3 research outputs found

    Embeddings of Ree unitals in a projective plane over a field

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    We show that the Ree unital R(q)\mathcal{R}(q) has an embedding in a projective plane over a field FF if and only if q=3q=3 and F8\mathbb{F}_8 is a subfield of FF. In this case, the embedding is unique up to projective linear transformations. Besides elementary calculations, our proof uses the classification of the maximal subgroups of the simple Ree groups


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    Unitals of order nn are incidence structures consisting of n3+1n^3+1 points such that each block is incident with n+1n+1 points and such that there are unique joining blocks. In the language of designs, a unital of order nn is a 22-(n3+1,n+1,1)(n^3+1,n+1,1) design. An affine unital is obtained from a unital by removing one block and all the points on it. A unital can be obtained from an affine unital via a parallelism on the short blocks. We study so-called (affine) SL(2,q)\mathrm{SL}(2,q)-unitals, a special construction of (affine) unitals of order qq where qq is a prime power. We show several results on automorphism groups and translations of those unitals, including a proof that one block is fixed by the full automorphism group under certain conditions. We introduce a new class of parallelisms, occurring in every affine SL(2,q)\mathrm{SL}(2,q)-unital of odd order. Finally, we present the results of a computer search, including three new affine SL(2,8)\mathrm{SL}(2,8)-unitals and twelve new SL(2,4)\mathrm{SL}(2,4)-unitals


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    The embedding of a Ree Unital R(q) in a finite projective plane P of order up to q^4 is investigated when the Ree group is induced on R(q) by a collineation group of P. In particular, it is shown that such a embedding is not admissible for q>3, extending in this way a result of Lüneburg dating back to 1965