7,196 research outputs found

    Decomposition Algorithms for Stochastic Programming on a Computational Grid

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    We describe algorithms for two-stage stochastic linear programming with recourse and their implementation on a grid computing platform. In particular, we examine serial and asynchronous versions of the L-shaped method and a trust-region method. The parallel platform of choice is the dynamic, heterogeneous, opportunistic platform provided by the Condor system. The algorithms are of master-worker type (with the workers being used to solve second-stage problems, and the MW runtime support library (which supports master-worker computations) is key to the implementation. Computational results are presented on large sample average approximations of problems from the literature.Comment: 44 page

    A First-order Augmented Lagrangian Method for Compressed Sensing

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    We propose a first-order augmented Lagrangian algorithm (FAL) for solving the basis pursuit problem. FAL computes a solution to this problem by inexactly solving a sequence of L1-regularized least squares sub-problems. These sub-problems are solved using an infinite memory proximal gradient algorithm wherein each update reduces to "shrinkage" or constrained "shrinkage". We show that FAL converges to an optimal solution of the basis pursuit problem whenever the solution is unique, which is the case with very high probability for compressed sensing problems. We construct a parameter sequence such that the corresponding FAL iterates are eps-feasible and eps-optimal for all eps>0 within O(log(1/eps)) FAL iterations. Moreover, FAL requires at most O(1/eps) matrix-vector multiplications of the form Ax or A^Ty to compute an eps-feasible, eps-optimal solution. We show that FAL can be easily extended to solve the basis pursuit denoising problem when there is a non-trivial level of noise on the measurements. We report the results of numerical experiments comparing FAL with the state-of-the-art algorithms for both noisy and noiseless compressed sensing problems. A striking property of FAL that we observed in the numerical experiments with randomly generated instances when there is no measurement noise was that FAL always correctly identifies the support of the target signal without any thresholding or post-processing, for moderately small error tolerance values

    Spatial and performance optimality in power distribution networks

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    (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.Complex network theory has been widely used in vulnerability analysis of power networks, especially for power transmission ones. With the development of the smart grid concept, power distribution networks are becoming increasingly relevant. In this paper, we model power distribution systems as spatial networks. Topological and spatial properties of 14 European power distribution networks are analyzed, together with the relationship between geographical constraints and performance optimization, taking into account economic and vulnerability issues. Supported by empirical reliability data, our results suggest that power distribution networks are influenced by spatial constraints which clearly affect their overall performance.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Area and Energy Optimizations in ASIC Implementations of AES and PRESENT Block Ciphers

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    When small, modern-day devices surface with neoteric features and promise benefits like streamlined business processes, cashierless stores, and autonomous driving, they are all too often accompanied by security risks due to a weak or absent security component. In particular, the lack of data privacy protection is a common concern that can be remedied by implementing encryption. This ensures that data remains undisclosed to unauthorized parties. While having a cryptographic module is often a goal, it is sometimes forfeited because a device's resources do not allow for the conventional cryptographic solutions. Thus, smaller, lower-energy security modules are in demand. Implementing a cipher in hardware as an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) will usually achieve better efficiency than alternatives like FPGAs or software, and can help towards goals such as extended battery life and smaller area footprint. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a block cipher established by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001. It has since become the most widely adopted block cipher and is applied in a variety of applications ranging from smartphones to passive RFID tags to high performance microprocessors. PRESENT, published in 2007, is a smaller lightweight block cipher designed for low-power applications. In this study, low-area and low-energy optimizations in ASICs are addressed for AES and PRESENT. In the low-area work, three existing AES encryption cores are implemented, analyzed, and benchmarked using a common fabrication technology (STM 65 nm). The analysis includes an examination of various implementations of internal AES operations and their suitability for different architectural choices. Using our taxonomy of design choices, we designed Quark-AES, a novel 8-bit AES architecture. At 1960 GE, it features a 13% improvement in area and 9% improvement in throughput/area² over the prior smallest design. To illustrate the extent of the variations due to the use of different ASIC libraries, Quark-AES and the three analyzed designs are also synthesized using three additional technologies. Even for the same transistor size, different ASIC libraries produce significantly different area results. To accommodate a variety of applications that seek different levels of tradeoffs in area and throughput, we extend all four designs to 16-bit and 32-bit datawidths. In the low-energy work, round unrolling and glitch filtering are applied together to achieve energy savings. Round unrolling, which applies multiple block cipher rounds in a combinational path, reduces the energy due to registers but increases the glitching energy. Glitch filtering complements round unrolling by reducing the amount of glitches and their associated energy consumption. For unrolled designs of PRESENT and AES, two glitch filtering schemes are assessed. One method uses AND-gates in between combinational rounds while the other used latches. Both methods work by allowing the propagation of signals only after they have stabilized. The experiments assess how energy consumption changes with respect to the degree of unrolling, the glitch filtering scheme, the degree of pipelining, the spacing between glitch filters, and the location of glitch filters when only a limited number of them can be applied due to area constraints. While in PRESENT, the optimal configuration depends on all the variables, in a larger cipher such as AES, the latch-based method consistently offers the most energy savings
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