6,721 research outputs found

    Adaptation of domestic state governance to international governance models

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    The purpose of the article is to provide the evolving international trends of modern management models and authorial vision of model of state governance system in Ukraine, its subsystems, in particular, the system of provision of administrative services that is appropriate for the contemporary times. Methodology. On the basis of scientific and theoretical approaches to the definitions of terms “state governance” and “public governance”, there was an explanation of considerable difference between them and, taking into consideration, the mentality of Ukrainian society and peculiar weak side in self-organization, the authors offered to form authorial model of governance on the basis of historically traditional for Ukraine model of state governance and to add some elements of management concepts that proved their significance, efficiency and priority in practice. Results. The authors emphasized the following two prevailing modern management models in the international practice: “new state management” and “good governance”. The first concept offered for consideration served as a basis for the semantic content of state activity that reflects more the state of administrative reformation. Practical meaning. A practical introduction of management to the domestic model of governance creates the range of contradictions that do not allow implementing herein concept. Pursuant to authors, the second one allows in considerable measure to reform state governance, considering historically developed peculiarities of this model. Moreover, the involvement of concept herein into introduction of informational and communicational technologies in the process of governance eliminates the necessity of power decentralization, it allows to form real net structure and, at the same, to keep vertical power structure, to involve citizens for formation and taking of management decisions, to form electronic communicational channel of feedback, to provide citizens with electronic administrative services. All indicated advantages of the concept certify about the necessity to reform state governance exactly in this field. Meaning/ Distinction. This article raises a question about the significance of formation and sequence of state policy in Ukraine aimed at creating an information-oriented society, space, as well as informational and technological infrastructure

    Net structure of subject-to-subject relations in the management of the system of administrative services provision

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    The purpose of the work is to form the net structure of management of the system of administrative services provision on the basis of implementation of subject-to-subject interactions between state sector and civil society. Methodology. The methodology basis for the investigation is the abstract-logical analysis of theoretical and methodological backgrounds for management of relations and interactions. For the theoretical generalization and formation of net structure, there are used scientific recommendations of Ukrainian scientists regarding the necessity to implement subject-to-subject relations in the system of administrative services provision. Results. The investigations allowed confirming that the hierarchical structure of the state governance system does not give an opportunity to implement equal interaction between a subject of provision and a subject of an appeal as these relations have one – way communication and the feedback channel has a formal character. Moreover, the civil society is not considered by state sector to be a source of methods and ways to develop the system of state governance, in particular, the management system of administrative services provision. Practical meaning. The net structure of management will allow implementing the subject-subject relations in the system, under which the actions of the subject of provision – that means state sector – will be directed to the realization of rights and interests of the subjects of appeal. In their turn, apart from the performance of all legislative responsibilities that they should perform, they can carry out activities directed to the development of management activity in the system of administrative services provision and the whole system of state governance as an integral system of management. Meaning/Distinction. The provided model of the net structure will allow involving citizens in the processes of state governance and increasing the impact of the civil sector during the making of state and management decisions and, as a result, to confirm subject-to-subject positions in the relations

    Are Britain’s railways costing too much? Perspectives based on TFP comparisons with British Rail: 1963-2002.

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    Following the Hatfield accident in October 2000, the cost of running Britain’s railways has increased very sharply, leading to considerable debate about whether current cost levels are reasonable. This paper seeks to inform this debate by assessing post-Hatfield cost and TFP levels (2000/01 to 2001/02) against the historical precedents set by British Rail and the early experience of the newly-privatised industry (1963 to 1999/00). The results show that industry cash costs rose by 47% between 1999/00, the last financial year before Hatfield, and 2001/02 - but, surprisingly, with train operating costs (TOCs and freight operators) accounting for 42% of this growth. The results also show that the post-Hatfield cost spike is unprecedented when compared against historical benchmarks, indicating that recent cost rises cannot simply be explained by the investment cycle or so-called “bow-wave” effects. Furthermore, according to the preferred models, post-Hatfield productivity levels are lower than at any time over the last four decades. Analysis of long-term data on quality and safety measures indicates that an excessive focus on rail safety may offer part of the explanation for the recent cost growth, with the emphasis on safety also resulting in less attention to punctuality and reliability

    Selecting an Appropriate Express Railway Pavement System Using VIKOR Multi-Criteria Decision Making Model

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    A gigantic evolution has been brought about in the railway transportation by the emergence of the expressways as the most efficient method of carrying passengers within short and medium interurban distances. Various types of expressway pavements have been offered during the recent years. A considerable amount of the repair and maintenance costs in railroad sector is allocated to the constituents forming the pavements. No thorough and precise research has been so far conducted on the railroad expressways featuring traffics with speeds over 250 km/h and the extant information have merely been trivial changes in the procedures existent for speeds below 200 km/h and these are not deemed of much use and applicability. Thus, the current research paper is devoted to the investigation and selection of express railways pavement system design using VIKOR method. The evaluations indicate that the commencement of the first high-speed train work in 1964 in Japan marked a turning point in the railroad passenger transportation in the world. The development of the high-speed railway transportation is enumerated as an important revolution helping the railroads retake their crucial role in passenger transportation in such a way that it is found overtaking the roadway and aerial transportation and even exposing some airlines to real crisis. The high-speed railroad is undergoing an intensive expansion worldwide and as a safe, sound and sustainable transportation system, it has well proved its role in the social and economic development of the nations

    Strategies for maintenance management of railway track assets

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    M.Ing. (Engineering Management)Abstract: Population growth and environmental issues are revitalizing the railway sector in a tremendous way. An increase in frequency of passenger traffic and rising loads of freight trains has an impact on dynamic railway track properties and components thereof. The challenge from the railway fraternity is to rise to the challenge by ensuring a safe, reliable and affordable mode of transport. The purpose of this research is to investigate the capacity needed to meet demand by maintaining the track components of the railway infrastructure cost effectively. The railway track is the most critical in terms of safety, influence on maintenance costs, availability and reliability of the train service. Profillidis (2012) highlights the fact that track maintenance expenses represent a significant percentage of total railway infrastructure expenses. In literature, different maintenance strategies, approaches and concepts are discussed in light with arguments raised by different scholars and researchers. The main research methodology utilised was the case study on maintenance strategies from different countries where data was mostly available. The reason for the chosen method was to standardise the research method across different countries as this made it easy to obtain the findings and arrive at recommendations of the research. The broader findings from different maintenance strategies were that the track maintenance approach still has to evolve from working in silos to working in a system that acknowledges that decisions taken from other departments can affect the quality of maintenance in future. The deterioration of the track system is mostly affected by the initial quality of the railway track after commissioning due to workmanship and track design, maintenance approach, type of rolling stock tonnages, speed of rolling stock, and environmental related issues. Design phase of the track acknowledges the systems thinking approach for quality and structural integrity. However, more can still be done to adopt approaches that foster inter-departmental coordination in the maintenance phase of the railway track asset lifecycle. Transnet faces a challenge of fulfilling its obligation by providing quality and cost effective maintenance to increase the reliability, affordability, availability and safety of its infrastructure with the ever-increasing freight volumes. The traditional approach of maintaining railway track assets does not bring in required outcomes that ensure high quality and cost effective maintenance as required by high intensity asset utilisation. Data collected from the..

    Fiscal risks and the quality of fiscal adjustment in Hungary

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    The government of Hungary has contained the main fiscal risks of the transition to a market economy. It has paid off and resolved most problems in the banking and enterprise sectors. Since 1995 it has implemented fiscal adjustment with the objective of long-term fiscal stability rather than an immediate deficit target. The main result has been pension reform, which has raised temporary deficits but reduced the long-term public liability. Only the health sector awaits the reform needed for long-term fiscal stability. Levels of government spending, budget deficits, and public service remain high, but the government has made great progress toward rationalizing public spending and improving the management of budget and off-budget fiscal risks. In the transition, the government has taken on new fiscal risks--mainly state guarantees and growing programs of credit and guarantee agencies (operating on behalf of the government) organized after privatization to support, first, industries and, later, exporters. The government has dealt with these new programs of contingent government support prudently and transparently, with reasonable ceilings on (and reporting of) risks. Hungary is likely to face pressure for additional spending. Priorities in fiscal policy should include reforming health financing, establishing checks on hidden subsidies in guarantee programs, and determining the government's optimal exposure to risk. In terms of institutions, the government should aim to create a more flexible, responsive budget process and greater capacity to analyze medium-term fiscal risks, to build a more results-oriented budget management system, and to improve mechanisms for sharing risk between the public and private sectors under government programs.Insurance&Risk Mitigation,Banks&Banking Reform,International Terrorism&Counterterrorism,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Financial Crisis Management&Restructuring,Banks&Banking Reform,National Governance,Insurance&Risk Mitigation,Municipal Financial Management,Financial Crisis Management&Restructuring

    RAILPAG: Railway Project Appraisal Guidelines

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    The RAILPAG (Railway Project Appraisal Guidelines) aim at providing a common framework for the appraisal of railway projects across the EU. They are the result of a similar harmonisation exercise as that carried out under TINA (Transport Infrastructure Needs Assessment) for transport projects in general in the Accession countries in 1999. The TINA Guidelines were adopted by the UN-ECE1 in 2003. The guidelines have been prepared following an initiative of the European Investment Bank. The EIB has received financial support from the European Commission (DGTREN) and technical support from experts representing DGTREN, other international financial institutions (IFIs) and the key associations of the rail industry, integrated in a Steering Committee. This report has mainly been carried out by the services of the EIB and has benefitted from some background work carried out by CENIT, Center for Innovation in Transport of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, and Dr. Nils Bruzelius. This report is intended to be the first step towards a comprehensive harmonised methodology for appraisal of rail investments in the EU and, eventually, in countries of the European Neighbourhood area. To further develop this framework, the EIB will continue to work closely with the European Commission, the other institutions that have participated in this exercise and other interested parties. EIB will maintain an internet site (www.railpag.com) where updated versions of the Guidelines and new appraisal tools as well as other relevant documents, on-going research and comments will be posted. The objective is to achieve, in the medium term, a consensus on a harmonised detailed appraisal procedure that would be used by project promoters to present their projects to the European Commission and to the IFIs for funding and, eventually, by planning services of public administration, rail infrastructure managers, rail companies and their consultants as a continuously updated reference to guide their appraisal work.Postprint (published version