28 research outputs found

    Correlated shadowing and fading characterization of MIMO off-body channels by means of multiple autonomous on-body nodes

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    In off-body communication systems low-cost and compact transceivers are important for realistic applications. An autonomous off-body wireless node was designed and integrated onto a textile antenna. Channel measurements were performed for an indoor non line-off-sight 4x2 MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) link using four off-body transmitting nodes and two similar fixed receiving nodes. The channel behavior is characterized as Rayleigh fading with lognormal shadowing and is fitted to a model determining fading and shadowing correlation matrices. The physics of the propagation is captured accurately by the model which is further used to simulate a link using diversity by means of Selection Combining, as implemented on the wireless nodes. The performance of measured and simulated links is compared in terms of outage probability level. The measurements and analysis confirm that the correlated shadowing and fading model is relevant for realistic off-body networks employing diversity by means of Selection Combining

    Shadow fading cross-correlation of multi-frequencies in curved subway tunnels

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    Radio propagation characteristics in curved tunnels are important for designing reliable communications in subway systems. In this paper, shadow fading is characterized, and cross-correlation property of shadow fading for different frequency bands is investigated based on empirical measurements. The measurements were conducted in two types of curved subway tunnels with 300 m and 500 m radii of curvatures at 980 MHz, 2400 MHz, and 5705 MHz, respectively. The impact of antenna polarization and propagation environment on shadow fading correlation at the receiver is evaluated. It is found that shadow fading with horizontal polarized antenna exhibits less correlation than with vertical polarized antenna. Strong independence of shadowing correlation and tunnel type is observed. Furthermore, a heuristic explanation of the particular shadowing correlation property in subway tunnel is presented

    Impact of Correlated Failures in 5G Dual Connectivity Architectures for URLLC Applications

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    Achieving end-to-end ultra-reliability and resiliency in mission critical communications is a major challenge for future wireless networks. Dual connectivity has been proposed by 3GPP as one of the viable solutions to fulfill the reliability requirements. However, the potential correlation in failures occurring over different wireless links is commonly neglected in current network design approaches. In this paper, we investigate the impact of realistic correlation among different wireless links on end-to-end reliability for two selected architectures from 3GPP. In ultra-reliable use-cases, we show that even small values of correlation can increase the end-to-end error rate by orders of magnitude. This may suggest alternative feasible architecture designs and paves the way towards serving ultra-reliable communications in 5G networks.Comment: Accepted in 2019 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps

    LAPRA: Location-aware Proactive Resource Allocation

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    Today’s indoor wireless networks employ reactive resource allocation methods to provide fair and efficient usage of the communication system. However, their reactive nature limits the quality of service (QoS) that can be offered to the user locations within the environment. In large crowded areas (airports, conferences), networks can get congested and users may suffer from poor QoS. To mitigate this, we propose and evaluate a location-aware user-centric proactive resource allocation approach (LAPRA), in which the users are proactive and seek good channel quality by moving to locations where the signal quality is good. As a result, the users and their locations are optimized to improve the overall QoS. We demonstrate that the proposed proactive approach enhances the user QoS and improves network throughput of the system

    Fixed Rank Kriging for Cellular Coverage Analysis

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    Coverage planning and optimization is one of the most crucial tasks for a radio network operator. Efficient coverage optimization requires accurate coverage estimation. This estimation relies on geo-located field measurements which are gathered today during highly expensive drive tests (DT); and will be reported in the near future by users' mobile devices thanks to the 3GPP Minimizing Drive Tests (MDT) feature~\cite{3GPPproposal}. This feature consists in an automatic reporting of the radio measurements associated with the geographic location of the user's mobile device. Such a solution is still costly in terms of battery consumption and signaling overhead. Therefore, predicting the coverage on a location where no measurements are available remains a key and challenging task. This paper describes a powerful tool that gives an accurate coverage prediction on the whole area of interest: it builds a coverage map by spatially interpolating geo-located measurements using the Kriging technique. The paper focuses on the reduction of the computational complexity of the Kriging algorithm by applying Fixed Rank Kriging (FRK). The performance evaluation of the FRK algorithm both on simulated measurements and real field measurements shows a good trade-off between prediction efficiency and computational complexity. In order to go a step further towards the operational application of the proposed algorithm, a multicellular use-case is studied. Simulation results show a good performance in terms of coverage prediction and detection of the best serving cell

    Spatial Wireless Channel Prediction under Location Uncertainty

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    Spatial wireless channel prediction is important for future wireless networks, and in particular for proactive resource allocation at different layers of the protocol stack. Various sources of uncertainty must be accounted for during modeling and to provide robust predictions. We investigate two channel prediction frameworks, classical Gaussian processes (cGP) and uncertain Gaussian processes (uGP), and analyze the impact of location uncertainty during learning/training and prediction/testing, for scenarios where measurements uncertainty are dominated by large-scale fading. We observe that cGP generally fails both in terms of learning the channel parameters and in predicting the channel in the presence of location uncertainties.\textcolor{blue}{{} }In contrast, uGP explicitly considers the location uncertainty. Using simulated data, we show that uGP is able to learn and predict the wireless channel