2,522 research outputs found

    Quantifying Bounds in Strategy Logic

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    Program synthesis constructs programs from specifications in an automated way. Strategy Logic (SL) is a powerful and versatile specification language whose goal is to give theoretical foundations for program synthesis in a multi-agent setting. One limitation of Strategy Logic is that it is purely qualitative. For instance it cannot specify quantitative properties of executions such as "every request is quickly granted", or quantitative properties of trees such as "most executions of the system terminate". In this work, we extend Strategy Logic to include quantitative aspects in a way that can express bounds on "how quickly" and "how many". We define Prompt Strategy Logic, which encompasses Prompt LTL (itself an extension of LTL with a prompt eventuality temporal operator), and we define Bounded-Outcome Strategy Logic which has a bounded quantifier on paths. We supply a general technique, based on the study of automata with counters, that solves the model-checking problems for both these logics

    Towards an Effective Decision Procedure for LTL formulas with Constraints

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    This paper presents an ongoing work that is part of a more wide-ranging project whose final scope is to define a method to validate LTL formulas w.r.t. a program written in the timed concurrent constraint language tccp, which is a logic concurrent constraint language based on the concurrent constraint paradigm of Saraswat. Some inherent notions to tccp processes are non-determinism, dealing with partial information in states and the monotonic evolution of the information. In order to check an LTL property for a process, our approach is based on the abstract diagnosis technique. The concluding step of this technique needs to check the validity of an LTL formula (with constraints) in an effective way. In this paper, we present a decision method for the validity of temporal logic formulas (with constraints) built by our abstract diagnosis technique.Comment: Part of WLPE 2013 proceedings (arXiv:1308.2055

    An interval logic for higher-level temporal reasoning

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    Prior work explored temporal logics, based on classical modal logics, as a framework for specifying and reasoning about concurrent programs, distributed systems, and communications protocols, and reported on efforts using temporal reasoning primitives to express very high level abstract requirements that a program or system is to satisfy. Based on experience with those primitives, this report describes an Interval Logic that is more suitable for expressing such higher level temporal properties. The report provides a formal semantics for the Interval Logic, and several examples of its use. A description of decision procedures for the logic is also included

    Linear Encodings of Bounded LTL Model Checking

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    We consider the problem of bounded model checking (BMC) for linear temporal logic (LTL). We present several efficient encodings that have size linear in the bound. Furthermore, we show how the encodings can be extended to LTL with past operators (PLTL). The generalised encoding is still of linear size, but cannot detect minimal length counterexamples. By using the virtual unrolling technique minimal length counterexamples can be captured, however, the size of the encoding is quadratic in the specification. We also extend virtual unrolling to Buchi automata, enabling them to accept minimal length counterexamples. Our BMC encodings can be made incremental in order to benefit from incremental SAT technology. With fairly small modifications the incremental encoding can be further enhanced with a termination check, allowing us to prove properties with BMC. Experiments clearly show that our new encodings improve performance of BMC considerably, particularly in the case of the incremental encoding, and that they are very competitive for finding bugs. An analysis of the liveness-to-safety transformation reveals many similarities to the BMC encodings in this paper. Using the liveness-to-safety translation with BDD-based invariant checking results in an efficient method to find shortest counterexamples that complements the BMC-based approach.Comment: Final version for Logical Methods in Computer Science CAV 2005 special issu

    A Partitioning Algorithm for Detecting Eventuality Coincidence in Temporal Double recurrence

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    A logical theory of regular double or multiple recurrence of eventualities, which are regular patterns of occurrences that are repeated, in time, has been developed within the context of temporal reasoning that enabled reasoning about the problem of coincidence. i.e. if two complex eventualities, or eventuality sequences consisting respectively of component eventualities x0, x1,....,xr and y0, y1, ..,ys both recur over an interval k and all eventualities are of fixed durations, is there a subinterval of k over which the occurrence xp and yq for p between 1 and r and q between 1 and s coincide. We present the ideas behind a new algorithm for detecting the coincidence of eventualities xp and yq within a cycle of the double recurrence of x and y. The algorithm is based on the novel concept of gcd partitions that requires the partitioning of each of the incidences of both x and y into eventuality sequences each of which components have a duration that is equal to the greatest common divisor of the durations of x and y. The worst case running time of the partitioning algorithm is linear in the maximum of the duration of x and that of y, while the worst case running time of an algorithm exploring a complete cycle is quadratic in the durations of x and y. Hence the partitioning algorithm works faster than the cyclical exploration in the worst case

    Tableau-based decision procedure for the multi-agent epistemic logic with operators of common and distributed knowledge

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    We develop an incremental-tableau-based decision procedure for the multi-agent epistemic logic MAEL(CD) (aka S5_n (CD)), whose language contains operators of individual knowledge for a finite set Ag of agents, as well as operators of distributed and common knowledge among all agents in Ag. Our tableau procedure works in (deterministic) exponential time, thus establishing an upper bound for MAEL(CD)-satisfiability that matches the (implicit) lower-bound known from earlier results, which implies ExpTime-completeness of MAEL(CD)-satisfiability. Therefore, our procedure provides a complexity-optimal algorithm for checking MAEL(CD)-satisfiability, which, however, in most cases is much more efficient. We prove soundness and completeness of the procedure, and illustrate it with an example.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2008
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