8 research outputs found

    The Typical Constructible Object

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    International audienceBaire Category is an important concept in mathematical analysis. It provides a way of identifying the properties of typical objects and proving the existence of objects with specified properties avoiding explicit constructions. For instance it has been extensively used to better understand and separate classes of real functions such as analytic and smooth functions. Baire Category proves very useful in computability theory and computable analysis, again to understand the properties of typical objects and to prove existence results. However it cannot be used directly when studying classes of computable or computably enumerable objects: those objects are atypical. Here we show how Baire Category can be adapted to such small classes, and how one can define typical computably enumerable sets or lower semicomputable real numbers for instance

    Completion of Choice

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    We systematically study the completion of choice problems in the Weihrauch lattice. Choice problems play a pivotal role in Weihrauch complexity. For one, they can be used as landmarks that characterize important equivalences classes in the Weihrauch lattice. On the other hand, choice problems also characterize several natural classes of computable problems, such as finite mind change computable problems, non-deterministically computable problems, Las Vegas computable problems and effectively Borel measurable functions. The closure operator of completion generates the concept of total Weihrauch reducibility, which is a variant of Weihrauch reducibility with total realizers. Logically speaking, the completion of a problem is a version of the problem that is independent of its premise. Hence, studying the completion of choice problems allows us to study simultaneously choice problems in the total Weihrauch lattice, as well as the question which choice problems can be made independent of their premises in the usual Weihrauch lattice. The outcome shows that many important choice problems that are related to compact spaces are complete, whereas choice problems for unbounded spaces or closed sets of positive measure are typically not complete.Comment: 30 page

    A Galois connection between Turing jumps and limits

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    Limit computable functions can be characterized by Turing jumps on the input side or limits on the output side. As a monad of this pair of adjoint operations we obtain a problem that characterizes the low functions and dually to this another problem that characterizes the functions that are computable relative to the halting problem. Correspondingly, these two classes are the largest classes of functions that can be pre or post composed to limit computable functions without leaving the class of limit computable functions. We transfer these observations to the lattice of represented spaces where it leads to a formal Galois connection. We also formulate a version of this result for computable metric spaces. Limit computability and computability relative to the halting problem are notions that coincide for points and sequences, but even restricted to continuous functions the former class is strictly larger than the latter. On computable metric spaces we can characterize the functions that are computable relative to the halting problem as those functions that are limit computable with a modulus of continuity that is computable relative to the halting problem. As a consequence of this result we obtain, for instance, that Lipschitz continuous functions that are limit computable are automatically computable relative to the halting problem. We also discuss 1-generic points as the canonical points of continuity of limit computable functions, and we prove that restricted to these points limit computable functions are computable relative to the halting problem. Finally, we demonstrate how these results can be applied in computable analysis

    Connected Choice and the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem

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    We study the computational content of the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem in the Weihrauch lattice. Connected choice is the operation that finds a point in a non-empty connected closed set given by negative information. One of our main results is that for any fixed dimension the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem of that dimension is computably equivalent to connected choice of the Euclidean unit cube of the same dimension. Another main result is that connected choice is complete for dimension greater than or equal to two in the sense that it is computably equivalent to Weak K\H{o}nig's Lemma. While we can present two independent proofs for dimension three and upwards that are either based on a simple geometric construction or a combinatorial argument, the proof for dimension two is based on a more involved inverse limit construction. The connected choice operation in dimension one is known to be equivalent to the Intermediate Value Theorem; we prove that this problem is not idempotent in contrast to the case of dimension two and upwards. We also prove that Lipschitz continuity with Lipschitz constants strictly larger than one does not simplify finding fixed points. Finally, we prove that finding a connectedness component of a closed subset of the Euclidean unit cube of any dimension greater or equal to one is equivalent to Weak K\H{o}nig's Lemma. In order to describe these results, we introduce a representation of closed subsets of the unit cube by trees of rational complexes.Comment: 36 page

    Stashing And Parallelization Pentagons

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    Parallelization is an algebraic operation that lifts problems to sequences in a natural way. Given a sequence as an instance of the parallelized problem, another sequence is a solution of this problem if every component is instance-wise a solution of the original problem. In the Weihrauch lattice parallelization is a closure operator. Here we introduce a dual operation that we call stashing and that also lifts problems to sequences, but such that only some component has to be an instance-wise solution. In this case the solution is stashed away in the sequence. This operation, if properly defined, induces an interior operator in the Weihrauch lattice. We also study the action of the monoid induced by stashing and parallelization on the Weihrauch lattice, and we prove that it leads to at most five distinct degrees, which (in the maximal case) are always organized in pentagons. We also introduce another closely related interior operator in the Weihrauch lattice that replaces solutions of problems by upper Turing cones that are strong enough to compute solutions. It turns out that on parallelizable degrees this interior operator corresponds to stashing. This implies that, somewhat surprisingly, all problems which are simultaneously parallelizable and stashable have computability-theoretic characterizations. Finally, we apply all these results in order to study the recently introduced discontinuity problem, which appears as the bottom of a number of natural stashing-parallelization pentagons. The discontinuity problem is not only the stashing of several variants of the lesser limited principle of omniscience, but it also parallelizes to the non-computability problem. This supports the slogan that "non-computability is the parallelization of discontinuity"

    On the Uniform Computational Content of the Baire Category Theorem

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