227 research outputs found

    Ordering policies for a dual sourcing supply chain with disruption risks

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    Purpose: The main purpose of this article is to explore the trade-off between ordering policies and disruption risks in a dual-sourcing network under specific (or not) service level constraints, assuming that both supply channels are susceptible to disruption risks. Design/methodology/approach: Stochastic newsvendor models are presented under both the unconstrained and fill rate constraint cases. The models can be applicable for different types of disruptions related among others to the supply of raw materials, the production process, and the distribution system, as well as security breaches and natural disasters. Findings: Through the model, we obtain some important managerial insights and evaluate the value of contingency strategies in managing uncertain supply chains. Originality/value: This paper attempts to combine explicitly disruption management with risk aversion issues for a two-stage supply chain with two unreliable suppliers.Peer Reviewe

    Weather Effect on Workflow, and Labor Productivity of Construction Plant

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    This study discusses a novel study and develop the important climatic data in Iraq and UAE for changes in construction materials plant  design. It is difficult to identified reliable and microclimate data and related information.  There are many types of construction changes and each type can have an effect on labor and machinery productivity. But what is the  effect of extreme heat and dust storm on construction industry can occurs either indoor or outdoor work. Construction materials production data from United Arab Emirates  region over 2100 productive days period were collected. This study found that the adverse sever summer climate of heat and dust storms lead to a significant reduction in production. An average of week with six  days during summers of heat exceeding 46C with high humidity reduces production in the week by 10% on average. A cross the regional companies, severe weather reduce production on average by 7% and delay the deliveries date. While it is possible that companies are able to recover these losses at some later date of summers. Further, even if recovery does occur at some point at very least these shocks are costly as they increase the volatility of production.  Also this study concludes useful results for assessing the potential productivity shock associate with inclement weather as well as guiding managers on where to locate a new production facility.  We recommend developing of empirical model for Heat Prediction in the region to expect to become more relevant as climate severity and frequent of severe weather.The results of our study also suggest raising the temperature to a more uncomfortable thermal zone lose employers about $2 per worker, per hour,” Keywords: Heat, Dust storm, Productivity, Construction material

    Managing supply disruption in a three-tier supply chain with multiple suppliers and retailers

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    © 2014 IEEE. In this paper, a supply disruption management model is introduced in a three-tier supply chain with multiple suppliers and retailers, where the system may face sudden disruption in its raw material supply. At first, we formulated a mathematical model for ideal conditions and then reformulated it to revise the supply, production and delivery plan after the occurrence of a disruption, for a future period, to recover from the disruption. Here, the objective is to minimize the total cost during the recovery time window while being subject to supply, capacity, demand, and delivery constraints. We have also proposed an efficient heuristic to solve the model and the results have been compared, with another established solution approach, for a good number of randomly generated test problems. The comparison showed the consistent performance of our developed heuristic. This paper also presents some numerical examples to explain the usefulness of the proposed approach

    How to Coordinate Integrated Supply Chain When Demand and Cost Disruptions Occur Simultaneously

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    Disruptions such as natural disasters, terrorism attacks, major public health events, financial crisis, machine failures and strikes etc. may have great impact on the operation of supply chain. An originally-coordinated supply chain cannot be coordinated because of some disruptions and the survival of the supply chain members can be influenced by other disruptions. A supply chain consisting of one supplier and one retailer is studied in this paper. The supply chain profit is maximized in the basic case. Disruption happens which makes the price sensitivity coefficient and the production cost changes simultaneously. The supplier only needs to adjust the retail price if the disruption is in a certain range. The supplier needs to adjust the retail price and the production quantities if the disruption is large enough. Finally, some numerical examples are illustrated to certify the results derived in this paper

    The Impact of SCRM strategies on supply chain resilience: A quantitative study in the Moroccan manufacturing industry

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    Both Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) and Supply Chain Resilience (SCRES) are emerging topics in the field of supply chain management which require more empirical studies. Many authors have tried to explore the antecedents of SCRES; they have all stressed the role of three main supply chain reduction strategies in achieving SCRES:flexibility, redundancy and collaboration. This article aims to study, through a quantitative study conducted in the Moroccan manufacturing industry context, the hypothetical links between the four constructs of our conceptual model. Data was analyzed using exploratory then confirmatory factor analysis using partial least squares technique of structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM

    RiskVis: Supply chain visualization with risk management and real-time monitoring

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    Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR

    Resilient Supply Chains

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    This research is funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Project PTDC/EME-GIN/68400/2006).This paper explores the designing principlesto create resilient Supply Chains (SC's) with the ability toreturn, rapidly, to the initial stage or to an improved oneafter a disturbance occurrence. SC disturbances and failuremodes are identified and discussed. The concept of SCresilience is defined and explored; a conceptual SCResilience Index and a SC Resilience Indicator areproposed. A framework for the design of resilient SC's isintroduced, identifying main SC characteristic that can bemodified to increase SC resilience and to mitigate itsvulnerability.publishersversionpublishe

    Customer Segmentation Strategy of Crowdfunding Platform with Completion Time Uncertainty

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    While crowdfunding allows firms to raise external capitals from a large group of audience, firms are often unable to control their production process, and the project may fail without being completed on time. Having this in mind and knowing that consumers are heterogeneous in accepting late completion, fundraising firms often offer multiple reward plans to do customer segmentation to maximize the fund they may raise. Popular segmentation tools include early shipment promise and refund policy. Using a game-theoretic model, we show that the firm should adopt one of the two screening tools, but not both. Which tool a fundraising firm should choose is also examined. Our conclusions offer insights into managerial decisions for firms using crowdfunding in their early project development