27,516 research outputs found

    Transport and degradation of phytoplankton in permeable sediment

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    In flume and field experiments we demonstrate that interfacial water flows, generated when bottom currents interact with sea bed topography, provide a fast and efficient pathway for the transport of suspended phytoplankton into subsurface layers of permeable sandy sediments. The advective transport, associated with small mounds and ripples as commonly found on shelf sediments, increased penetration depth of unicellular algae (Dunaliella spec.) into sandy sediment (permeability k = 4 × 10−11 m2) up to a factor of 7 and flux up to a factor of 9 relative to a smooth control sediment. The pore water flow field produced a distinct distribution pattern of particulate organic matter in the sediment with subsurface concentration maxima and zones depleted of algae. Flux chamber simulations of advective transport of algae into sands of different grain sizes revealed increasing fluxes, algal penetration depths, and degradation rates with increasing permeability of the sediment. Two experiments conducted in intertidal sand flats confirmed the importance of the advective interfacial transport of phytoplankton for natural settings, showing permeability‐dependent penetration of planktonic algae into embedded sand cores of different grain sizes. The significance of our results is discussed with respect to particulate organic matter flux and mineralization in shelf sands, and we suggest the concept of a decomposition layer

    Soil Stabilization Manual 2014 Update

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    Soil Stabilization is used for a variety of activities including temporary wearing curses, working platforms, improving poor subgrade materials, upgrading marginal materials, dust control, and recycling old roads containing marginal materials. There are a number methods of stabilizing soils including modifying the gradation, the use of asphalt or cement stabilizers, geofiber stabilization and chemical stabilization. Selection of the method depends on the soil type, environment and application. This manual provide tools and guidance in the selection of the proper stabilization method and information on how to apply the method. A major portion of this manual is devoted to the use of stabilizing agents. The methods described here are considered best practices for Alaska.State of Alaska, Alaska Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilitie

    Modeling of the interaction of rigid wheels with dry granular media

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    We analyze the capabilities of various recently developed techniques, namely Resistive Force Theory (RFT) and continuum plasticity implemented with the Material Point Method (MPM), in capturing dynamics of wheel--dry granular media interactions. We compare results to more conventionally accepted methods of modeling wheel locomotion. While RFT is an empirical force model for arbitrarily-shaped bodies moving through granular media, MPM-based continuum modeling allows the simulation of full granular flow and stress fields. RFT allows for rapid evaluation of interaction forces on arbitrary shaped intruders based on a local surface stress formulation depending on depth, orientation, and movement of surface elements. We perform forced-slip experiments for three different wheel types and three different granular materials, and results are compared with RFT, continuum modeling, and a traditional terramechanics semi-empirical method. Results show that for the range of inputs considered, RFT can be reliably used to predict rigid wheel granular media interactions with accuracy exceeding that of traditional terramechanics methodology in several circumstances. Results also indicate that plasticity-based continuum modeling provides an accurate tool for wheel-soil interaction while providing more information to study the physical processes giving rise to resistive stresses in granular media

    Detailed soil survey of eight watercourse command areas in Chishtian and Hasalpur tehsils

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    Irrigation management / Hydraulics / Channel improvement / Watercourses / Soil surveys / Hydrology / Climate / Mapping / Hydraulics / Infiltration / Pakistan / Fordwah / Azim

    Engineering geology of British rocks and soils : Lias Group

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    The report begins with an introduction and a detailed modern assessment of the geology of the Lias Group in terms of both stratigraphy and lithology. The modern lithostratigraphy is placed in the context of the old, and sometimes more familiar, usage. The next two chapters deal with the mineralogy of a suite of samples collected for the project, and an assessment of the nature and influence of weathering based on a detailed analysis of the Lias dataset held in the BGS National Geotechnical Properties Database. The following chapters cover geohazards associated with the Lias Group, and a brief overview of the wide variety of industrial applications for which the Lias is well known. The geotechnical database forms the basis of the penultimate chapter, geotechnical properties. The contents of the database are analysed, interpreted, presented in graphical form, and discussed in terms of statistical variation and in the light of likely engineering behaviour. The engineering geology of the Lias Group is discussed in the final chapter, borrowing from the preceding chapters. A comprehensive cited reference list and a bibliography are provided. In addition to the large number of technical data provided to BGS, a small data set has been generated by BGS laboratories, particularly in areas where the main database was deficient, and also in connection with associated BGS studies of the swelling and shrinkage properties of the Lias Group. The individual items of data making up the database are not attributed. However, the contribution of a wide range of consultancies, contractors, authorities, and individuals is acknowledged. It is hoped that this report will provide a source of useful information to a wide range of engineers, planners, scientists, and other interested parties concerned with Lias Group materials. It should be noted that whilst quantitative technical data are included in this report, these should not be used as a substitute for proper site investigation

    Integrated geotechnical and geophysical investigation of a proposed construction site at Mowe, Southwestern Nigeria

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    The subsurface of a proposed site for building development in Mowe, Nigeria, using Standard Penetration Test (SPT), Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT) and Horizontal Electrical Profiling (HEP), was investigated with the aim of evaluating the suitability of the strata for foundation materials. Four SPT and CPT were conducted using 2.5 tonnes hammer. HEP utilizing Wenner array were performed with inter-electrode spacing of 10 – 60 m along four traverses coincident with each of the SPT and CPT. The HEP data were processed using DIPRO software and textural filtering of the resulting resistivity sections was implemented to enable delineation of hidden layers. Sandy lateritic clay, silty lateritic clay, clay, clayey sand and sand horizons were delineated. The SPT “N” value defined very soft to soft sandy lateritic (<4), stiff silty lateritic clay (7 – 12), very stiff silty clay (12 - 15), clayey sand (15- 20) and sand (27 – 37). Sandy lateritic clay (5-40 kg/cm2) and silty lateritic clay (25 - 65 kg/cm2) were defined from the CPT response. Sandy lateritic clay (220-750 Ωm), clay (< 50 Ωm) and sand (415-5359 Ωm) were delineated from the resistivity sections with two thin layers of silty lateritic clay and clayey sand defined in the texturally filtered resistivity sections. Incompetent clayey materials that are unsuitable for the foundation of the proposed structure underlain the study area to a depth of about 18m. Deep foundation involving piling through the incompetent shallow layers to the competent sand at 20 m depth was recommended

    Studies into the detection of buried objects (particularly optical fibres) in saturated sediment. Part 2: design and commissioning of test tank

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    This report is the second in a series of five, designed to investigate the detection oftargets buried in saturated sediment, primarily through acoustical or acoustics-relatedmethods. Although steel targets are included for comparison, the major interest is intargets (polyethylene cylinders and optical fibres) which have a poor acousticimpedance mismatch with the host sediment. This particular report details theconstruction of a laboratory-scale test facility. This consisted of three maincomponents. Budget constraints were an over-riding consideration in the design.First, there is the design and production of a tank containing saturated sediment. Itwas the intention that the physical and acoustical properties of the laboratory systemshould be similar to those found in a real seafloor environment. Particularconsideration is given to those features of the test system which might affect theacoustic performance, such as reverberation, the presence of gas bubbles in thesediment, or a suspension of particles above it. Sound speed and attenuation wereidentified as being critical parameters, requiring particular attention. Hence, thesewere investigated separately for each component of the acoustic path.Second, there is the design and production of a transducer system. It was the intentionthat this would be suitable for an investigation into the non-invasive acousticdetection of buried objects. A focused reflector is considered to be the most costeffectiveway of achieving a high acoustic power and narrow beamwidth. Acomparison of different reflector sizes suggested that a larger aperture would result inless spherical aberration, thus producing a more uniform sound field. Diffractioneffects are reduced by specifying a tolerance of much less than an acousticwavelength over the reflector surface. The free-field performance of the transducerswas found to be in agreement with the model prediction. Several parameters havebeen determined in this report that pertain to the acoustical characteristics of the waterand sediment in the laboratory tank in the 10 – 100 kHz frequency range.Third, there is the design and production of an automated control system wasdeveloped to simplify the data acquisition process. This was, primarily, a motordrivenposition control system which allowed the transducers to be accuratelypositioned in the two-dimensional plane above the sediment. Thus, it was possible forthe combined signal generation, data acquisition and position control process to be coordinatedfrom a central computer.This series of reports is written in support of the article “The detection by sonar ofxdifficult targets (including centimetre-scale plastic objects and optical fibres) buriedin saturated sediment” by T G Leighton and R C P Evans, written for a Special Issueof Applied Acoustics which contains articles on the topic of the detection of objectsburied in marine sediment. Further support material can be found athttp://www.isvr.soton.ac.uk/FDAG/uaua/target_in_sand.HTM

    Fate and transport of volatile organic compounds in glacial till and groundwater at an industrial site in Northern Ireland

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    Volatile organic compound (VOC) contamination of subsurface geological material and groundwater was discovered on the Nortel Monkstown industrial site, Belfast, Northern Ireland. The objectives of this study were to (1) investigate the characteristics of the geological material and its influences on contaminated groundwater flow across the site using borehole logs and hydrological evaluations, and (2) identify the contaminants and examine their distribution in the subsurface geological material and groundwater using chemical analysis. This report focuses on the eastern car park (ECP) which was a former storage area associated with trichloroethene (TCE) degreasing operations. This is where the greatest amount of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particularly TCE, were detected. The study site is on a complex deposit of clayey glacial till with discontinuous coarser grained lenses, mainly silts, sands and gravel, which occur at 0.45-7.82 m below ground level (bgl). The lenses overall form an elongated formation that acts as a small unconfined shallow aquifer. There is a continuous low permeable stiff clayey till layer beneath the lenses that performs as an aquitard to the groundwater. Highest concentrations of VOCs, mainly TCE, in the geological material and groundwater are in these coarser lenses at similar to 4.5-7 m bgl. Highest TCE measurements at 390,000 mu g L-1 for groundwater and at 39,000 mu g kg(-1) at 5.7 m for geological material were in borehole GA19 in the coarse lens zone. It is assumed that TCE gained entrance to the subsurface near this borehole where the clayey till was thin to absent above coarse lenses which provided little retardation to the vertical migration of this dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) into the groundwater. However, TCE is present in low concentrations in the geological material overlying the coarse lens zone. Additionally, VOCs appear to be associated with poorly drained layers and in peat &lt; 3.0 m bgl in the ECP. Some indication of natural attenuation as VOCs degradation products vinyl chloride (VC) and dichloromethane (DCM) also occur on the site

    Transitions in coral reef accretion rates linked to intrinsic ecological shifts on turbid-zone nearshore reefs

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    Nearshore coral communities within turbid settings are typically perceived to have limited reef-building capacity. However, several recent studies have reported reef growth over millennial time scales within such environments and have hypothesized that depth-variable community assemblages may act as equally important controls on reef growth as they do in clear-water settings. Here, we explicitly test this idea using a newly compiled chronostratigraphic record (31 cores, 142 radiometric dates) from seven proximal (but discrete) nearshore coral reefs located along the central Great Barrier Reef (Australia). Uniquely, these reefs span distinct stages of geomorphological maturity, as reflected in their elevations below sea level. Integrated age-depth and ecological data sets indicate that contemporary coral assemblage shifts, associated with changing light availability and wave exposure as reefs shallowed, coincided with transitions in accretion rates at equivalent core depths. Reef initiation followed a regional ∌1 m drop in sea level (1200–800 calibrated yr B.P.) which would have lowered the photic floor and exposed new substrate for coral recruitment by winnowing away fine seafloor sediments. We propose that a two-way feedback mechanism exists where past growth history influences current reef morphology and ecology, ultimately driving future reef accumulation and morphological change. These findings provide the first empirical evidence that nearshore reef growth trajectories are intrinsically driven by changes in coral community structure as reefs move toward sea level, a finding of direct significance for predicting the impacts of extrinsically driven ecological change (e.g., coral-algal phase shifts) on reef growth potential within the wider coastal zone on the Great Barrier Reef

    Cryptic photosynthesis, Extrasolar planetary oxygen without a surface biological signature

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    On the Earth, photosynthetic organisms are responsible for the production of virtually all of the oxygen in the atmosphere. On the land, vegetation reflects in the visible, leading to a red edge that developed about 450 Myr ago and has been proposed as a biosignature for life on extrasolar planets. However, in many regions of the Earth, and particularly where surface conditions are extreme, for example in hot and cold deserts, photosynthetic organisms can be driven into and under substrates where light is still sufficient for photosynthesis. These communities exhibit no detectable surface spectral signature to indicate life. The same is true of the assemblages of photosynthetic organisms at more than a few metres depth in water bodies. These communities are widespread and dominate local photosynthetic productivity. We review known cryptic photosynthetic communities and their productivity. We link geomicrobiology with observational astronomy by calculating the disk-averaged spectra of cryptic habitats and identifying detectable features on an exoplanet dominated by such a biota. The hypothetical cryptic photosynthesis worlds discussed here are Earth-analogs that show detectable atmospheric biomarkers like our own planet, but do not exhibit a discernable biological surface feature in the disc-averaged spectrum.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, Astrobiology (TBP) - updated Table 1, typo in detectable O2 correcte
