6,236 research outputs found

    Supervised ANN vs. unsupervised SOM to classify EEG data for BCI: why can GMDH do better?

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    Construction of a system for measuring the brain activity (electroencephalogram (EEG)) and recognising thinking patterns comprises significant challenges, in addition to the noise and distortion present in any measuring technique. One of the most major applications of measuring and understanding EGG is the brain-computer interface (BCI) technology. In this paper, ANNs (feedforward back -prop and Self Organising Maps) for EEG data classification will be implemented and compared to abductive-based networks, namely GMDH (Group Methods of Data Handling) to show how GMDH can optimally (i.e. noise and accuracy) classify a given set of BCI’s EEG signals. It is shown that GMDH provides such improvements. In this endeavour, EGG classification based on GMDH will be researched for comprehensible classification without scarifying accuracy. GMDH is suggested to be used to optimally classify a given set of BCI’s EEG signals. The other areas related to BCI will also be addressed yet within the context of this purpose

    The application of neural networks to the SSME startup transient

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    Feedforward neural networks were used to model three parameters during the Space Shuttle Main Engine startup transient. The three parameters were the main combustion chamber pressure, a controlled parameter, the high pressure oxidizer turbine discharge temperature, a redlined parameter, and the high pressure fuel pump discharge pressure, a failure-indicating performance parameter. Network inputs consisted of time windows of data from engine measurements that correlated highly to the modeled parameter. A standard backpropagation algorithm was used to train the feedforward networks on two nominal firings. Each trained network was validated with four additional nominal firings. For all three parameters, the neural networks were able to accurately predict the data in the validation sets as well as the training set

    Sparse Iterative Learning Control with Application to a Wafer Stage: Achieving Performance, Resource Efficiency, and Task Flexibility

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    Trial-varying disturbances are a key concern in Iterative Learning Control (ILC) and may lead to inefficient and expensive implementations and severe performance deterioration. The aim of this paper is to develop a general framework for optimization-based ILC that allows for enforcing additional structure, including sparsity. The proposed method enforces sparsity in a generalized setting through convex relaxations using ℓ1\ell_1 norms. The proposed ILC framework is applied to the optimization of sampling sequences for resource efficient implementation, trial-varying disturbance attenuation, and basis function selection. The framework has a large potential in control applications such as mechatronics, as is confirmed through an application on a wafer stage.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figure

    Learning feedforward controller for a mobile robot vehicle

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    This paper describes the design and realisation of an on-line learning posetracking controller for a three-wheeled mobile robot vehicle. The controller consists of two components. The first is a constant-gain feedback component, designed on the basis of a second-order model. The second is a learning feedforward component, containing a single-layer neural network, that generates a control contribution on the basis of the desired trajectory of the vehicle. The neural network uses B-spline basis functions, enabling a computationally fast implementation and fast learning. The resulting control system is able to correct for errors due to parameter mismatches and classes of structural errors in the model used for the controller design. After sufficient learning, an existing static gain controller designed on the basis of an extensive model has been outperformed in terms of tracking accuracy

    Design and real time implementation of nonlinear minimum variance filter

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    In this paper, the design and real time implementation of a Nonlinear Minimum Variance (NMV) estimator is presented using a laboratory based ball and beam system. The real time implementation employs a LabVIEW based tool. The novelty of this work lies in the design steps and the practical implementation of the NMV estimation technique which up till now only investigated using simulation studies. The paper also discusses the advantages and limitations of the NMV estimator based on the real time application results. These are compared with results obtained using an extended Kalman filter

    Regulation Theory

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    This paper reviews the design of regulation loops for power converters. Power converter control being a vast domain, it does not aim to be exhaustive. The objective is to give a rapid overview of the main synthesis methods in both continuous- and discrete-time domains.Comment: 23 pages, contribution to the 2014 CAS - CERN Accelerator School: Power Converters, Baden, Switzerland, 7-14 May 201

    Dirty RF Signal Processing for Mitigation of Receiver Front-end Non-linearity

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    ï»żModerne drahtlose Kommunikationssysteme stellen hohe und teilweise gegensĂ€tzliche Anforderungen an die Hardware der Funkmodule, wie z.B. niedriger Energieverbrauch, große Bandbreite und hohe LinearitĂ€t. Die GewĂ€hrleistung einer ausreichenden LinearitĂ€t ist, neben anderen analogen Parametern, eine Herausforderung im praktischen Design der Funkmodule. Der Fokus der Dissertation liegt auf breitbandigen HF-Frontends fĂŒr Software-konfigurierbare Funkmodule, die seit einigen Jahren kommerziell verfĂŒgbar sind. Die praktischen Herausforderungen und Grenzen solcher flexiblen Funkmodule offenbaren sich vor allem im realen Experiment. Eines der Hauptprobleme ist die Sicherstellung einer ausreichenden analogen Performanz ĂŒber einen weiten Frequenzbereich. Aus einer Vielzahl an analogen Störeffekten behandelt die Arbeit die Analyse und Minderung von NichtlinearitĂ€ten in EmpfĂ€ngern mit direkt-umsetzender Architektur. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei Signalverarbeitungsstrategien zur Minderung nichtlinear verursachter Interferenz - ein Algorithmus, der besser unter "Dirty RF"-Techniken bekannt ist. Ein digitales Verfahren nach der VorwĂ€rtskopplung wird durch intensive Simulationen, Messungen und Implementierung in realer Hardware verifiziert. Um die LĂŒcken zwischen Theorie und praktischer Anwendbarkeit zu schließen und das Verfahren in reale Funkmodule zu integrieren, werden verschiedene Untersuchungen durchgefĂŒhrt. Hierzu wird ein erweitertes Verhaltensmodell entwickelt, das die Struktur direkt-umsetzender EmpfĂ€nger am besten nachbildet und damit alle Verzerrungen im HF- und Basisband erfasst. DarĂŒber hinaus wird die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit des Algorithmus unter realen Funkkanal-Bedingungen untersucht. ZusĂ€tzlich folgt die Vorstellung einer ressourceneffizienten Echtzeit-Implementierung des Verfahrens auf einem FPGA. Abschließend diskutiert die Arbeit verschiedene Anwendungsfelder, darunter spektrales Sensing, robuster GSM-Empfang und GSM-basiertes Passivradar. Es wird gezeigt, dass nichtlineare Verzerrungen erfolgreich in der digitalen DomĂ€ne gemindert werden können, wodurch die Bitfehlerrate gestörter modulierter Signale sinkt und der Anteil nichtlinear verursachter Interferenz minimiert wird. Schließlich kann durch das Verfahren die effektive LinearitĂ€t des HF-Frontends stark erhöht werden. Damit wird der zuverlĂ€ssige Betrieb eines einfachen Funkmoduls unter dem Einfluss der EmpfĂ€ngernichtlinearitĂ€t möglich. Aufgrund des flexiblen Designs ist der Algorithmus fĂŒr breitbandige EmpfĂ€nger universal einsetzbar und ist nicht auf Software-konfigurierbare Funkmodule beschrĂ€nkt.Today's wireless communication systems place high requirements on the radio's hardware that are largely mutually exclusive, such as low power consumption, wide bandwidth, and high linearity. Achieving a sufficient linearity, among other analogue characteristics, is a challenging issue in practical transceiver design. The focus of this thesis is on wideband receiver RF front-ends for software defined radio technology, which became commercially available in the recent years. Practical challenges and limitations are being revealed in real-world experiments with these radios. One of the main problems is to ensure a sufficient RF performance of the front-end over a wide bandwidth. The thesis covers the analysis and mitigation of receiver non-linearity of typical direct-conversion receiver architectures, among other RF impairments. The main focus is on DSP-based algorithms for mitigating non-linearly induced interference, an approach also known as "Dirty RF" signal processing techniques. The conceived digital feedforward mitigation algorithm is verified through extensive simulations, RF measurements, and implementation in real hardware. Various studies are carried out that bridge the gap between theory and practical applicability of this approach, especially with the aim of integrating that technique into real devices. To this end, an advanced baseband behavioural model is developed that matches to direct-conversion receiver architectures as close as possible, and thus considers all generated distortions at RF and baseband. In addition, the algorithm's performance is verified under challenging fading conditions. Moreover, the thesis presents a resource-efficient real-time implementation of the proposed solution on an FPGA. Finally, different use cases are covered in the thesis that includes spectrum monitoring or sensing, GSM downlink reception, and GSM-based passive radar. It is shown that non-linear distortions can be successfully mitigated at system level in the digital domain, thereby decreasing the bit error rate of distorted modulated signals and reducing the amount of non-linearly induced interference. Finally, the effective linearity of the front-end is increased substantially. Thus, the proper operation of a low-cost radio under presence of receiver non-linearity is possible. Due to the flexible design, the algorithm is generally applicable for wideband receivers and is not restricted to software defined radios

    Artificial Neural Networks

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    Artificial neural networks (ANNs) constitute a class of flexible nonlinear models designed to mimic biological neural systems. In this entry, we introduce ANN using familiar econometric terminology and provide an overview of ANN modeling approach and its implementation methods.

    On the computation of π\pi-flat outputs for differential-delay systems

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    We introduce a new definition of π\pi-flatness for linear differential delay systems with time-varying coefficients. We characterize π\pi- and π\pi-0-flat outputs and provide an algorithm to efficiently compute such outputs. We present an academic example of motion planning to discuss the pertinence of the approach.Comment: Minor corrections to fit with the journal versio
