1,624 research outputs found

    Automorphisms of shift spaces and the Higman - Thompson groups : the one-sided case

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    Funding: The authors are all grateful for support from EPSRC research grant EP/R032866/1; the third author also gratefully acknowledges support from Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant RPG-2017-159.Let 1 ≀ r < n be integers. We give a proof that the group Aut(Xβ„•n,Οƒn) of automorphisms of the one-sided shift on n letters embeds naturally as a subgroup β„‹n of the outer automorphism group Out(Gn,r) of the Higman-Thompson group Gn,r. From this, we can represent the elements of Aut(Xβ„•n,Οƒn) by finite state non-initial transducers admitting a very strong synchronizing condition. Let H ∈ β„‹n and write |H| for the number of states of the minimal transducer representing H. We show that H can be written as a product of at most |H| torsion elements. This result strengthens a similar result of Boyle, Franks and Kitchens, where the decomposition involves more complex torsion elements and also does not support practical a priori estimates of the length of the resulting product. We also explore the number of foldings of de Bruijn graphs and give acounting result for these for word length 2 and alphabet size n. Finally, we offer new proofs of some known results about Aut(Xβ„•n,Οƒn).Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Bi-Amalgamated algebras along ideals

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    Let f:Aβ†’Bf: A\rightarrow B and g:Aβ†’Cg: A\rightarrow C be two commutative ring homomorphisms and let JJ and Jβ€²J' be two ideals of BB and CC, respectively, such that fβˆ’1(J)=gβˆ’1(Jβ€²)f^{-1}(J)=g^{-1}(J'). The \emph{bi-amalgamation} of AA with (B,C)(B, C) along (J,Jβ€²)(J, J') with respect to (f,g)(f,g) is the subring of BΓ—CB\times C given by Aβ‹ˆf,g(J,Jβ€²):={(f(a)+j,g(a)+jβ€²)∣a∈A,(j,jβ€²)∈JΓ—Jβ€²}.A\bowtie^{f,g}(J,J'):=\big\{(f(a)+j,g(a)+j') \mid a\in A, (j,j')\in J\times J'\big\}. This paper investigates ring-theoretic properties of \emph{bi-amalgamations} and capitalizes on previous works carried on various settings of pullbacks and amalgamations. In the second and third sections, we provide examples of bi-amalgamations and show how these constructions arise as pullbacks. The fourth section investigates the transfer of some basic ring theoretic properties to bi-amalgamations and the fifth section is devoted to the prime ideal structure of these constructions. All new results agree with recent studies in the literature on D'Anna-Finocchiaro-Fontana's amalgamations and duplications.Comment: 15 page
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