167 research outputs found

    Polynomial Delay Algorithm for Listing Minimal Edge Dominating sets in Graphs

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    The Transversal problem, i.e, the enumeration of all the minimal transversals of a hypergraph in output-polynomial time, i.e, in time polynomial in its size and the cumulated size of all its minimal transversals, is a fifty years old open problem, and up to now there are few examples of hypergraph classes where the problem is solved. A minimal dominating set in a graph is a subset of its vertex set that has a non empty intersection with the closed neighborhood of every vertex. It is proved in [M. M. Kant\'e, V. Limouzy, A. Mary, L. Nourine, On the Enumeration of Minimal Dominating Sets and Related Notions, In Revision 2014] that the enumeration of minimal dominating sets in graphs and the enumeration of minimal transversals in hypergraphs are two equivalent problems. Hoping this equivalence can help to get new insights in the Transversal problem, it is natural to look inside graph classes. It is proved independently and with different techniques in [Golovach et al. - ICALP 2013] and [Kant\'e et al. - ISAAC 2012] that minimal edge dominating sets in graphs (i.e, minimal dominating sets in line graphs) can be enumerated in incremental output-polynomial time. We provide the first polynomial delay and polynomial space algorithm that lists all the minimal edge dominating sets in graphs, answering an open problem of [Golovach et al. - ICALP 2013]. Besides the result, we hope the used techniques that are a mix of a modification of the well-known Berge's algorithm and a strong use of the structure of line graphs, are of great interest and could be used to get new output-polynomial time algorithms.Comment: proofs simplified from previous version, 12 pages, 2 figure

    On maximal chain subgraphs and covers of bipartite graphs

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    In this paper, we address three related problems. One is the enumeration of all the maximal edge induced chain subgraphs of a bipartite graph, for which we provide a polynomial delay algorithm. We give bounds on the number of maximal chain subgraphs for a bipartite graph and use them to establish the input-sensitive complexity of the enumeration problem. The second problem we treat is the one of finding the minimum number of chain subgraphs needed to cover all the edges a bipartite graph. For this we provide an exact exponential algorithm with a non trivial complexity. Finally, we approach the problem of enumerating all minimal chain subgraph covers of a bipartite graph and show that it can be solved in quasi-polynomial time

    Efficiently Enumerating Hitting Sets of Hypergraphs Arising in Data Profiling

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    We devise an enumeration method for inclusion-wise minimal hitting sets in hypergraphs. It has delay O(mk* +1 · n2) and uses linear space. Hereby, n is the number of vertices, m the number of hyperedges, and k* the rank of the transversal hypergraph. In particular, on classes of hypergraphs for which the cardinality k* of the largest minimal hitting set is bounded, the delay is polynomial. The algorithm solves the extension problem for minimal hitting sets as a subroutine. We show that the extension problem is W[3]-complete when parameterised by the cardinality of the set which is to be extended. For the subroutine, we give an algorithm that is optimal under the exponential time hypothesis. Despite these lower bounds, we provide empirical evidence showing that the enumeration outperforms the theoretical worst-case guarantee on hypergraphs arising in the profiling of relational databases, namely, in the detection of unique column combinations

    Enumerating Maximal Induced Subgraphs

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    Given a graph G, the maximal induced subgraphs problem asks to enumerate all maximal induced subgraphs of G that belong to a certain hereditary graph class. While its optimization version, known as the minimum vertex deletion problem in literature, has been intensively studied, enumeration algorithms were only known for a few simple graph classes, e.g., independent sets, cliques, and forests, until very recently [Conte and Uno, STOC 2019]. There is also a connected variation of this problem, where one is concerned with only those induced subgraphs that are connected. We introduce two new approaches, which enable us to develop algorithms that solve both variations for a number of important graph classes. A general technique that has been proven very powerful in enumeration algorithms is to build a solution map, i.e., a multiple digraph on all the solutions of the problem, and the key of this approach is to make the solution map strongly connected, so that a simple traversal of the solution map solves the problem. First, we introduce retaliation-free paths to certify strong connectedness of the solution map we build. Second, generalizing the idea of Cohen, Kimelfeld, and Sagiv [JCSS 2008], we introduce an apparently very restricted version of the maximal (connected) induced subgraphs problem, and show that it is equivalent to the original problem in terms of solvability in incremental polynomial time. Moreover, we give reductions between the two variations, so that it suffices to solve one of the variations for each class we study. Our work also leads to direct and simpler proofs of several important known results

    A view from infinity of the uniform infinite planar quadrangulation

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    We introduce a new construction of the Uniform Infinite Planar Quadrangulation (UIPQ). Our approach is based on an extension of the Cori-Vauquelin-Schaeffer mapping in the context of infinite trees, in the spirit of previous work. However, we release the positivity constraint on the labels of trees which was imposed in these references, so that our construction is technically much simpler. This approach allows us to prove the conjectures of Krikun pertaining to the "geometry at infinity" of the UIPQ, and to derive new results about the UIPQ, among which a fine study of infinite geodesics.Comment: 39 pages, 11 figure

    The Tensor Track, III

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    We provide an informal up-to-date review of the tensor track approach to quantum gravity. In a long introduction we describe in simple terms the motivations for this approach. Then the many recent advances are summarized, with emphasis on some points (Gromov-Hausdorff limit, Loop vertex expansion, Osterwalder-Schrader positivity...) which, while important for the tensor track program, are not detailed in the usual quantum gravity literature. We list open questions in the conclusion and provide a rather extended bibliography.Comment: 53 pages, 6 figure

    The combinatorics of the colliding bullets problem

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    The finite colliding bullets problem is the following simple problem: consider a gun, whose barrel remains in a fixed direction; let (Vi)1in(V_i)_{1\le i\le n} be an i.i.d.\ family of random variables with uniform distribution on [0,1][0,1]; shoot nn bullets one after another at times 1,2,,n1,2,\dots, n, where the iith bullet has speed ViV_i. When two bullets collide, they both annihilate. We give the distribution of the number of surviving bullets, and in some generalisation of this model. While the distribution is relatively simple (and we found a number of bold claims online), our proof is surprisingly intricate and mixes combinatorial and geometric arguments; we argue that any rigorous argument must very likely be rather elaborate.Comment: 29 page