5 research outputs found

    Informing Observers: Quality-driven Filtering and Composition of Web 2.0 Sources

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    Current Web technologies enable an active role of users, who can create and share their contents very easily. This mass of information includes opinions about a variety of key interest topics and represents a new and invaluable source of marketing information. Public and private organizations that aim at understanding and analyzing this unsolicited feedback need adequate platforms that can support the detection and monitoring of key topics. Hence, there is an emerging trend towards automated market intelligence and the crafting of tools that allow monitoring in a mechanized fashion. We therefore present an approach that is based on quality of Web 2.0 sources as the key factor for information filtering and also allows the users to flexibly and easily compose their analysis environments thanks to the adoption of a mashup platform

    Utilização de rede social para fins de crowdsourcing

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    Mestrado em GestãoThe increasing use of social network got the attention of researchers and organizations. The knowledge created and shared within the social network group, which is useful to organizations, is the object of this research. The study proposes a conceptual model, based literature review of previous researches in order to enphasize the relevant aspects that influence the communication within an online group. A longitudinal empirical research was applied at an online group, placed at the professional social network Linkedin. An empirical model emerged and a discussion was established over the most relevant components at an online group, to stimulate communication within, and they appeared to be divided in three major groups: member, the groups’ characteristic itself and shared content specification.A crescente utilização das medias sociais chamou a atenção de pesquisadores e organizações. O conhecimento criado e compartilhado dentro do grupo das medias sociais, que é útil para as organizações, é o objecto desta pesquisa. O estudo propõe um modelo conceptual, baseado em revisão de literatura de pesquisas anteriores, a fim de enfatizar os aspectos relevantes que influenciam a comunicação dentro de um grupo online. Uma pesquisa longitudinal empírica foi aplicada em um grupo online, situado na rede social profissional Linkedin. Um modelo empírico e surgiu uma discussão foi estabelecida ao longo dos componentes mais relevantes em um grupo online, para estimular a comunicação, os aspectos demonstraram-se estar divididos em três grupos principais: membros, característica dos grupos em si e especificações de conteúdo compartilhado

    Factors influencing decisions about crowdsourcing in the public sector : a literature review

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    The subject of the article is identification of the factors that influence making decisions about implementing crowdsourcing by public organisations in their activity, in particular municipal offices in Poland. These factors have been selected based on a literature review. A review of one of the initiatives realised by a municipal Office in Poland allows for formulating a conclusion that factors connected with the type of task and management may impact decisions on implementing crowdsourcing

    Web-Based Services On the Quality of Information for Web 2.0 Services

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    O ne key characteristic of Web 2.0 applications, such as YouTube, is the primary role users play in creating and sharing content. Although a significant amount of the content in these applications is multimedia, users are commonly encouraged to associate pieces of textual information -textual features -with the multimedia objects. Common examples are title, tags, description, and user comments. Because these textual features are user generated, however, the respective applications have no editorial control and thus can't guarantee quality, neither in terms of syntactic correctness nor of the text's semantic relationship with the object. This poses a challenge to services such as search and advertising that primarily rely on textual features as sources of information about the objects' contents. This happens because the use of multimedia information retrieval mechanisms in Web 2.0 is still limited, possibly because state-of-the-art techniques are often ineffective under the low quality of most content and don't scale well to the size of several applications. 1 Previous efforts toward assessing the quality of textual features primarily focused on tags, investigating how to use them to support search, recommendations, and object classification. 2-4 However, researchers haven't reached a consensus regarding their quality. 5-7 Moreover, they Most Web 2.0 applications let users associate textual information with multimedia content. Despite each application's lack of editorial control, these textual features are still the primary source of information for many relevant services such as search. Previous efforts in assessing the quality of these features primarily target single applications and mainly focus on tags, thus neglecting the potential of other features. The current study assesses and compares the quality of four textual features (title, tags, description, and comments) for supporting information services using data from YouTube, YahooVideo, and LastFM