6 research outputs found

    The computability path ordering

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    This paper aims at carrying out termination proofs for simply typed higher-order calculi automatically by using ordering comparisons. To this end, we introduce the computability path ordering (CPO), a recursive relation on terms obtained by lifting a precedence on function symbols. A first version, core CPO, is essentially obtained from the higher-order recursive path ordering (HORPO) by eliminating type checks from some recursive calls and by incorporating the treatment of bound variables as in the com-putability closure. The well-foundedness proof shows that core CPO captures the essence of computability arguments \'a la Tait and Girard, therefore explaining its name. We further show that no further type check can be eliminated from its recursive calls without loosing well-foundedness, but for one for which we found no counterexample yet. Two extensions of core CPO are then introduced which allow one to consider: the first, higher-order inductive types; the second, a precedence in which some function symbols are smaller than application and abstraction

    Termination of rewrite relations on λ\lambda-terms based on Girard's notion of reducibility

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    In this paper, we show how to extend the notion of reducibility introduced by Girard for proving the termination of β\beta-reduction in the polymorphic λ\lambda-calculus, to prove the termination of various kinds of rewrite relations on λ\lambda-terms, including rewriting modulo some equational theory and rewriting with matching modulo β\betaη\eta, by using the notion of computability closure. This provides a powerful termination criterion for various higher-order rewriting frameworks, including Klop's Combinatory Reductions Systems with simple types and Nipkow's Higher-order Rewrite Systems

    Practical Subtyping for System F with Sized (Co-)Induction

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    We present a rich type system with subtyping for an extension of System F. Our type constructors include sum and product types, universal and existential quantifiers, inductive and coinductive types. The latter two size annotations allowing the preservation of size invariants. For example it is possible to derive the termination of the quicksort by showing that partitioning a list does not increase its size. The system deals with complex programs involving mixed induction and coinduction, or even mixed (co-)induction and polymorphism (as for Scott-encoded datatypes). One of the key ideas is to completely separate the induction on sizes from the notion of recursive programs. We use the size change principle to check that the proof is well-founded, not that the program terminates. Termination is obtained by a strong normalization proof. Another key idea is the use symbolic witnesses to handle quantifiers of all sorts. To demonstrate the practicality of our system, we provide an implementation that accepts all the examples discussed in the paper and much more

    The computability path ordering

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    On the relation between sized-types based termination and semantic labelling

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