13 research outputs found

    Combinatorial Integer Labeling Thorems on Finite Sets with an Application to Discrete Systems of Nonlinear Equations

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    Tucker's well-known combinatorial lemma states that for any given symmetric triangulation of the n-dimensional unit cube and for any integer labeling that assigns to each vertex of the triangulation a label from the set f§1;§2; ¢ ¢ ¢ ;§ng with the property that antipodal vertices on the boundary of the cube are assigned opposite labels, the triangulation admits a 1-dimensional simplex whose two vertices have opposite labels. In this paper we are concerned with an arbitrary finite set D of integral vectors in the n-dimensional Euclidean space and an integer labeling that assigns to each element of D a label from the set f§1;§2; ¢ ¢ ¢ ;§ng. Using a constructive approach we prove two combinatorial theorems of Tucker type, stating that under some mild conditions there exists two integral vectors in D having opposite labels and being cell-connected in the sense that both belong to the set f0; 1gn+q for some integral vector q. These theorems will be used to show in a constructive way the existence of an integral solution to a system of nonlinear equations under certain natural conditions.Sperner lemma;Tucker lemma;integer labeling;simplicial algorithm;discrete nonlinear equations

    Solving Discrete Systems of Nonlinear Equations

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    In this paper we study the existence problem of a zero point of a function defined on a finite set of elements of the integer lattice Zn of the n-dimensional Euclidean space IRn. It is assumed that the set is integrally convex, which implies that the convex hull of the set can be subdivided in simplices such that every vertex is an element of Zn and each simplex of the triangulation lies in an n-dimensional cube of size one. With respect to this triangu- lation we assume that the function satisfies some property that replaces continuity. Under this property and some boundary condition the function has a zero point. To prove this we use a simplicial algorithm that terminates with a zero point within a finite number of iterations. The standard technique of applying a fixed point theorem to a piecewise linear approximation cannot be applied, because the `continuity property' is too weak to assure that a zero point of the piecewise linear approximation induces a zero point of the function itself. We apply the main existence result to prove the existence of a pure Cournot-Nash equilibrium in a Cournot oligopoly model. We further adapt the main result to a discrete variant of the well-known Borsuk-Ulam theorem and to a theorem for the existence of a solution for the discrete nonlinear complementarity problem.integrally convex set;triangulation;simplicial algorithm;discrete zero point

    Computing all solutions of Nash equilibrium problems with discrete strategy sets

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    The Nash equilibrium problem is a widely used tool to model non-cooperative games. Many solution methods have been proposed in the literature to compute solutions of Nash equilibrium problems with continuous strategy sets, but, besides some specific methods for some particular applications, there are no general algorithms to compute solutions of Nash equilibrium problems in which the strategy set of each player is assumed to be discrete. We define a branching method to compute the whole solution set of Nash equilibrium problems with discrete strategy sets. This method is equipped with a procedure that, by fixing variables, effectively prunes the branches of the search tree. Furthermore, we propose a preliminary procedure that by shrinking the feasible set improves the performances of the branching method when tackling a particular class of problems. Moreover, we prove existence of equilibria and we propose an extremely fast Jacobi-type method which leads to one equilibrium for a new class of Nash equilibrium problems with discrete strategy sets. Our numerical results show that all proposed algorithms work very well in practice

    Combinatorial Integer Labeling Thorems on Finite Sets with an Application to Discrete Systems of Nonlinear Equations

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    Tucker's well-known combinatorial lemma states that for any given symmetric triangulation of the n-dimensional unit cube and for any integer labeling that assigns to each vertex of the triangulation a label from the set f§1;§2; ¢ ¢ ¢ ;§ng with the property that antipodal vertices on the boundary of the cube are assigned opposite labels, the triangulation admits a 1-dimensional simplex whose two vertices have opposite labels. In this paper we are concerned with an arbitrary finite set D of integral vectors in the n-dimensional Euclidean space and an integer labeling that assigns to each element of D a label from the set f§1;§2; ¢ ¢ ¢ ;§ng. Using a constructive approach we prove two combinatorial theorems of Tucker type, stating that under some mild conditions there exists two integral vectors in D having opposite labels and being cell-connected in the sense that both belong to the set f0; 1gn+q for some integral vector q. These theorems will be used to show in a constructive way the existence of an integral solution to a system of nonlinear equations under certain natural conditions

    Solving discrete systems of nonlinear equations

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