462 research outputs found

    Close-Range Sensing and Data Fusion for Built Heritage Inspection and Monitoring - A Review

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    Built cultural heritage is under constant threat due to environmental pressures, anthropogenic damages, and interventions. Understanding the preservation state of monuments and historical structures, and the factors that alter their architectural and structural characteristics through time, is crucial for ensuring their protection. Therefore, inspection and monitoring techniques are essential for heritage preservation, as they enable knowledge about the altering factors that put built cultural heritage at risk, by recording their immediate effects on monuments and historic structures. Nondestructive evaluations with close-range sensing techniques play a crucial role in monitoring. However, data recorded by different sensors are frequently processed separately, which hinders integrated use, visualization, and interpretation. This article’s aim is twofold: i) to present an overview of close-range sensing techniques frequently applied to evaluate built heritage conditions, and ii) to review the progress made regarding the fusion of multi-sensor data recorded by them. Particular emphasis is given to the integration of data from metric surveying and from recording techniques that are traditionally non-metric. The article attempts to shed light on the problems of the individual and integrated use of image-based modeling, laser scanning, thermography, multispectral imaging, ground penetrating radar, and ultrasonic testing, giving heritage practitioners a point of reference for the successful implementation of multidisciplinary approaches for built cultural heritage scientific investigations

    Non-destructive means and methods for structural diagnosis of masonry arch bridges

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    Within the precepts defended by the International Charter of Kraków, this paper aims at presenting a fully non-destructive multidisciplinary approach able to characterize masonry bridges at three different levels: i) geometrical level; ii) material level and; iii) structural level. To this end, this approach integrates the terrestrial laser scanner, the sonic and impact-echo methods, the ground penetrating radar and the multichannel analysis of surface waves. All these data are combined with reverse engineering procedures, allowing the creation of suitable as-built CAD models for advanced numerical simulations. Then, these numerical models are contrasted and updated through the data provided by the ambient vibration tests. To validate the methodology proposed in this paper, the Roman bridge of Avila was used as study case. This bridge shows a complex mixture of constructive techniques (masonry, cohesive material, Opus Caementicium and reinforced concrete). Thus, the numerical model was considered for performing predictive structural analysis.Junta of Castilla y León | Ref. SA075P1


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    Masonry arch bridges are an important part of architectural historical heritage. Their presence is a characteristic feature of the Italian and European landscape. A large number of research and studies about. This theme have been produced in literature during time. Regarding Venetian bridges, except for the most famous architectures. Data are lacking given by research results are lacking. A procedure for structural identification and for the evaluation of the material mechanical characteristics for historical masonry bridges is here presented with the aim of their conservation and restoration. The procedure, based on experimental measurements and numerical analyses, requires, at first, the measurements of the bridge\u2019s fundamental frequencies, then, through the calibration of bridge FE Model, allows the estimation of the average materials characteristics. In particular, for the frequency acquisition data, the procedure proposes the use of a compact digital tromograph, a highly sophisticated measuring device, equipped with accelerometric and velocimetric transducers, that allows fast and low cost vibration measurements. Successive analyses, by means of fast Fourier transform, permit to estimate the fundamental frequency of the structure. For one study case the validity of the results obtained is confirmed by making a comparison with a measurement campaign performed using accelerometers as instruments

    Representation Challenges

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    Optimization of survey procedures and application of integrated digital tools for seismic risk mitigation of cultural heritage: The Emilia-Romagna damaged theatres.

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    Starting from current procedures, standards and tools for seismic damage survey, the research presents an integrated workflow for seismic damage documentation and survey applied to historic theatres in the Emilia-Romagna region damaged by the 2012 earthquake. The 2012 earthquake highlighted the fragility of the cultural heritage and underscored the lack of proactive conservation and management of historic assets. The research starts by analysing Agenzia Regionale per la Ricostruzione della Regione Emilia-Romagna- ARRER’s requests, which had found criticalities in applying the current Mic (Ministero della Cultura) procedures for the damage survey of complex types: the A-DC form for churches and the B-DP form for buildings. Using the two types of forms highlighted the lack of ad hoc tools for complex architectural styles such as castles, cemeteries and theatres, resulting in the loss of quantitative and qualitative information necessary for knowledge, conservation and thus management of the reconstruction process. As a result of these considerations, national and international standards of integrated documentation, existing digital databases for cataloguing and classification of cultural property, and seismic risk management were studied to develop a workflow of integrated procedures for seismic damage survey on the specific assigned case study: Regional Historic Theaters affected by the 2012 earthquake. The research used the holistic and interdisciplinary approach of integrated documentation to develop the integrated procedural workflow to enhance and optimise seismic damage detection operations in the case study. In providing a workflow of integrated procedures for the prevention and mitigation of hazards related to potential states of emergency, both natural and anthropic, the research follows an “extensive” methodological approach to test the survey outside the Emilia crater. The methodological framework led to the critical-comparative analysis, divided into two levels: the first involved studying critical issues in the B-DP form, mainly used in the 2012 theatre survey. The second level covered the techniques - laser scanning, digital photogrammetry - and integrated survey methodologies applied during the in-depth investigations for repair and restoration work. The critical-comparative analysis and morpho-typological study led to the development of an integrated procedural flow to survey damage in historic theatres. It is aimed at systematising and optimising the stages of damage documentation. The workflow consists of three information levels: L1. Screening level for the visual survey; L2 survey level defines the 3D acquisition steps for the geometric-dimensional study by theatres. The BIM L3 Plus level guides implementing the level of knowledge of parametric HBIM models for documentation, management and monitoring of historic theatres

    Numerical model and seismic structural analysis of the lamberti tower

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical ConstructionsMasonry towers are relevant typology buildings in the Italian built heritage, due to their widespread in the territory and the important historic value that they have. The history shows emblematic examples of the consequences of their structural vulnerability. In fact only a few of these structures survived until today and the majority of the ancient high towers in Italy are no longer present. The high structural risk of high masonry tower justified detailed studies and carefully planned remedial measures. The present Master Thesis project focuses on the Lamberti Tower, a medieval masonry tower with a height of 84 m located in Verona, northern Italy. The work starts by describing the research that was already done on the tower and that was made available. Then, a numerical model of the structure was built to be able to simulate its behavior. Two different models were prepared with 3D elements based on the Finite Element Method. In the specific case of the towers, the simplicity of the structure allows to create models that replicate well their thickness and the materials present without using too many elements. For this reason, a simple model composed by 3D composite beams was made, which allows future analysis using time history analysis. The second model is more detailed and was defined using 3D solid elements, which make it mode adequate for static analysis. In order to update the Finite Element (FE) models dynamic identification has been carried out on May 29th, 2013. The aim of the acquisitions was to define the modal parameters (natural frequencies and mode shapes) of the building. The numerical results, obtained from the structural eigenvalue analysis of the solid model, were compared with the experimental values and it was observed that the first adopted physical properties were not acceptable, possibly due to the boundary conditions. For this reason a modal updating, for the 3D solid mesh, was performed to validate the models and the modal assurance criterion (MAC) was calculated. The model built showed a behavior similar to the real tower, but a deeper investigation is recommended, especially for what concern the material parameters of the different types of masonry that compose the structure and the boundary conditions. At the end of this work the 3D beam model and 3D the solid model were used for a subsequent nonlinear static (pushover) analysis for a first seismic assessment purpose. The strain distribution found showed that when the tower reaches considerable displacements, a failure mechanism with rotation at the base of the tower was clearly defined.Torres são edifícios de alvenaria tipologia relevantes no património edificado italiano, devido à sua ampla no território e do valor histórico importante que eles tenham. A história mostra exemplos emblemáticos das conseqüências de sua vulnerabilidade estrutural. De facto, apenas algumas destas estruturas e sobreviveram até hoje a maioria das torres altas antigos em Itália não estão mais presentes. O alto risco estrutural de alta torre de alvenaria justifica estudos detalhados e cuidadosamente planejado de medidas correctivas. A presente Dissertação de Mestrado projecto centra-se na Torre Lamberti, uma torre medieval de alvenaria com uma altura de 84 m localizado em Verona, norte da Itália. O trabalho começa por descrever a pesquisa que já foi realizado na torre e que foi disponibilizado. Em seguida, um modelo numérico de a estrutura foi construída para ser capaz de simular o seu comportamento. Dois modelos diferentes foram elaboradas com elementos 3D baseados no Método dos Elementos Finitos. No caso específico, as torres, a simplicidade da estrutura permite que a criação de modelos que replicam bem a sua espessura e os materiais presentes, sem o uso de muitos elementos. Por esta razão, um modelo simples, composta por vigas mistas 3D foi efectuada, o que permite uma futura análise utilizando a análise de histórico de tempo. O segundo modelo é mais detalhado e foi definida utilizando elementos sólidos 3D, que o tornam adequado para a análise do modo estático. Para atualizar o Elementos Finitos (FE) modelos de identificação dinâmica foi realizada em 29 de maio de 2013. O objetivo das aquisições foi para definir os parâmetros modais (freqüências naturais e modos de vibração) do edifício. Os resultados numéricos obtidos a partir da análise do modelo sólido eigenvalor estrutural, foram comparados com os valores experimentais e observou-se que as primeiras propriedades físicas adoptadas não foram aceitáveis, possivelmente devido às condições de contorno. Por esta razão, foi realizado um modal de atualização, para a malha 3D sólido, para validar os modelos ea garantia modal critério (MAC) foi calculado. O modelo construído apresentou um comportamento semelhante ao real torre, mas uma investigação mais profunda é recomendada, especialmente para os que dizem respeito aos parâmetros materiais dos diferentes tipos de alvenaria que compõem a estrutura e as condições de contorno. No final deste trabalho, o modelo 3D de feixe e do modelo sólido em 3D foram utilizados para uma análise não linear estático (influenciável) subsequente para um primeiro objectivo sísmica. A distribuição da tensão encontrada mostraram que quando a torre atinge deslocamentos consideráveis, um mecanismo de falha com rotação na base da torre foi claramente definida.Le torri in muratura rappresentano una tipologia strutturale importante nel patrimonio architettonico italiano, per l’ampia diffusione sul territorio e per il valore storico che rivestono. In passato vi sono stati esempi emblematici della loro vulnerabilità strutturale. Solo alcune di queste costruzioni, infatti, sono sopravvissute fino ad oggi e la maggior parte delle prominenti torri medievali sono scomparse. L’elevato rischio strutturale delle torri giustifica l’elevato numero di studi effettuati e delle avanzate misure d’intervento e di consolidamento pianificate. Il presente progetto di tesi di Master si focalizza sulla Torre dei Lamberti, una torre medievale in muratura alta 84 m e ubicata nel centro storico della città di Verona, in Italia settentrionale. Nella parte iniziale dell’elaborato vi è la descrizione di una relazione precedente realizzata e resa disponibile da uno studio ingegneristico italiano. Dopo una descrizione dello stato dell’arte della Torre è stato definito un modello numerico per simulare il comportamento della struttura. Due differenti modelli sono stati elaborati con elementi 3D basati sul metodo agli elementi finiti. Nello specifico caso delle torri, la relativa semplicità strutturale permette di creare modelli che replicano in modo efficace il loro spessore e le loro caratteristiche dei materiali senza l’uso di troppi elementi. Per questa ragione, un semplice modello costituito da elementi beam 3D è stato realizzato, il quale permette di eseguire future analisi dinamiche non lineari. Il secondo modello, più dettagliato, è stato definito usando elementi solidi 3D, il che lo rende più adeguato per delle analisi strutturali statiche. Con lo scopo di affinare i vari modelli agli elementi finiti (FE) ottenuti, il giorno 29 Maggio 2013 sono state effettuate della prove di identificazione dinamica sulla Torre dei Lamberti. Lo scopo delle acquisizioni è stato quello di definire i parametri modali della struttura (frequenze proprie e funzioni di forma). I risultati numerici, ottenuti dall’analisi agli autovalori del modello con elementi brick, sono stati confrontati con i valori sperimentali ed è stato possibile osservare che le proprietà fisiche inizialmente adottate non erano accettabili, probabilmente per le condizioni al contorno considerate. Per questa ragione, è stata eseguita una calibrazione sulla mesh del modello 3D con elementi brick per validare i differenti modelli, ed è stato infine calcolato il “modal assurance criterion” (MAC). Il modello realizzato ha mostrato un comportamento simile a quello reale della torre, anche se sarebbe consigliata un’indagine più approfondita, soprattutto per quanto concerne i parametri dei materiali che costituiscono i diversi tipi di muratura della struttura e pure per le condizioni al contorno della torre. Nella parte conclusiva di questo elaborato il modello beam 3D e il modello con elementi solidi 3D sono stati utilizzati per un’analisi statica non lineare (pushover) al fine di ottenere una prima valutazione simica.La distribuzione delle deformazioni ottenuta ha evidenziato che, quando la struttura raggiunge spostamenti considerevoli, è chiaramente individuato un meccanismo di rottura con una rotazione alla base della torre

    Geotechnical Engineering for the Preservation of Monuments and Historic Sites III

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    The conservation of monuments and historic sites is one of the most challenging problems facing modern civilization. It involves, in inextricable patterns, factors belonging to different fields (cultural, humanistic, social, technical, economical, administrative) and the requirements of safety and use appear to be (or often are) in conflict with the respect of the integrity of the monuments. The complexity of the topic is such that a shared framework of reference is still lacking among art historians, architects, structural and geotechnical engineers. The complexity of the subject is such that a shared frame of reference is still lacking among art historians, architects, architectural and geotechnical engineers. And while there are exemplary cases of an integral approach to each building element with its static and architectural function, as a material witness to the culture and construction techniques of the original historical period, there are still examples of uncritical reliance on modern technology leading to the substitution from earlier structures to new ones, preserving only the iconic look of the original monument. Geotechnical Engineering for the Preservation of Monuments and Historic Sites III collects the contributions to the eponymous 3rd International ISSMGE TC301 Symposium (Naples, Italy, 22-24 June 2022). The papers cover a wide range of topics, which include:   - Principles of conservation, maintenance strategies, case histories - The knowledge: investigations and monitoring - Seismic risk, site effects, soil structure interaction - Effects of urban development and tunnelling on built heritage - Preservation of diffuse heritage: soil instability, subsidence, environmental damages The present volume aims at geotechnical engineers and academics involved in the preservation of monuments and historic sites worldwide

    Representation Challenges

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    Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are technological domains that closely interact with space at architectural and urban scale in the broader ambits of cultural heritage and innovative design. The growing interest is perceivable in many fields of knowledge, supported by the rapid development and advancement of theory and application, software and devices, fueling a pervasive phenomenon within our daily lives. These technologies demonstrate to be best exploited when their application and other information and communication technology (ICT) advancements achieve a continuum. In particular, AR defines an alternative path to observe, analyze and communicate space and artifacts. Besides, AI opens future scenarios in data processing, redefining the relationship between man and computer. In the last few years, the AR/AI expansion and relationship have raised deep transdisciplinary speculation. The research experiences have shown many cross-relations in Architecture and Design domains. Representation studies could arise an international debate as a convergence place of multidisciplinary theoretical and applicative contributions related to architecture, city, environment, tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage. This book collects 66 papers and identify eight lines of research that may guide future developments