19 research outputs found

    Использование BDS-статистики для оценки параметров одномерных отображений по наблюдению хаотического временного ряда

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    For the analysis of structural stealthiness of transmission systems of the information with random bearing, shaped one-dimensional representation, offers a new method of an estimate of its parameters with use nonparametric BDS-statistics. It is in-process shown, that, leaning against difference in absolute concepts in a phase space random, regular and random processes with independent values it is possible to solve a problem estimates of parameters representation on observation of random time series against a white noise. Outcomes of numerical modeling of the offered method of an estimate of parameters of random representations for various character of noise are resulted.Для анализа структурной скрытности систем передачи информации с хаотической несущей, формируемой одномерным отображением, предложен новый метод оценки его параметров с использованием непараметрической BDS-статистики. В работе показано, что, опираясь на различие в топологических свойствах в фазовом пространстве хаотических, регулярных и случайных процессов с независимыми значениями можно решать задачу оценки параметров отображения по наблюдению хаотического временного ряда на фоне белого шума. Приведены результаты численного моделирования предложенного метода оценки параметров хаотических отображений для различного характера шума

    Підходи до побудови швидких алгоритмів хешування

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    Розглянуто конструкції хешування та підходи до їх розпаралелення. Запропоновано узагальнену конструкцію паралельного хешування, стійку до відомих атак. Визначено оцінки тривалості хешування для різних реалізацій цієї конструкції. Дані оцінки були порівняні з аналогічними оцінками для відомих конструкцій.Hash constructions and approaches of their parallel computation are considered. The generalized construction of parallel hashing, that is infeasible to known attacks, is proposed. The hash computation durations of this construction different implementations are evaluated. The results of the evaluations were compared with ones of the known constructions

    Preimage resistance beyond the birthday bound: Double-length hashing revisited

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    Security proofs are an essential part of modern cryptography. Often the challenge is not to come up with appropriate schemes but rather to technically prove that these satisfy the desired security properties. We provide for the first time techniques for proving asymptotically optimal preimage resistance bounds for block cipher based double length, double call hash functions. More precisely, we consider for some \keylength>\blocklength compression functions H:\{0,1\}^{\keylength+\blocklength} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{2\blocklength} using two calls to an ideal block cipher with an \blocklength-bit block size. Optimally, an adversary trying to find a preimage for HH should require \Omega(2^{2\blocklength}) queries to the underlying block cipher. As a matter of fact there have been several attempts to prove the preimage resistance of such compression functions, but no proof did go beyond the \Omega(2^{\blocklength}) barrier, therefore leaving a huge gap when compared to the optimal bound. In this paper, we introduce two new techniques on how to lift this bound to \Omega(2^{2\blocklength}). We demonstrate our new techniques for a simple and natural design of HH, being the concatenation of two instances of the well-known Davies-Meyer compression function

    Attacks On a Double Length Blockcipher-based Hash Proposal

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    In this paper we attack a 2n2n-bit double length hash function proposed by Lee et al. This proposal is a blockcipher-based hash function with hash rate 2/32/3. The designers claimed that it could achieve ideal collision resistance and gave a security proof. However, we find a collision attack with complexity of Ω(23n/4)\Omega(2^{3n/4}) and a preimage attack with complexity of Ω(2n)\Omega(2^{n}). Our result shows this construction is much worse than an ideal 2n2n-bit hash function

    The Security of Abreast-DM in the Ideal Cipher Model

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    In this paper, we give a security proof for Abreast-DM in terms of collision resistance and preimage resistance. As old as Tandem-DM, the compression function Abreast-DM is one of the most well-known constructions for double block length compression functions. The bounds on the number of queries for collision resistance and preimage resistance are given by O(2^n). Based on a novel technique using query-response cycles, our security proof is simpler than those for MDC-2 and Tandem-DM. We also present a wide class of Abreast-DM variants that enjoy a birthday-type security guarantee with a simple proof

    More Insights on Blockcipher-Based Hash Functions

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    In this paper we give more insights on the security of blockcipher-based hash functions. We give a very simple criterion to build a secure large class of Single-Block-Length (SBL) or double call Double-Block-Length (DBL) compression functions based on (kn,n)(kn, n) blockciphers, where knkn is the key length and nn is the block length and kk is an integer. This criterion is simpler than previous works in the literature. Based on the criterion, we can get many results from this criterion, and we can get a conclusion on such class of blockcipher-based hash functions. We solved the open problem left by Hirose. Our results show that to build a secure double call DBL compression function, it is required k>=m+1k >= m+1 where mm is the number of message blocks. Thus, we can only build rate 1/2 secure double DBL blockcipher-based compression functions if k==2k==2. At last, we pointed out flaws in Stam\u27s theorem about supercharged functions and gave a revision of this theorem and added another condition for the security of supercharged compression functions

    Practical Homomorphic Evaluation of Block-Cipher-Based Hash Functions with Applications

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    Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is a powerful cryptographic technique allowing to perform computation directly over encrypted data. Motivated by the overhead induced by the homomorphic ciphertexts during encryption and transmission, the transciphering technique, consisting in switching from a symmetric encryption to FHE encrypted data was investigated in several papers. Different stream and block ciphers were evaluated in terms of their FHE-friendliness , meaning practical implementations costs while maintaining sufficient security levels. In this work, we present a first evaluation of hash functions in the homomorphic domain, based on well-chosen block ciphers. More precisely, we investigate the cost of transforming PRINCE, SIMON, SPECK, and LowMC, a set of lightweight block-ciphers into secure hash primitives using well-established hash functions constructions based on block-ciphers, and provide evaluation under bootstrappable FHE schemes. We also motivate the necessity of practical homomorphic evaluation of hash functions by providing several use cases in which the integrity of private data is also required. In particular, our hash constructions can be of significant use in a threshold-homomorphic based protocol for the single secret leader election problem occurring in blockchains with Proof-of-stake consensus. Our experiments showed that using a TFHE implementation of a hash function, we are able to achieve practical runtime, and appropriate security levels (e.g., for PRINCE it takes 1.28 minutes to obtain a 128 bits of hash)

    Distinguisher and Related-Key Attack on the Full AES-256 (Extended Version)

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    In this paper we construct a chosen-key distinguisher and a related-key attack on the full 256-bit key AES. We define a notion of {\em differential qq-multicollision} and show that for AES-256 qq-multicollisions can be constructed in time q267q\cdot 2^{67} and with negligible memory, while we prove that the same task for an ideal cipher of the same block size would require at least O(q2q1q+1128)O(q\cdot 2^{\frac{q-1}{q+1}128}) time. Using similar approach and with the same complexity we can also construct qq-pseudo collisions for AES-256 in Davies-Meyer hashing mode, a scheme which is provably secure in the ideal-cipher model. We have also computed partial qq-multicollisions in time q237q\cdot 2^{37} on a PC to verify our results. These results show that AES-256 can not model an ideal cipher in theoretical constructions. Finally, we extend our results to find the first publicly known attack on the full 14-round AES-256: a related-key distinguisher which works for one out of every 2352^{35} keys with 21202^{120} data and time complexity and negligible memory. This distinguisher is translated into a key-recovery attack with total complexity of 21312^{131} time and 2652^{65} memory

    The preimage security of double-block-length compression functions

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    We give improved bounds on the preimage security of the three ``classical\u27\u27 double-block-length, double-call, blockcipher-based compression functions, these being Abreast-DM, Tandem-DM and Hirose\u27s scheme. For Hirose\u27s scheme, we show that an adversary must make at least 22n52^{2n-5} blockcipher queries to achieve chance 0.50.5 of inverting a randomly chosen point in the range. For Abreast-DM and Tandem-DM we show that at least 22n102^{2n-10} queries are necessary. These bounds improve upon the previous best bounds of Ω(2n)\Omega(2^n) queries, and are optimal up to a constant factor since the compression functions in question have range of size 22n2^{2n}

    Security of Cyclic Double Block Length Hash Functions including Abreast-DM

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    We provide the first proof of security for Abreast-DM, one of the oldest and most well-known constructions for turning a block cipher with nn-bit block length and 2n2n-bit key length into a 2n-bit cryptographic hash function. In particular, we prove that when Abreast-DM is instantiated with AES-256, i.e. a block cipher with 128-bit block length and 256-bit key length, any adversary that asks less than 2^124.42 queries cannot find a collision with success probability greater than 1/2. Surprisingly, this about 15 years old construction is one of the few constructions that have the desirable feature of a near-optimal collision resistance guarantee. We generalize our techniques used in the proof of Abreast-DM to a huge class of double block length (DBL) hash functions that we will call Cyclic-DM. Using this generalized theorem we are able to derive several DBL constructions that lead to compression functions that even have a higher security guarantee and are more efficient than Abreast-DM. Furthermore we give DBL constructions that have the highest security guarantee of all DBL compression functions currently known in literature. We also provide an analysis of preimage resistance for Cyclic-DM compression functions. Note that this work has been already presented at Dagstuhl \u2709