6 research outputs found

    On the Equivalence among Problems of Bounded Width

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    In this paper, we introduce a methodology, called decomposition-based reductions, for showing the equivalence among various problems of bounded-width. First, we show that the following are equivalent for any α>0\alpha > 0: * SAT can be solved in O∗(2αtw)O^*(2^{\alpha \mathrm{tw}}) time, * 3-SAT can be solved in O∗(2αtw)O^*(2^{\alpha \mathrm{tw}}) time, * Max 2-SAT can be solved in O∗(2αtw)O^*(2^{\alpha \mathrm{tw}}) time, * Independent Set can be solved in O∗(2αtw)O^*(2^{\alpha \mathrm{tw}}) time, and * Independent Set can be solved in O∗(2αcw)O^*(2^{\alpha \mathrm{cw}}) time, where tw and cw are the tree-width and clique-width of the instance, respectively. Then, we introduce a new parameterized complexity class EPNL, which includes Set Cover and Directed Hamiltonicity, and show that SAT, 3-SAT, Max 2-SAT, and Independent Set parameterized by path-width are EPNL-complete. This implies that if one of these EPNL-complete problems can be solved in O∗(ck)O^*(c^k) time, then any problem in EPNL can be solved in O∗(ck)O^*(c^k) time.Comment: accepted to ESA 201

    The Set Cover Conjecture and Subgraph Isomorphism with a Tree Pattern

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    In the Set Cover problem, the input is a ground set of n elements and a collection of m sets, and the goal is to find the smallest sub-collection of sets whose union is the entire ground set. The fastest algorithm known runs in time O(mn2^n) [Fomin et al., WG 2004], and the Set Cover Conjecture (SeCoCo) [Cygan et al., TALG 2016] asserts that for every fixed epsilon>0, no algorithm can solve Set Cover in time 2^{(1-epsilon)n} poly(m), even if set sizes are bounded by Delta=Delta(epsilon). We show strong connections between this problem and kTree, a special case of Subgraph Isomorphism where the input is an n-node graph G and a k-node tree T, and the goal is to determine whether G has a subgraph isomorphic to T. First, we propose a weaker conjecture Log-SeCoCo, that allows input sets of size Delta=O(1/epsilon * log n), and show that an algorithm breaking Log-SeCoCo would imply a faster algorithm than the currently known 2^n poly(n)-time algorithm [Koutis and Williams, TALG 2016] for Directed nTree, which is kTree with k=n and arbitrary directions to the edges of G and T. This would also improve the running time for Directed Hamiltonicity, for which no algorithm significantly faster than 2^n poly(n) is known despite extensive research. Second, we prove that if p-Partial Cover, a parameterized version of Set Cover that requires covering at least p elements, cannot be solved significantly faster than 2^n poly(m) (an assumption even weaker than Log-SeCoCo) then kTree cannot be computed significantly faster than 2^k poly(n), the running time of the Koutis and Williams\u27 algorithm

    Tight Algorithms for Connectivity Problems Parameterized by Clique-Width

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    Towards Exact Structural Thresholds for Parameterized Complexity

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    Parameterized complexity seeks to optimally use input structure to obtain faster algorithms for NP-hard problems. This has been most successful for graphs of low treewidth, i.e., graphs decomposable by small separators: Many problems admit fast algorithms relative to treewidth and many of them are optimal under the Strong Exponential-Time Hypothesis (SETH). Fewer such results are known for more general structure such as low clique-width (decomposition by large and dense but structured separators) and more restrictive structure such as low deletion distance to some sparse graph class. Despite these successes, such results remain "islands" within the realm of possible structure. Rather than adding more islands, we seek to determine the transitions between them, that is, we aim for structural thresholds where the complexity increases as input structure becomes more general. Going from deletion distance to treewidth, is a single deletion set to a graph with simple components enough to yield the same lower bound as for treewidth or does it take many disjoint separators? Going from treewidth to clique-width, how much more density entails the same complexity as clique-width? Conversely, what is the most restrictive structure that yields the same lower bound? For treewidth, we obtain both refined and new lower bounds that apply already to graphs with a single separator X such that G-X has treewidth at most r = ?(1), while G has treewidth |X|+?(1). We rule out algorithms running in time ?^*((r+1-?)^k) for Deletion to r-Colorable parameterized by k = |X|; this implies the same lower bound relative to treedepth and (hence) also to treewidth. It specializes to ?^*((3-?)^k) for Odd Cycle Transversal where tw(G-X) ? r = 2 is best possible. For clique-width, an extended version of the above reduction rules out time ?^*((4-?)^k), where X is allowed to be a possibly large separator consisting of k (true) twinclasses, while the treewidth of G - X remains r; this is proved also for the more general Deletion to r-Colorable and it implies the same lower bound relative to clique-width. Further results complement what is known for Vertex Cover, Dominating Set and Maximum Cut. All lower bounds are matched by existing and newly designed algorithms

    36th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science: STACS 2019, March 13-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany

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    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volum