7 research outputs found

    Modular Curves Of Genus 2

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    We prove that there is only a finite number of genus 2 curves C defined over Q such that there exists a nonconstant morphism pi:X_1(N) --->C defined over Q and the jacobian of C, J(C), is a Q-factor of the new part of the jacobian of X_1(N), J_1(N)^{new}. Moreover, we prove that there are only 149 genus two curves of this kind with the additional requeriment that their jacobians are Q-simple. We determine the corresponding newforms and present equations for all these curves

    Cropping Euler factors of modular L-functions

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    According to the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjectures, if A/Q is an abelian variety, then its L-function must capture a substantial part of the properties of A. The smallest number field L where A has all its endomorphisms defined must also play a role. This article deals with the relationship between these two objects in the specific case of modular abelian varieties Af =Q associated to weight 2 newforms for the group t1(N). Specifically, our goal is to relate ords=1 L(Af =Q, s), with the order at s D 1 of Euler products restricted to primes that split completely in L. This is attained when a power of Af is isogenous over Q to the Weil restriction of the building block of Af . We give separated formulae for the CM and non-CM cases.Postprint (published version

    Sur le nombre de points rationels des variétés abéliennes sur les corps finis

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    Le polynôme caractéristique d'une variété abélienne sur un corps fini est défini comme étant celui de son endomorphisme de Frobenius. La première partie de cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude des polynômes caractéristiques de variétés abéliennes de petite dimension. Nous décrivons l'ensemble des polynômes intervenant en dimension 3 et 4, le problème analogue pour les courbes elliptiques et surfaces abéliennes ayant été résolu par Deuring, Waterhouse et Rück.Dans la deuxième partie, nous établissons des bornes supérieures et inférieures sur le nombre de points rationnels des variétés abéliennes sur les corps finis. Nous donnons ensuite des bornes inférieures spécifiques aux variétés jacobiennes. Nous déterminons aussi des formules exactes pour les nombres maximum et minimum de points rationnels sur les surfaces jacobiennes.The characteristic polynomial of an abelian variety over a finite field is defined to be the characteristic polynomial of its Frobenius endomorphism. The first part of this thesis is devoted to the study of the characteristic polynomials of abelian varieties of small dimension. We describe the set of polynomials which occur in dimension 3 and 4; the analogous problem for elliptic curves and abelian surfaces has been solved by Deuring, Waterhouse and Rück.In the second part, we give upper and lower bounds on the number of points on abelian varieties over finite fields. Next, we give lower bounds specific to Jacobian varieties. We also determine exact formulas for the maximum and minimum number of points on Jacobian surfaces.AIX-MARSEILLE2-Bib.electronique (130559901) / SudocSudocFranceF