38 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Logarithmic-Space Algorithms for Laplacian Solvers

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    A recent series of breakthroughs initiated by Spielman and Teng culminated in the construction of nearly linear time Laplacian solvers, approximating the solution of a linear system Lx=b, where L is the normalized Laplacian of an undirected graph. In this paper we study the space complexity of the problem. Surprisingly we are able to show a probabilistic, logspace algorithm solving the problem. We further extend the algorithm to other families of graphs like Eulerian graphs (and directed regular graphs) and graphs that mix in polynomial time. Our approach is to pseudo-invert the Laplacian, by first "peeling-off" the problematic kernel of the operator, and then to approximate the inverse of the remaining part by using a Taylor series. We approximate the Taylor series using a previous work and the special structure of the problem. For directed graphs we exploit in the analysis the Jordan normal form and results from matrix functions

    Algebra in Computational Complexity

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    At its core, much of Computational Complexity is concerned with combinatorial objects and structures. But it has often proven true that the best way to prove things about these combinatorial objects is by establishing a connection to a more well-behaved algebraic setting. Indeed, many of the deepest and most powerful results in Computational Complexity rely on algebraic proof techniques. The Razborov-Smolensky polynomial-approximation method for proving constant-depth circuit lower bounds, the PCP characterization of NP, and the Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena polynomial-time primality test are some of the most prominent examples. The algebraic theme continues in some of the most exciting recent progress in computational complexity. There have been significant recent advances in algebraic circuit lower bounds, and the so-called "chasm at depth 4" suggests that the restricted models now being considered are not so far from ones that would lead to a general result. There have been similar successes concerning the related problems of polynomial identity testing and circuit reconstruction in the algebraic model, and these are tied to central questions regarding the power of randomness in computation. Representation theory has emerged as an important tool in three separate lines of work: the "Geometric Complexity Theory" approach to P vs. NP and circuit lower bounds, the effort to resolve the complexity of matrix multiplication, and a framework for constructing locally testable codes. Coding theory has seen several algebraic innovations in recent years, including multiplicity codes, and new lower bounds. This seminar brought together researchers who are using a diverse array of algebraic methods in a variety of settings. It plays an important role in educating a diverse community about the latest new techniques, spurring further progress

    Spectral Sparsification via Bounded-Independence Sampling

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    We give a deterministic, nearly logarithmic-space algorithm for mild spectral sparsification of undirected graphs. Given a weighted, undirected graph GG on nn vertices described by a binary string of length NN, an integer klognk\leq \log n, and an error parameter ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, our algorithm runs in space O~(klog(Nwmax/wmin))\tilde{O}(k\log (N\cdot w_{\mathrm{max}}/w_{\mathrm{min}})) where wmaxw_{\mathrm{max}} and wminw_{\mathrm{min}} are the maximum and minimum edge weights in GG, and produces a weighted graph HH with O~(n1+2/k/ϵ2)\tilde{O}(n^{1+2/k}/\epsilon^2) edges that spectrally approximates GG, in the sense of Spielmen and Teng [ST04], up to an error of ϵ\epsilon. Our algorithm is based on a new bounded-independence analysis of Spielman and Srivastava's effective resistance based edge sampling algorithm [SS08] and uses results from recent work on space-bounded Laplacian solvers [MRSV17]. In particular, we demonstrate an inherent tradeoff (via upper and lower bounds) between the amount of (bounded) independence used in the edge sampling algorithm, denoted by kk above, and the resulting sparsity that can be achieved.Comment: 37 page

    A Complete Characterization of Unitary Quantum Space

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    Motivated by understanding the power of quantum computation with restricted number of qubits, we give two complete characterizations of unitary quantum space bounded computation. First we show that approximating an element of the inverse of a well-conditioned efficiently encoded 2^k(n) x 2^k(n) matrix is complete for the class of problems solvable by quantum circuits acting on O(k(n)) qubits with all measurements at the end of the computation. Similarly, estimating the minimum eigenvalue of an efficiently encoded Hermitian 2^k(n) x 2^k(n) matrix is also complete for this class. In the logspace case, our results improve on previous results of Ta-Shma by giving new space-efficient quantum algorithms that avoid intermediate measurements, as well as showing matching hardness results. Additionally, as a consequence we show that preciseQMA, the version of QMA with exponentially small completeness-soundess gap, is equal to PSPACE. Thus, the problem of estimating the minimum eigenvalue of a local Hamiltonian to inverse exponential precision is PSPACE-complete, which we show holds even in the frustration-free case. Finally, we can use this characterization to give a provable setting in which the ability to prepare the ground state of a local Hamiltonian is more powerful than the ability to prepare PEPS states. Interestingly, by suitably changing the parameterization of either of these problems we can completely characterize the power of quantum computation with simultaneously bounded time and space

    Derandomization Beyond Connectivity: Undirected Laplacian Systems in Nearly Logarithmic Space

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    We give a deterministic O˜(log n)-space algorithm for approximately solving linear systems given by Laplacians of undirected graphs, and consequently also approximating hitting times, commute times, and escape probabilities for undirected graphs. Previously, such systems were known to be solvable by randomized algorithms using O(log n) space (Doron, Le Gall, and Ta-Shma, 2017) and hence by deterministic algorithms using O(log3/2 n) space (Saks and Zhou, FOCS 1995 and JCSS 1999). Our algorithm combines ideas from time-efficient Laplacian solvers (Spielman and Teng, STOC ‘04; Peng and Spielman, STOC ‘14) with ideas used to show that UNDIRECTED S-T CONNECTIVITY is in deterministic logspace (Reingold, STOC ‘05 and JACM ‘08; Rozenman and Vadhan, RANDOM ‘05).Engineering and Applied Science

    On Solving Linear Systems in Sublinear Time

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    We study sublinear algorithms that solve linear systems locally. In the classical version of this problem the input is a matrix S in R^{n x n} and a vector b in R^n in the range of S, and the goal is to output x in R^n satisfying Sx=b. For the case when the matrix S is symmetric diagonally dominant (SDD), the breakthrough algorithm of Spielman and Teng [STOC 2004] approximately solves this problem in near-linear time (in the input size which is the number of non-zeros in S), and subsequent papers have further simplified, improved, and generalized the algorithms for this setting. Here we focus on computing one (or a few) coordinates of x, which potentially allows for sublinear algorithms. Formally, given an index u in [n] together with S and b as above, the goal is to output an approximation x^_u for x^*_u, where x^* is a fixed solution to Sx=b. Our results show that there is a qualitative gap between SDD matrices and the more general class of positive semidefinite (PSD) matrices. For SDD matrices, we develop an algorithm that approximates a single coordinate x_{u} in time that is polylogarithmic in n, provided that S is sparse and has a small condition number (e.g., Laplacian of an expander graph). The approximation guarantee is additive | x^_u-x^*_u | 0. We further prove that the condition-number assumption is necessary and tight. In contrast to the SDD matrices, we prove that for certain PSD matrices S, the running time must be at least polynomial in n (for the same additive approximation), even if S has bounded sparsity and condition number