf-sup stable mixed finite elements are analyzed. The analysis of the classical Euler non-incremental and Euler incremental methods are obtained as a particular case. We first prove that the modified Euler non-incremental scheme has an inherent stabilization that allows the use of non inf-sup stable mixed finite elements without any kind of extra added stabilization. We show that it is also true in the case of the classical Chorin–Temam method. For the second scheme, we study a stabilization that allows the use of equal-order pairs of finite elements. The relation of the methods with the so-called pressure stabilized Petrov Galerkin method (PSPG) is established. The influence of the chosen initial approximations in the computed approximations to the pressure is analyzed. Numerical tests confirm the theoretical resultsResearch sup-ported by Spanish MINECO under grants MTM2013-42538-P (MINECO, ES) and MTM2016-78995-P (AEI/FEDER UE

    Pressure stability in fractional step finite element methods for incompressible flows

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the pressure stability of fractional step finite element methods for incompressible flows. For the classical first order projection method, it is shown that there is a pressure control which depends on the time step size, and therefore there is a lower bound for this time step for stability reasons. The situation is much worse for a second order scheme in which part of the extremely weak. To overcome these shortcomings, a stabilized fractional step finite element method is also considered, and its stability is analyzed. Some simple numerical examples are presented to support the theoretical results

    Stabilized finite element method for the transient Navier–Stokes equations based on a pressure gradient projection

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    In this paper we present a stabilized finite element formulation for the transient incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. The main idea is to introduce as a new unknown of the problem the projection of the pressure gradient onto the velocity space and to add to the incompresibility equation the difference between the Laplacian of the pressure and the divergence of this new vector field. This leads to a pressure stabilization effect that allows the use of equal interpolation for both velocities and pressures. In the case of the transient equations, we consider the possibility of treating the pressure gradient projection either implicitly or explicity. In the first case, the number of unknowns of the problem is substantially increased with respect to the standard Galerkin formulation. Nevertheless, iterative techniques may be used in order to uncouple the calculation of the pressure gradient projection from the rest of unknowns (velocity and pressure). When this vector field is treated explicitly, the increment of computational cost of the stabilized formulation with respect to the Galerkin method is very low. We provide a stability estimate for the case of the simple backward Euler time integration scheme for both the implicit and the explicit treatment of the pressure gradient projection

    An adaptive pressure correction method without spurious velocities for diffuse-interface models of incompressible flows

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    International audienceIn this article, we propose to study two issues associated with the use of the incremental projection method for solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation. The first one is the combination of this time splitting algorithm with an adaptive local refinement method. The second one is the reduction of spurious velocities due to the right-hand side of the momentum balance. We propose a new variant of the incremental projection method for solving the Navier-Stokes equations with variable density and illustrate its behaviour with the example of two phase flows simulations using a Cahn-Hilliard/Navier-Stokes model

    Nonintrusive proper generalised decomposition for parametrised incompressible flow problems in OpenFOAM

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    The computational cost of parametric studies currently represents the major limitation to the application of simulation-based engineering techniques in a daily industrial environment. This work presents the first nonintrusive implementation of the proper generalised decomposition (PGD) in OpenFOAM, for the approximation of parametrised laminar incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. The key feature of this approach is the seamless integration of a reduced order model (ROM) in the framework of an industrially validated computational fluid dynamics software. This is of special importance in an industrial environment because in the online phase of the PGD ROM the description of the flow for a specific set of parameters is obtained simply via interpolation of the generalised solution, without the need of any extra solution step. On the one hand, the spatial problems arising from the PGD separation of the unknowns are treated using the classical solution strategies of OpenFOAM, namely the semi-implicit method for pressure linked equations (SIMPLE) algorithm. On the other hand, the parametric iteration is solved via a collocation approach. The resulting ROM is applied to several benchmark tests of laminar incompressible Navier–Stokes flows, in two and three dimensions, with different parameters affecting the flow features. Eventually, the capability of the proposed strategy to treat industrial problems is verified by applying the methodology to a parametrised flow control in a realistic geometry of interest for the automotive industry