15 research outputs found

    On the Mental Workload Assessment of Uplift Mapping Representations in Linked Data

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    Self-reporting procedures have been largely employed in literature to measure the mental workload experienced by users when executing a specific task. This research proposes the adoption of these mental workload assessment techniques to the task of creating uplift mappings in Linked Data. A user study has been performed to compare the mental workload of “manually” creating such mappings, using a formal mapping language and a text editor, to the use of a visual representation, based on the block metaphor, that generate these mappings. Two subjective mental workload instruments, namely the NASA Task Load Index and the Workload Profile, were applied in this study. Preliminary results show the reliability of these instruments in measuring the perceived mental workload for the task of creating uplift mappings. Results also indicate that participants using the visual representation achieved smaller and more consistent scores of mental workload

    Subjective Usability, Mental Workload Assessments and Their Impact on Objective Human Performance

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    Self-reporting procedures and inspection methods have been largely employed in the fields of interaction and web-design for assessing the usability of interfaces. However, there seems to be a propensity to ignore features related to end-users or the context of application during the usability assessment procedure. This research proposes the adoption of the construct of mental workload as an additional aid to inform interaction and web-design. A user-study has been performed in the context of human-web interaction. The main objective was to explore the relationship between the perception of usability of the interfaces of three popular web-sites and the mental workload imposed on end-users by a set of typical tasks executed over them. Usability scores computed employing the System Usability Scale were compared and related to the mental workload scores obtained employing the NASA Task Load Index and the Workload Profile self-reporting assessment procedures. Findings advise that perception of usability and subjective assessment of mental workload are two independent, not fully overlapping constructs. They measure two different aspects of the human-system interaction. This distinction enabled the demonstration of how these two constructs cab be jointly employed to better explain objective performance of end-users, a dimension of user experience, and informing interaction and web-design

    The Evolution of Cognitive Load Theory and the Measurement of Its Intrinsic, Extraneous and Germane Loads: A Review

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    Cognitive Load Theory has been conceived for supporting instructional design through the use of the construct of cognitive load. This is believed to be built upon three types of load: intrinsic, extraneous and germane. Although Cognitive Load Theory and its assumptions are clear and well-known, its three types of load have been going through a continuous investigation and re-definition. Additionally, it is still not clear whether these are independent and can be added to each other towards an overall measure of load. The purpose of this research is to inform the reader about the theoretical evolution of Cognitive Load Theory as well as the measurement techniques and measures emerged for its cognitive load types. It also synthesises the main critiques of scholars and the scientific value of the theory from a rationalist and structuralist perspective

    A Comparison of Supervised Machine Learning Classification Techniques and Theory-Driven Approaches for the Prediction of Subjective Mental Workload

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    In the modern world of technological progress, systems and interfaces are becoming more and more complex. As a consequence, it is a crucial to design the human-computer interaction in the most optimal way to improve the user experience. The construct of Mental Workload is a valid metric that can be used for such a goal. Among the different ways of measuring Mental Workload, self-reporting procedures are the most adopted for their ease of use and application. This research is focused on the application of Machine Learning as an alternative to theory-driven approaches for Mental Workload measurement. In particular, the study is aimed at comparing the classification accuracy of a set of induced models, from an existing dataset, to the mental workload indexes generated by well-known subjective mental workload assessment techniques - namely the Nasa Task Load Index and the Workload profile instruments

    Analysing online user activity to implicitly infer the mental workload of web-based tasks using defeasible reasoning

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    Mental workload can be considered the amount of cognitive load or effort used over time to complete a task in a complex system. Determining the limits of mental workload can assist in optimising designs and identify if user performance is affected by that design. Mental workload has also been presented as a defeasible concept, where one reason can defeat another and a 5-layer schema to represent domain knowledge to infer mental workload using defeasible reasoning has compared favourably to state-of-the-art inference techniques. Other previous work investigated using records of user activity for measuring mental workload at scale using web-based tasks For this research, a solution design and experiment were put together to analyse user activity from a web-based task to determine if mental workload can be inferred implicitly using defeasible reasoning. While there was one promising result, only weak correlation between inferred values and reference workload profile values was found

    Noise Reduction of EEG Signals Using Autoencoders Built Upon GRU based RNN Layers

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    Understanding the cognitive and functional behaviour of the brain by its electrical activity is an important area of research. Electroencephalography (EEG) is a method that measures and record electrical activities of the brain from the scalp. It has been used for pathology analysis, emotion recognition, clinical and cognitive research, diagnosing various neurological and psychiatric disorders and for other applications. Since the EEG signals are sensitive to activities other than the brain ones, such as eye blinking, eye movement, head movement, etc., it is not possible to record EEG signals without any noise. Thus, it is very important to use an efficient noise reduction technique to get more accurate recordings. Numerous traditional techniques such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Independent Component Analysis (ICA), wavelet transformations and machine learning techniques were proposed for reducing the noise in EEG signals. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of stacked autoencoders built upon Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) based Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) layers (GRU-AE) against PCA. To achieve this, Harrell-Davis decile values for the reconstructed signals’ signal-to- noise ratio distributions were compared and it was found that the GRU-AE outperformed PCA for noise reduction of EEG signals

    Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Gestalt Principles of Perceptual Observation for Virtual Reality User Interface Design

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    There is a lot of interest and excitement surrounding the areas of Virtual Reality and Head-Mounted Displays with the recent releases of devices such as the Oculus Rift, Sony PSVR and the HTC Vive. While much of the focus for these devices has been related to sectors of the entertainment industries, namely the cinema and video game industries, there are many more practical applications for these technologies, with potential benefits in educational, training/simulation, therapeutic and modelling/design software. Developing a set of reliable guidelines for Virtual Reality User Interface Design could play a crucial role in whether the medium successfully integrates into the mass market. The Gestalt Principles of Perceptual Organisation offer a psychological explanation of human perception, with particular reference to pattern recognition and how we subconsciously group entities together. There are seven Principles of Perceptual Organisation, nearly all of which are currently widely used in User Interface design, offering designers guidelines on what the size, shape, position and colour the different components of an interface should be. This study presents an analysis on the effects that the employment of the Gestalt Principles has on the usability and mental workloads of Virtual Reality applications

    Discover Influential Mental Workload Attributes Impacting Learners Performance in Third-Level Education

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    Human Mental Workload is an intervening variable and a fundamental concept in the discipline of Ergonomics. It is deduced from variations in performance. High or low mental workload leads to hampering of performance. Mental workload in an educational setting has been extensively researched. It is applied in instructional design but it is obscure as to which factors are majorly driving mental workload in learners. This dissertation investigates the importance of the features used in the the NASA-Task Load Index mental workload assessment instrument and their impact on the performance of learners as assessed by multiple-choice tests conducted in classrooms of an MSc programme in a university. Model training is performed on these attributes using machine learning approaches including decision tree regression and linear regression. Montecarlo sampling was used in the training phase to ensure model stability. The identification of the importance of selected features is carried on using the permutation feature technique since it is adaptable and applicable across a variety of supervised learning methods. Empirical evidence emphasises the absence of more important features over the others tentatively suggesting their applicability in a multi-dimensional model

    An Evaluation Of Learning Employing Natural Language Processing And Cognitive Load Assessment

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    One of the key goals of Pedagogy is to assess learning. Various paradigms exist and one of this is Cognitivism. It essentially sees a human learner as an information processor and the mind as a black box with limited capacity that should be understood and studied. With respect to this, an approach is to employ the construct of cognitive load to assess a learner\u27s experience and in turn design instructions better aligned to the human mind. However, cognitive load assessment is not an easy activity, especially in a traditional classroom setting. This research proposes a novel method for evaluating learning both employing subjective cognitive load assessment and natural language processing. It makes use of primary, empirical and deductive methods. In details, on one hand, cognitive load assessment is performed using well-known self-reporting instruments, borrowed from Human Factors, namely the Nasa Task Load Index and the Workload Profile. On the other hand, Natural Language Processing techniques, borrowed from Artificial Intelligence, are employed to calculate semantic similarity of textual information, provided by learners after attending a typical third-level class, and the content of the class itself. Subsequently, an investigation of the relationship of cognitive load assessment and textual similarity is performed to assess learning

    Comparing Defeasible Argumentation and Non-Monotonic Fuzzy Reasoning Methods for a Computational Trust Problem with Wikipedia

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    Computational trust is an ever-more present issue with the surge in autonomous agent development. Represented as a defeasible phenomenon, problems associated with computational trust may be solved by the appropriate reasoning methods. This paper compares two types of such methods, Defeasible Argumentation and Non-Monotonic Fuzzy Logic to assess which is more effective at solving a computational trust problem centred around Wikipedia editors. Through the application of these methods with real-data and a set of knowledge-bases, it was found that the Fuzzy Logic approach was statistically significantly better than the Argumentation approach in its inferential capacity