21 research outputs found

    Lumbar Spine Location in Fluoroscopic Images by Evidence Gathering

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    Low back pain (LBP) is a very common problem and lumbar segmental instability is one of the causes. It is important to investigate lumbar spine movement in order to understand instability better and as an aid to diagnosis. Digital videofluoroscopy provides a method of quantifying the motion of individual vertebrae, but due to the relatively poor image quality, it is difficult and time consuming to locate landmarks manually, from which the kinematics can be calculated. Some semi-automatic approaches have already been developed but these are still time consuming and require some manual interaction. In this paper we apply the Hough transform (HT) to locate the lumbar spinal segments automatically. The HT is a powerful tool in computer vision and it has good performance in noise and partial occlusion. A recent arbitrary shape representation avoids problems inherent with tabular representations in the generalised HT (GHT) by describing shapes using a continuous formulation. The target shape is described by a set of Fourier descriptors, which vote in an accumulator space from which the object parameters of translation (including the x and y direction), rotation and scale can be determined. At present, this algorithm has been applied to the images of lumbar spine, and has been shown to provide satisfactory results. Further work will concentrate on reducing the computational time for real-time application, and on approaches to refine information at the apices, given initialisation by the new HT method

    Automatic Lumbar Vertebrae Segmentation in Fluoroscopic Images via Optimised Concurrent Hough Transform

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    Low back pain is a very common problem in the industrialised countries and its associated cost is enormous. Diagnosis of the underlying causes can be extremely difficult. Many studies have focused on mechanical disorders of the spine. Digital videofluoroscopy (DVF) was widely used to obtain images for motion studies. This can provide motion sequences of the lumbar spine, but the images obtained often suffer due to noise, exacerbated by the very low radiation dosage. Thus determining vertebrae position within the image sequence presents a considerable challenge. In this paper, we show how our new approach can automatically detect the positions and borders of vertebrae concurrently, relieving many of the problems experienced in other approaches. First, we use phase congruency to relieve difficulty associated with threshold selection in edge detection of the illumination variant DVF images. Then, our new Hough transform approach is applied to determine the moving vertebrae, concurrently. We include optimisation via a genetic algorithm as without it the extraction of moving multiple vertebrae is computationally daunting. Our results show that this new approach can indeed provide extractions of position and rotation which appear to be of sufficient quality to aid therapy and diagnosis of spinal disorders

    A scintillating plastic fiber tracking detector for neutron and proton imaging and spectroscopy

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    We report the results of recent calibration data analysis of a prototype scintillating fiber tracking detector system designed to perform imaging, spectroscopy and particle identification on 20 to 250 MeV neutrons and protons. We present the neutron imaging concept and briefly review the detection principle and the prototype description. The prototype detector system records ionization track data on an event-by-event basis allowing event selection criteria to be used in the off-line analysis. Images of acrylic phantoms from the analysis of recent proton beam calibrations (14 to 65 MeV range) are presented as demonstrations of the particle identification, imaging and energy measurement capabilities. The measured position resolution is c 500 pm. The measured energy resolution (AE/E, FWHM) is 14.2% at 35 MeV. An effective technique for track identification and data compression is presented. The detection techniques employed can be applied to measurements in a variety of disciplines including solar and atmospheric physics, radiation therapy and nuclear materials monitoring. These applications are discussed briefly as are alternative detector configurations and future development plans

    Pattern classification using a linear associative memory

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    Pattern classification is a very important image processing task. A typical pattern classification algorithm can be broken into two parts; first, the pattern features are extracted and, second, these features are compared with a stored set of reference features until a match is found. In the second part, usually one of the several clustering algorithms or similarity measures is applied. In this paper, a new application of linear associative memory (LAM) to pattern classification problems is introduced. Here, the clustering algorithms or similarity measures are replaced by a LAM matrix multiplication. With a LAM, the reference features need not be separately stored. Since the second part of most classification algorithms is similar, a LAM standardizes the many clustering algorithms and also allows for a standard digital hardware implementation. Computer simulations on regular textures using a feature extraction algorithm achieved a high percentage of successful classification. In addition, this classification is independent of topological transformations

    Robust and Real Time Detection of Curvy Lanes (Curves) with Desired Slopes for Driving Assistance and Autonomous Vehicles

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    One of the biggest reasons for road accidents is curvy lanes and blind turns. Even one of the biggest hurdles for new autonomous vehicles is to detect curvy lanes, multiple lanes and lanes with a lot of discontinuity and noise. This paper presents very efficient and advanced algorithm for detecting curves having desired slopes (especially for detecting curvy lanes in real time) and detection of curves (lanes) with a lot of noise, discontinuity and disturbances. Overall aim is to develop robust method for this task which is applicable even in adverse conditions. Even in some of most famous and useful libraries like OpenCV and Matlab, there is no function available for detecting curves having desired slopes , shapes, discontinuities. Only few predefined shapes like circle, ellipse, etc, can be detected using presently available functions. Proposed algorithm can not only detect curves with discontinuity, noise, desired slope but also it can perform shadow and illumination correction and detect/ differentiate between different curves.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, published in International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (AIRCC Publishing Corporation

    The application of the Hough transform to the detection of parallel straight lines

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    In this paper we study the principal problems posed by the application of the Hough Transform to small scale images . We show that the discretization of image space makes the distribution of parameters in the Hough space non-homogeneous and non-equiprobable . One solution to this defect, which is accentuated by picture limitations, is presented in the case of the detection of straight lines . This method of correction allows the rapid detection of parallel straight lines on a square scan window . We also present an application in the framework of a project for finding the road network on a map .Nous prĂ©sentons dans cette communication les principaux problĂšmes posĂ©s par l'application de la TransformĂ©e de Hough (TH) sur une image de dimensions rĂ©duites . Nous abordons le problĂšme de la discrĂ©tisation de l'espace image qui rend la distribution des paramĂštres dans l'espace de Hough non homogĂšne et non Ă©quiprobable. Une solution est alors prĂ©sentĂ©e, dans le cas de la dĂ©tection de droites, afin de corriger cet effet, accentuĂ© lorsque les dimensions de l'image sont rĂ©duites . Cette mĂ©thode de correction permet la dĂ©tection de droites parallĂšles sur une fenĂȘtre de balayage carrĂ©e . Enfin, nous montrons une application dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche du rĂ©seau routier sur une carte gĂ©ographique